Happy Birthday!
It's your birthday, Mike.
Hey killer. How's thangs?
I owe you a shot to the nuts.
happy birthday Gary Groas. hope you have a good, not Groas, Day
Thanks! But yeah I think the hardest part about BLM is learning the patterns of the fight and planning your casts around it lol. Can't tell you how many times in 2.X I'd be learning a fight, pop swiftcast and then the boss disappears before Flare goes off
psst squobs what BLM rotation are you doing? I've been doing Enochian -> F3 -> F4-> F4-> F1-> F4-> F4-> B3-> T1-> B4 -> circle back to F3 but it doesn't feel right, also one little thing goes wrong and I don't have enough time to keep Astral Fire up. I play around with bursting swiftcast -> flare -> convert-> sharpcast -> F1 -> F3 at the end when its off cooldown but idk, I feel like my deeps are cutting it lol
Remember that time when we got shade from Eric Clapton? Well, add Kim Wilde to the list.
Master of PYREX
The Anti Mosher
Happy Hop!
Nobody's Hero
can we sleep now?