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About royanzalone
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Roy Anzalone
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I know what game (Final Fantasy, of course) I can play to rest and refresh my head after studying. So I registered here to find new friends and read tips to improve my skills in the game. I also discovered apps that can make it easier to write various papers.

There are a lot of resources available to students in the modern digital age that can facilitate their learning. No longer will students have to slog through cumbersome word processors and mountains of handwritten notes to complete their papers. As a result of technological advancements, there are a plethora of apps for college students that can guide them in developing papers that are organized, logical, and well-written. These apps include a variety of tools to improve writing for students of all academic levels, including tools to check spelling and grammar, create citations, and work together on projects. Let's take a look at a few top applications that students can use to compose their papers. These apps will provide you with all the tools you need to make your writing process easier and better.

Grammarly: The Writing Sidekick You Never Knew You Needed

My top pick is Grammarly, the best writing assistant for students. Anyone looking to enhance their writing abilities can benefit from Grammarly, not only English majors. This program is like having a personal editor that checks your work for typos and grammatical mistakes.

You won't believe it, though! In addition to checking for spelling and grammar mistakes, Grammarly provides feedback on how to improve your sentences and vocabulary. The experience is similar to having a personal editor at your beck and call. On top of that, there is an add-on for your browser that can scan all of your online and social media posts for errors. Eliminate those cringe-worthy errors from your tweets!

Citation Machine: The Lifesaver for Bibliography Woes

Putting together a bibliography isn't always fun, to be honest. You could feel overwhelmed trying to remember everything from the correct style of formatting to making sure you have all the information you need. Citation Machine is a lifesaver in that situation.

A number of citation styles, including Chicago, APA, and MLA, can be generated using this handy tool. Entering the title, author, and publication date of your sources is all that's required. Citation Machine can automatically generate properly styled citations. Eliminating the need to manually correct spacing and italicization saves valuable time. Making a bibliography is a snap when you have this app on your side.

Google Docs: Where Collaboration Meets Convenience

Everyone has been in a group project where they needed to provide input and make changes to different parts of the document. Sending and receiving emails with different versions is a huge pain and a huge time waster. Google Docs, the rescuer of group work, has arrived.

In Google Docs, numerous people can collaborate on a single document at the same time. Working together is a snap because you can observe each other's updates in real time. Never again will you have to cope with competing versions or guess who made which adjustments. On top of that, all you need is an internet-connected device to access your documents. Those days of carrying around bulky USB devices or emailing yourself papers are over.

Evernote: The Digital Notebook That Keeps You Organized

The study process would not be complete without taking notes. But come on, it may be a real pain to keep track of all those handwritten notes. Therein lies the usefulness of Evernote. Imagine it as a digital notebook that neatly organizes and makes everything easy to find.

You can easily discover specific information when you need it by creating separate notebooks for each subject or activity with Evernote. If you want your notes even more organized, you may use tags. The most exciting aspect? Your notes are always accessible because they sync with all of your devices.


Students in today's lightning-fast digital environment can make their academic lives easier with the plethora of resources available to them. Apps like this aim to improve students' writing by doing things like finding grammar mistakes, making citations, and making it easier for them to work together.

If you have access to such fantastic tools, why not use them? Your writing will improve dramatically after using Grammarly. With Citation Machine, you won't have to worry about citations anymore. Use Google Docs for smooth collaboration and Evernote for note organization.

Adding these apps for college students to your writing regimen will help you save time while simultaneously improving the quality of your papers. Now is the time to try them out and see how much more your writing can achieve!
Phila, PA
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