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Thread: Ultima Weapon HELP!!!

  1. #1
    Cezanzo's Avatar
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    Default Ultima Weapon HELP!!!

    Please help me! How do you kill Ultima Weapon? I know Squall's limit really helps, but I cant stay alive long enough to even get close to killing him. I'm level 89, and what can I do to kill him?!

  2. #2


    basically all i did was cast Aura on Squall. Make sure you have his Lionheart. I was lucky i think cuz the first time i used squall's limit break he used lionheart on the first try and did 9999 damage each shot and he died instantly.
    All you have to do is at the beginning of the battle, cast Doomtrain on the boss and follow up by casting haste on everyone, then aura. Use everyone's limit breask especially squall's. it would also be smart to cast triple on at least 1 character so he/she can heal everyone at once. So basically all you have to do is use limit breaks and heal and revive whenever needed.

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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by hplvr View Post
    basically all i did was cast Aura on Squall. Make sure you have his Lionheart. I was lucky i think cuz the first time i used squall's limit break he used lionheart on the first try and did 9999 damage each shot and he died instantly.
    All you have to do is at the beginning of the battle, cast Doomtrain on the boss and follow up by casting haste on everyone, then aura. Use everyone's limit breask especially squall's. it would also be smart to cast triple on at least 1 character so he/she can heal everyone at once. So basically all you have to do is use limit breaks and heal and revive whenever needed.
    Thats what I did and it killed him quickly

  4. #4
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    One attack that you can prevent entirely is his Quake spell. Junction 100 Quake to Elem-Def.

    Don't forget to draw Eden as well. It's the most powerful GF and you don't want to win an incredibly hard battle and then have to restart all over again.

    You can also Mug a Three Stars from Ultima Weapon, but I recommend that you don't Mug him and get 100 Ultima Stones instead for winning the battle.

  5. #5
    Unlimited Hentai Works Twilight Edge's Avatar
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    I was lucky to have got Squall on critical and Rinoa used Invincible Moon. I nailed Lionheart and he died instantly(9999 damage per hit). Of course, that was after Rinoa and Squall was revived by Angelo revive and phoenix down and Zell drew Eden.

  6. #6


    of course, it helps also if you have 255 strength and 9999 hp as well.
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  7. #7

    Wink The Weapon Lion Heart if you have ?????

    Quote Originally Posted by Cezanzo View Post
    Please help me! How do you kill Ultima Weapon? I know Squall's limit really helps, but I cant stay alive long enough to even get close to killing him. I'm level 89, and what can I do to kill him?!
    Use limit break with Squall and hit every trigger if lion heart comes up you will win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    'Gabby Hayes' big Bart's Friend Milhouse's Avatar
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    Learn Alexander's Revive and make sure to junction it

  9. #9
    Dance Macabre The Anarchy Angel's Avatar
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    summon Cerberus, triple aura, triple regen, triple protect, triple shell, triple meltdown. Then wreak some serious havoc and you'll probably never have to heal, I didn't have the lionheart when I did it and still managed to get Ultima into submission first time. If you're having character trouble, take Zell to be sure 'coz he can't half reel off some numbers.

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  10. #10
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Go kill Omega Weapon first. If you achieve that, Ultima Weapon should be ok.

    But I reckon you would need help with the former, but that is for another thread in another time.

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