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Thread: Silent Hill 3

  1. #1

    Default Silent Hill 3

    I didn't see any fresh threads for this series (Unless I missed them and they were right out in the open...if that's the case, then sorry), but I doubt that there will be any new topics on it seeing as how it was made years ago...
    Anyway, I was wondering how many SH3 fans there are out there, and what your accomplishments were in this game. I myself only mangaged to beat it in the space of 2-3 hours...That's probably my best accomplishment right there. I may go for another speed run through the game tomorrow to see what I can get, though. Any thoughts on this old game?

  2. #2


    While I dont prefer it to SH2, SH3 is a very very good game. The story was great, the atmosphere was great. I didnt feel much for the characters but everything else makes that irrelavent.

    Im currently playing through the original again ( on my psp :D ), maybe I might revisit the third after.

  3. #3


    My only accomplisment was beating it. I really didn't like it at all. The main thing I play Silent Hill for is the story, and SH3 offered very little new material. The whole thing felt like it's mission was to dumb down and explain the first game for those that didn't get it. All fresh material was only to conclude their attempt at explaining SH1.

    On the otherhand, the game still:

    ~ Was the most terrifyingly intense of the series for me
    ~ Has an amazing soundtrack

  4. #4
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Germ Hamee View Post
    The main thing I play Silent Hill for is the story
    Hmm, I like the stories in the games and all, but they aren't the reason I play a horror game. Personally I'm out to get scared crapless which is why the SH series is the best horror series around in my eyes, with SH3 being the most creepy, screw with your head game in the series. This is also why SH2 is probably my least favourite overall. It wasn't all that creepy, so even though it had the best story in the series, it didn't make up for it. Different strokes eh?

    My best accomplishment, though, will be if I ever manage to play through it a second time. After the first time it was awhile before I had the nerve to try it again, and now I just don't have time for it.

  5. #5
    RX Queen Recognized Member kikimm's Avatar
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    Whoa I was just thinking about this game last night! I think. Anyways, I love Silent Hill 3. It's second only to Silent Hill 2 for me. I looooved the story, and all the characters, Vincent especially. I was obsessed with him for quite some time.

    And like Germ Hamee said, the soundtrack is wonderful. A Stray Child is one of my favourite songs. Really great stuff in that game. The inclusion of the soundtrack with the game made me so happy. I wish all games did that.
    --Box Box Box Box

  6. #6


    well it's a GR8 Game
    everyone should try it
    accomplishments ?
    not much !
    I only follow the game faq - pity >.<!
    PS3 owner, but not played RPG yet (teh) :sweatdrop

  7. #7
    it's not fun, don't do it Moon Rabbits's Avatar
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    I haven't beat it yet, but it is my favourite SH. Why? Heather and the monsters. Although, I would have liked if the monsters had metaphorical explanations as in the previous two games.

    Closers <3

  8. #8
    Make love not lust Yew-Yevon's Avatar
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    Grait game, grait graphics, Its still scary today.

    accomplishments ? I aquired the "Sexy Beam" that thing is deadly!

  9. #9
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Germ Hamee View Post
    My only accomplisment was beating it. I really didn't like it at all. The main thing I play Silent Hill for is the story, and SH3 offered very little new material. The whole thing felt like it's mission was to dumb down and explain the first game for those that didn't get it. All fresh material was only to conclude their attempt at explaining SH1.
    I agree that Silent Hill 3 could've been a tad bit more mysterious, but who really understood everything that happened in SH1 without reading it on the internet? Sure, some is understandable, but most (if not all) were left with lots of unanswered questions at the end of SH3. But yeah, I wish SH3 was a bit more mysterious.

    I really liked the puzzle in the Hospital in SH3, and I also liked the horror house in the amusement park I found SH3 a bit easy, but that's maybe because I had just played SH1 and SH2. I wish the parts outside the puzzles would be a bit harder, but not the strength of the monsters or lack of ammo or anything like that. Just more challenges around the place, like with finding/using/combining stuff. I don't know.

    I didn't really care for any of the characters, though. Well, except Heather.

    Great game. I hope nr. 5 comes soon.

  10. #10


    Oh i loved that game.
    I think back to when i played it and i cant remember why, but since i played it i always branded it as "one of the best games ive ever played"

    So yea i dunno why but its one of the best games i have ever played

    I dont remember it to much, I can remember one moment in an abandoned hospital(i think) a room,with a big mirror showing the room back at you... ill leave it there, just go and play the game people

    Accomplishments? Hmm well alot of people use FAQ's and guides nowdays, it seems pretty common to do so. I dont use FAQ's+guides so thats all i can put foward for that.

  11. #11
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aybabtu View Post
    I dont remember it to much, I can remember one moment in an abandoned hospital(i think) a room,with a big mirror showing the room back at you... ill leave it there, just go and play the game people
    That whole hospital, and that room in particular stand as one of my favourite moments in gaming. I'm not sure anything's ever creeped me out like that place.

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