This sexuality has received a somewhat infamous label through the years, and while I do understand the reason, I still don't think the sexuality in itself necessarily is anything *bad*.
Granted, I don't think an underage kiddo should have sexual relationships either, at least not if they are uncomfortable about it.
BUT, I still maintain that the sexuality should be respected, because pedophiles can't help that they are sexually attracted to an "improper" type of people.
I actually feel sorry for them; being sexually attracted to someone you "shouldn't" or "can't" have a relationship with sounds terrible.

To be perfectly honest, I'm a bit of a hebephile myself, because I usually find 14-year-old girld very attractive, and I'm sure lots of other guys my age do it as well.
I see nothing wrong about this, so long as I treat them respectfully and don't go overboard in any way.
The fault about this sexuality is the fact that SOME pedophiles go overboard a lot, and using a child is, of course, totally unacceptable, whatever the reasons.
But we must keep in mind this only concerns a PART of the pedophiles in general; being sexually attracted to children doesn't automatically make you a pervert, it just means you're attracted to children, and some pedophiles might even dislike it themselves.
They dare not confess to their families, because although they would (hopefully) accept it, they're terrified as to what consequences it might result in.

I think pedophilia and hebephilia has earned a deeper understanding; the sexualities are, indeed, very tricky, but they should still be respected as much as possible.