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Thread: History Question

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    Hide your wallet The Shoeless Hobo's Avatar
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    I've heard a few people say that the CIA helped kill Che Guevara. If this was true, what would their motive be?

  2. #2
    toothpaste kisses Resha's Avatar
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    He helped Castro in Cuba, didn't he? And then he moved on to...Bolivia? Probably the association with Castro/Cuba itself made the USA view him a Commie; whether he was or wasn't, I don't really know. They were probably afraid that he'd spark off more Communist revolutions in South America, which is the USA's "backyard", so to speak. Monroe Doctrine or something, I think. (Not sure!) And they would have pulled out the same old tricks, the Domino Theory, after Cuba fell the rest of South America would fall to the great evil that is Communism. Ergo, the CIA conveniently dispose of him. It's plausible; they usually work by proxy, anyways.

    I think.
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    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I've heard a few people say that the CIA helped kill Che Guevara. If this was true, what would their motive be?


  4. #4


    From what I know about Guevara (which is not much), Resha's basically right. Former CIA agent Phil Agee was quoted as saying:?

    "There was no person more feared by the company that Che Guevara because he had the capacity and charisma necessary to direct the struggle against the against the political repression of the traditional hierarchies in power in the countries of Latin America."

    Quote Originally Posted by Resha
    Monroe Doctrine or something, I think. (Not sure!)
    Kind of, the Roosevelt Corollary (which is really just a tweaking of the Monroe Doctrine) is probably more relevant.

  5. #5
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Che Guevarra or Enesto "che" Guevarra was from south america and trained as a surgeon him and a friend travelled South america and on the way spoke to people and also worked in a lepper colony. He changed over the time and he changed the way the leppers were treated in the lepper colony by the doctors and nurses there. He discovered communism on this trip he made with his best friend and realised that a super state like the USSR would work for South America very well. Each country on it's own was weak and yet together they could be strong enough to support each other and even become a potent force in the world. To learn more of Communism he left his best friend in Caracas to fly to cuba to learn what he could. In cuba he became the freedom fighter (as some call him or rebel as others would) known around the world today. He rose fast and swiftly in the ranks of Castro's government. To be honest little is known of Che (he dropped the first name of Ernesto and used his nick name Che all the time by this point.) beyond this it's rumoured he was performing operations in South America to try and start the communist movement there. The fact that he relied so much on Castro in this indicates that should he have suceeded Fidel Castro would have had bases in South America useable to strike other locations in the USA other than the obvious Miami region. Ernesto "Che" Guevarra was assasinated by the CIA (assuming it was them since all evidence I have ever found on it has pointed there) it was undoubtedly to stop him from ever succeeding in South America and making both the south american nations and Castro's Cuba stronger.

    I've read several books on the matter of Ernesto "Che" Guevarra and if you watch the movie The Motorcycle Diaries (which is based on the journey made by Ernesto and his best friend from their home in Argentina to Caracas, Venezuala. It was told by his friend and leaves it as Che as he called himself then flying off from Caracas to Cuba to go learn about communism more. The last time his friend ever saw him alive in the flesh) you can learn a lot about his origins and what he did. Of course we will not know for sure if the CIA was responsible for his death or not untill the information is no longer deemed as "A National Security Risk" and released, bearing in mind they can hide that information for 50 years beyond the time they call it a national security risk we may yet know before I grow to be a hundred we may not.
    There are former agents who are certainly quotable as claiming it was the CIA however this could also have been the actions of a local government who considered Che as a terrorist rather than a freedom fighter or by a local corrupted business man/drug lord who took the action to ensure he would never be out of work. Seems like a mystery that will go on for many years I think. I do know that all CIA information pertaining to the incident of Che's death is still considered Classified.

  6. #6
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Because if there were any actual justice and people were properly informed, wearing a shirt of Che would be only a couple of steps below wearing one of Hitler.

    Yes, he was that evil. In fact, I believe the only reason we don't rank him up there with Stalin and Hitler is his simple lack of means - he openly stated that, were the missles in Cuba under Cuban rather than Soviet control during the Cuban Missile Crisis, he'd have nuked the USA - if he were able to, he'd have killed vast numbers of people and enforced a socialist dictatorship over as many as he was able to.

  7. #7
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Che Guevarra did infact begin on a noble cause of unifying south america to improve it's situation however I think as with all men with power it corrupted him, he fell in to the trap of power, a power trap that is especially seen in Communist society where the social elite the top pinacle of the society live in great comfort whilst their people would have to pay for it. The major flaw with communism is it's "Everyone is equal but I am more equal than any of you and all of you put together" Had Che not seen the top stratus of Castro's Cuban regime from the inside I believe he would have been choosing another path for his crusade to unify the south america's rather than the Communist path.

    The man did not start out evil he merely like all the others became corrupted by the power available to him.

  8. #8
    Not responsible for WWI Citizen Bleys's Avatar
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    I smell paranoia. If the CIA had the means to dispose of Guevara, it would have happened long before Bolivia. CIA complicity in Guevara's death is every bit as absurd as people thinking that Lavrentiy Beria was an MI6 agent. The Queen never would have approved of the actions of the NKVD under Beria.

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