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Thread: How to Become a Legend

  1. #1
    Martyr's Avatar
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    Default How to Become a Legend

    Sometimes, a great man may wage war to pull a nation from slavery or oppression.

    Sometimes a great man may work for his whole life to build a device that rockets society into a high tech future.

    Sometimes, evrybody knows who you are and what you did because you have done something so mind-bogglingly stupid that the event must be recorded on an eternal slab.

    I was just eating cake.
    I had cut the slice with a razor sharp, cerrated knife.
    Instead of washing a fork, i decided to just eat off the knife.
    And then there was a brief moment, where there was a particularly large amount of cake on the kinfe, and I realized that I was sticking this razor sharp tool of shredding pretty deep down my throat.
    Calmly, I took it out, not forgetting to clean it of it's cake, and I thought to myself, "Martyr, you could have just killed yourself! Or, at the very least, lost a very useful epiglottis."

    So I had to run over to the computer and post it.

    The question is:

    Have you ever, during a time in your life where you would consider yourself competent, done anything quite so stupid that you could have accidentally killed or seriously wounded yourself for the sake of something like... eating cake with a knife instead of a fork?

    (Or did you kill or seriously injure yourself?)

    I want to know.

  2. #2
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Yes, I killed myself when I was sixteen years old.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Martyr View Post
    Sometimes, a great man may wage war to pull a nation from slavery or oppression.

    Sometimes a great man may work for his whole life to build a device that rockets society into a high tech future.

    Sometimes, evrybody knows who you are and what you did because you have done something so mind-bogglingly stupid that the event must be recorded on an eternal slab.

    I was just eating cake.
    I had cut the slice with a razor sharp, cerrated knife.
    Instead of washing a fork, i decided to just eat off the knife.
    And then there was a brief moment, where there was a particularly large amount of cake on the kinfe, and I realized that I was sticking this razor sharp tool of shredding pretty deep down my throat.
    Calmly, I took it out, not forgetting to clean it of it's cake, and I thought to myself, "Martyr, you could have just killed yourself! Or, at the very least, lost a very useful epiglottis."

    So I had to run over to the computer and post it.

    The question is:

    Have you ever, during a time in your life where you would consider yourself competent, done anything quite so stupid that you could have accidentally killed or seriously wounded yourself for the sake of something like... eating cake with a knife instead of a fork?

    (Or did you kill or seriously injure yourself?)

    I want to know.

    so many times,in so many ways that, if this makes you a legend...

    this makes me a legend amond godly legends that godly legendize in a legendly fatalistic type of godly way where they rape eachother with rubber chicken heads and pray to the legendary gods of cheese if they could legendize my legendly godful legend that makes me a legend amond godly legends that godly legendize in a legendly fatalistic type of godly way where they rape eachother with rubber chicken heads and pray to the legendary gods of cheese if they could legendize my legendly godful legend to forever be a legend in the universe of sovereignty with enteties that entirely legendize essences of my bieng of a legend...twice

  4. #4


    last week i was chopping veg and just missed the cable for the washing machine that i had stupidly left running across the chopping board. that was very close. I also once electrocuted my nads while climbing an electric fence (that was actually quite pleasant)
    'All things are subject to interpretation; whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.' - Nietzsche

  5. #5
    Martyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    Yes, I killed myself when I was sixteen years old.
    Anecdote, please!

  6. #6
    Abandon All Hope Fatal Impurity's Avatar
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    I've done many stupid things...such as joining this site...but seriously though, im too lazy to get a fork so yeah ive done something stupid like eating off a knife plenty of times. It just goes to show that if your careful that it doesnt matter what you do.

  7. #7


    You mean like cutting through the cord while using the electric hedge trimmer...



    I'm a legend because I have input into young people's lives, thereby making a difference.

  8. #8
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    I have a scar. Not gonna go into it.

  9. #9
    ..a Russian mountain cat. Yamaneko's Avatar
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    I ran down a hill while my hands were in my pockets. Good times? Nah.

  10. #10
    I have one of these now Nominus Experse's Avatar
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    Dude, I'm going to jump out my two-story window onto the trampoline that has missing springs! LAWL LAWL LAWL LAWL....

    I wish I was high or drunk at the time of this endeavor, because frankly, it would then give me an excuse as to why I would do such a stupid thing.

  11. #11
    ..a Russian mountain cat. Yamaneko's Avatar
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    My brother once contemplated jumping off the roof of our house into our pool below. He looked down and chickened out.

  12. #12
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Yes I do stupid things. Everyone does at some point or another.

  13. #13


    I climbed a tall tree to jump into a pool that was a good 8-10 feet from the tree.

    I missed the pool completely.

  14. #14
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    I let my mates shove me down the side of a big hill in a shopping trolley, stupidly realising too late that this hill ended in a VERY BUSY at all times day and night junction. I was lucky, I only got hit by a moped the rider was more hurt than me and he got up and rode off.

  15. #15
    CimminyCricket's Avatar
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    I was riding my bike with my friends down a long, noticeably steep hill when I decided that it'd be a great idea to stand on my bike and jump at my friend and tackle him off his bike into the grass.
    I stood up on my bike and jumped at him, but because he was peddling and I wasn't I had slowed down enough that as I flew at him he just whizzed by and I flew, which as I was told later looked rather strange seeing as they weren't expecting it, straight into the ground by myself.
    So, instead of me tackling someone, what they saw was me jumping off my bike straight into the ground.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yamaneko View Post
    I ran down a hill while my hands were in my pockets. Good times? Nah.
    I laughed out loud on that one because I've done that too, only I was possibly older and didn't even think of the possibilities of falling or the need of balance.

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