I can not wait for this movie to open. Primarily, I'm curious to see how well Eli Roth does with a Tarantino script (at least I'm fairly sure Roth is directing "Death Proof" and Rodrigez "Planet Terror", but I could be confused) as they tend to have varying levels of artistic and gratuitously violent content. I'm also wondering how the double feature will compare to other exploitation films. I'm a big fan of Romero, so it'll be interesting to see how the sickos in "Planet Terror" work out.

It's also interesting to see Rose McGowan in the role of Cherry. She hasn't done much of anything that I've been particularly interested in lately, so I'm excited to see what she might have to bring to the table.

And Bruce Willis is making an uncredited cameo in "Planet Terror" so of course that excites me in ways I shouldn't talk about.

Use this thread to talk about Grindhouse, grindhouses you know that might still exist, exploitation films, or to admonish those of us interested in these types of things for our lewdness and debauchery.

Also, what's your favorite exploitation film? I'm partial to Night of the Living Dead, even though it's really depressing, as well as The Last House on the Left, but that's because I'm a vengeful person.

Finally, do you feel that all films of this genre lack any artistic merit whatsoever? I won't argue that the body of Eli Roth's work (notable films include Hostel and Cabin Fever xDDDD) is pretty much cannon fodder for those finding the genre contemptible, but can you really compare those films with great pieces Shaft or The Wild One?

And I just wanted to make a thread.