Ok so I just finished the game and I have heard both complaints and good things about the game. A lot of what people are saying about how the story is negative is legit I mean when you only play the game 2or 3 days a week its very hard to follow the story when there is probably 2 minutes of cutscene for every 2 hours of dungeon exploring. Keep in mind I am not knocking the game I still enjoyed the story just hard to keep up with its complexity when it was so sparse.


Which brings me to the point of this thread. I am very confused as to the nature of the antognist characters are they good/evil? I know that you are going to say that its a war and both sides are neither good nor evil but here is my problem. Ok so Vayne seemed like a good guy at the beginning of the game. His speech in Rabanastre seemed convincing which leads me to believe that origanally he was a good character and also the fact that Larsa supported him through much of his BS also leads me to think that he is a good hearted individual. So I guess my question is... Was he a good character who was just corrupted by Venat? because thats what the story makes it seems like... same goes for Cid. I know he was controlled by Venat but was he origanally such an evil character?

Which brings me to my next point... (sorry people try and follow along) So if indeed they were just being controlled by Venat then why were their evil morals supported by the Archadian empire (such as the judges and their army) unless indeed they were evil too. I mean I know they have to follow their orders but they have to understand that Vayne was slowly losing it and reguardless of him being a leader why would they do the things they did, because as soon as you dispose of Vayne it seems like everyone is on the same side. So are all the antagonists in the game just blindly following orders or do you think that had the same beliefs as Vayne... I am so confused