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Thread: Do you think FF6 is the best Final Fantasy? Why or why not?

  1. #46
    Dark Knight of EOFF darksword12's Avatar
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    I'd have to say no. I'm not super-fond of the way the characters develop (stat-wise). If Cactuars were more common, I'd like it much, much more.

    I think I almost drove Cactuars to extinction once...

    Special thanks to dark_lord for the sig!

  2. #47


    NO because 9 and 10 for me are better, but 6 is still good better than 7.
    Just the way it goes. Maybe 6 had the best characters (maybe)
    They say I learn slow.........
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  3. #48


    I think FFVI is the best because I like it better than the other ones, duh!

  4. #49
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    My thoughts: (long XD)

    I love both FFVI and FFVII dearly. When asked to pick a favorite Final Fantasy game I usually sit and waffle between these two and then finally declare it a tie (FFIV comes in third place, by the way). If really pressed I'll usually pick FFVI over FFVII, if only because I prefer the charm of sprite-based games over the more technical excellence (or, in the case of FFVII, sharp pointy angles ) of polygon based ones.

    Kefka is clearly the better villain to me (I'd go so far as to say the best villain in video games, period, which is saying a lot) and the music in FFVI is also better. FFVII has some great tunes as well but FFVI has the opera. Insti-pwned. I'll also say FFVI has the better story but I'm basing this off of my own personal experience: FFVI I couldn't put down, whereas FFVII I played at a much slower pace because it seemed to lag at times.

    But, FFVI was not as perfect as a lot of people say it was. There were a lot of things about it that irritated me. One of them was the frequency of random battles. That might sound petty or something but man. I almost quit playing the game because of freaking Zozo. Sitting there trying to solve a puzzle and figure things out but you can't get in the right mindset to do so because you're being attacked every three seconds... not my idea of a fun time at all. I guess you could say "That's RPGs for you", maybe it's why I'm not a huge fan of RPGs to begin with, I dunno.

    It's been mentioned that the characters are all rather similar stat-wise and there's not a whole lot of customization, which I agree with, but to be honest the only RPGs I've played where there's really a lot of tangible differences between the characters are the Pokemon games, so... =P

    As far as character development and story are concerned, I dunno, I really liked it overall. I agree that stuff kind of got awkward once you hit the World of Ruin bit, but not enough to deter my interest in it at all. I enjoyed going around from town to town, gathering my party back together. It all seemed to fit together fairly nicely to me, even if it could have been improved.

    I loved the characters in this game a lot, but if given the choice between the characters here and the characters in FFVII, again, I'd be torn. They both had great characters in my opinion. And Cloud/Aerith will always be my OTP but Locke/Celes comes really close

    Anyways now that I've turned this post into a book, I guess what I'm trying to say is: Yes, if it comes down to it, FFVI is indeed my favorite. Is it the best Final Fantasy? Maybe. But to be honest everybody is going to have a different answer, so meh, not a big deal.

  5. #50
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Just doing the main series (no spinoffs or sequesl) I would say FFVI is the best in the series. I don't believe it's perfect but it's few flaws are so minor to me when compared to the good qualities that it just seems stupid to be nitpicky.

    FFVI, for me has quite possibly the best cast ever assembled in an RPG. I honestly don't hate anyone and that's good for me. I usually hate 50 to 90% of most RPG casts nowadays. Except for Umaro and Gogo (I consider them "secret" characters anyway ) I feel every character really brings something to the story. The fact that the game has such powerful scenes in it without having to resort to anything "flashy" shows how powerful the characters and story really were. Previous FF's have moments as well but not the sheer volume that FFVI has. The game really is an opera...

    As for the characters becoming "clones" it really started in FFV and like any game with the "clone" problem. I feel it falls down to the players choice. Yes the option is there but you don't have to do it. Hell, I barely teach magic to half of my party. I aslo feel most of the characters have enough distinctions between them, thanks to their job class abilities, that making them clones is impossible unless you resort to using magic alone.

    The game is a little too easy for my taste but most people act like it's FFVIII bad when it really isn't. Maybe by end-game but what post-FFIV FF isn't ridiculously easy by end game?

    Now I really don't understand what the hang up with the WoR is. I really don't feel like anything else needed to be said after the world was destroyed. and I thank god the game doesn't place you on a smurfing "rail" on how to do everything. I like "freedom" in my games. I also love when my games act like games and not interactive movies (Looks menacingly at FFX ). So the abilitry to "choose" how to go about the story is a plus for me. I feel the WoR is more about the characters finding closure storywise.

  6. #51
    psyniac_123's Avatar
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    Me and girlfriend got a company off a friend not long ago but it was lost until last week and so we're blasting through it currentely.
    But I have to say... WOAH. We're at Zozo (coincidence?) at the story is great and the characters more so.
    THE BATTLE SYSTEM IS LOVE. Gau's Leap and Rage? My GOD ^.^
    ~-x-~ Psyniac ~-x-~
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  7. #52
    Markusdot Markus. D's Avatar
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    I really like it on a story standpoint.

    a little to easy gameplay wise though. I'm up to the extra-dungeons

  8. #53
    ♥ Mayor of Zozo Avarice-ness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psyniac_123 View Post
    Me and girlfriend got a company off a friend not long ago but it was lost until last week and so we're blasting through it currentely.
    But I have to say... WOAH. We're at Zozo (coincidence?) at the story is great and the characters more so.
    THE BATTLE SYSTEM IS LOVE. Gau's Leap and Rage? My GOD ^.^
    Now you may not leave, please leave your hats and relics at the door and be prepared for the slam dancers to give you some burning love, you may not be willing now, but you will accept it all in time. *nods*

    ... This isn't a cult, all you shoo.

    I like how there's cults in this game (NO I DO -NOT- CONSIDER SEPHIROTHS PEOPLE A CULT, They were all -made- to basically be geneticly drawn to sephiroth, Kefka started his own and they all joined because, YOU -KNOW- WHEN YOU HAVE A CLOWN OVERLORD, You better get on his cult. *nod*) Zozo's apparently culty, what's the chance of finding a town full of -just- liars? and then find people who are like "OMG I'M SO GLAD TO BE FREE", which I hope you know he was lying.

    Everyonce in a while we have a "what's true what's not true" day to teach the kids how things work!



    Ohhhhh I love FFVI.
    Last edited by Avarice-ness; 04-08-2007 at 05:09 PM.

  9. #54


    I'm moving to Zozo next winter.

  10. #55
    Gaze Upon the Mega Man! JackNapier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoKuS View Post
    I'm moving to Zozo next winter.
    Excellent choice, I mean, Zozo made FF6 even better! Along with the awesomeness of Kefka that is.

  11. #56
    Zora's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Übel View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LoKuS View Post
    I'm moving to Zozo next winter.
    Excellent choice, I mean, Zozo made FF6 even better! Along with the awesomeness of Kefka that is.

    *Ya, I am alive*

    Anyways as for the villian issue that came up, there can't be one best villian. However one thing I would like to comment is that Sephiroth gets most of his fanbase by those people who fell in love with FFVII (mainly fangirls and fanboys as they are refered to) with a the few people who like Sephiroth for who he actually was. I mean if he was as ugly as sin no one would like him.

    Kefka on the other hand got all of his support simply for being who he was. And that IMO is something that is definitly worth mentioning.

    Anyways IMO FFVI is the best next to FFV (I still have yet to play FFVII, IX, and XI). There is little reason for me to eloborate on beforementioned information told by members above.

    Oh ya, here is a statement that can't be true:

    "I moved from Zozo"

    Since I *come* from Zozo I must be lying, but since I am lying I didn't come from Zozo but then I am telling the truth, but if I am telling the truth I am lying, and I can't be telling the truth AND lying and well you get it.

  12. #57
    Gaze Upon the Mega Man! JackNapier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zora View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Übel View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LoKuS View Post
    I'm moving to Zozo next winter.
    Excellent choice, I mean, Zozo made FF6 even better! Along with the awesomeness of Kefka that is.
    Oh ya, here is a statement that can't be true:

    "I moved from Zozo"

    Since I *come* from Zozo I must be lying, but since I am lying I didn't come from Zozo but then I am telling the truth, but if I am telling the truth I am lying, and I can't be telling the truth AND lying and well you get it.
    Residents of Zozo are crafty like that. Best city of all the FF games IMO.

  13. #58
    ♥ Mayor of Zozo Avarice-ness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zora View Post
    Oh ya, here is a statement that can't be true:

    "I moved from Zozo"

    Since I *come* from Zozo I must be lying, but since I am lying I didn't come from Zozo but then I am telling the truth, but if I am telling the truth I am lying, and I can't be telling the truth AND lying and well you get it.
    Yeah isn't life grand like that? REALLY IN THE END NO ONE LIVES IN ZOZO, it's just a figment of your imagination, but since -I'm- saying that, it's not, but it is!

    It's more so your choice to pick and chose what are the truths and the lies in the entire statement.

  14. #59
    Born to be mild Dr. Acula's Avatar
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    Zozo is my fave city in the game. Such nice people.
    FF6 is my 2nd favourite game in the FF series, after FF7. Kefka was an awesome villian, the characters were all pretty entertaining (except Locke, who just got on my nerves, but I think that's just because he was my brother's favourite character), and, most importantly of all, the game was fun. Very fun indeed.
    Maybe one day I'll get FF9. Most FF6 lovers like it too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    Quin is wrong and LALA is right.

  15. #60


    Zozo is ok. I would have to vote on thamasa, Narshe, or South Figaro though.

    I do like the variety of towns they have in this game. Truly remarkable.

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