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Thread: How strong are you?

  1. #31
    Ogre Araciel's Avatar
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    i tend to believe everyone...who would believe i'm 6'6?!?! but i am so there

  2. #32


    I believe I am very strong, actually. I can certainly lift heavy things, but I broke my shoulder when I was carrying a wash machine (not in one arm, guys)...

  3. #33
    NonPlayableCharacter Enjolras's Avatar
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    Well, I'm quite heavyset and about 6'2 high, so I'm quite physically strong. I have been in a couple of fights in the last year (I'm not proud of it) and won both times, mainly because I can take alot of hits on my big frame, and I can pack quite a solid hit. Both times were somewhat under the influence of alcohol, so there wasn't any fandagled martial arts going on, just headlocking and punching.

  4. #34


    i used to be pretty built for my size, and then i stopped working out. i can hold my own when boxing, and i can take A LOT of hits to the head. my cardio is terrible though. i plan on getting back into shape with some bad-ass cardio to go with it.

  5. #35


    What I find interesting is that this would be the forum
    where you find "super-geeks", but so far everyone seems
    to be weightlifting, boxing and practising Tae Kwon Do.
    Any wishfull thinking going on here?

    Anyways, I used to be pretty strong. Everyone has his sport,
    mine was waterpolo for 6 years. I was struck by pfeiffer last
    year, stopped doing waterpolo, bye muscle tissue.

  6. #36
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    I can't do a single push-up.

  7. #37
    Riana's Avatar
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    I'm not too bad. I can lift heavy things, I am a big girl. :x

    In a fight...I wouldn't know, haven't been in a fight for years.

    A few years ago I used to practice a lot of martial arts, my brother was my sparring partner. We stopped after we got jobs and we just got lazy after that. I really should get back into it.
    A coward dies a thousand deaths. A soldier only dies ONCE

  8. #38
    me likey bread sticks!!! loza's Avatar
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    I'm 'average' in the strength abilty.I'm 15 and 155cm tall ^_^ and over wieght (64kg baby!!!)i'd only fight if provoked e.g someone hits me (wanting to cause damage) OR someone is REALLY REALLY REALLY pissing me off
    if in a fight i MIGHT win but it depends on the person. in bout a year or so i should win because i'm going to gym to lose weight (thus doing wieghts )
    Bottom line is, if someone annoys/hurts me they WILL get kicked, punched, bitch slapped and have their hair pulled

  9. #39
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martyr View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by T-MaN View Post
    I take Tae Kwon Do, LoL, does that count?
    No. Kicking is for cowards.

    And I take everything everybody says here as absolute truth.

    This is one of the few mediums of communication where there are absolutely no consequences, and, therefore, no temptation to lie.

    (SPOILER)Edit: There may possibly be consequences, but still none that would encourage being untruthful.
    Lying doesn't just happen to make oneself seem better than one really is. It can just be for teh lulz.

  10. #40
    Martyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeStyle View Post
    What I find interesting is that this would be the forum
    where you find "super-geeks", but so far everyone seems
    to be weightlifting, boxing and practising Tae Kwon Do.
    Any wishfull thinking going on here?
    Most people aren't claiming strength, just interest in things like boxing (which naturally build your endurance despite physical strength or fitness because of how much you get punched more than how much you lift), and if geeks are anything, they're interested in fighting.

    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Martyr View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by T-MaN View Post
    I take Tae Kwon Do, LoL, does that count?
    No. Kicking is for cowards.

    And I take everything everybody says here as absolute truth.

    This is one of the few mediums of communication where there are absolutely no consequences, and, therefore, no temptation to lie.

    (SPOILER)Edit: There may possibly be consequences, but still none that would encourage being untruthful.
    Lying doesn't just happen to make oneself seem better than one really is. It can just be for teh lulz.
    Actually, I was lying right there.

  11. #41


    Yesterday I arm-wrestled with a girl who has done Tae Kwon Do for three years and I easily won. I don't know if that's something to be proud of or not. Also I let my friend bash me up as much as he could for an hour straight without taking damage.

  12. #42

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    I'll only fight if I get hit first but apart from that never (unless i'm drunk!!)

    My punches my not be powerful but i'm good at hitting pressure points!

  13. #43
    tech spirit
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    Quote Originally Posted by KingdomHeartsKing View Post
    Yesterday I arm-wrestled with a girl who has done Tae Kwon Do for three years and I easily won. I don't know if that's something to be proud of or not. Also I let my friend bash me up as much as he could for an hour straight without taking damage.
    Arm wrestling is a really poor measurement of someone's ability to fight.

    Quote Originally Posted by DeStyle View Post
    What I find interesting is that this would be the forum
    where you find "super-geeks", but so far everyone seems
    to be weightlifting, boxing and practising Tae Kwon Do.
    Any wishfull thinking going on here?
    First, only a fraction of the board members have posted in this thread. Second, all those who aren't particularly strong might not want to post because they have nothing to brag about :p. Third, you can be a training-geek too :p. Fourth, many persons who have an interest in Japanese culture might also be interested in fighting styles from that area, and an FF forum has a larger amount of "Japanophiles" than many other communities :p.
    Last edited by Mirage; 03-27-2007 at 02:09 PM.
    everything is wrapped in gray
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  14. #44
    The Bearded One Tasura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KingdomHeartsKing View Post
    Yesterday I arm-wrestled with a girl who has done Tae Kwon Do for three years and I easily won. I don't know if that's something to be proud of or not. Also I let my friend bash me up as much as he could for an hour straight without taking damage.
    Not really since Tae Kwon Do is more of a kicking martial art than a punching one, so just becuase you beat her in an arm wrestle, means nothing, or little to nothing, it's kind of like saying you beat a sumo wrestler in a foot race.

  15. #45
    Ogre Araciel's Avatar
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    i'm a supergeek

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