Alright, here goes:

Because I can no longer afford to pay the bills and the google ads are sucking, I have decided to accept an offer from an interested party to sell (and satellite sites).

First, I'm sorry if this disappoints you in any way. However, I have worked for the past 9 months for free teaching at a high school and I have very little money. Therefore, I know I cannot continue to pay the server fees or ask for donations every month.

Second, very little will change (hopefully). The buyer is Yusuf Mullan, owner of KHinsider and zeldauniverse (and many other successful sites). He has purchased both of these sites and they're both still effeciently run by the user community. This sale to this person indicates that he has the ability and knowhow to keep online for much longer than I can, and that should be the goal. He is very concerned about maintaining user loyalty and site quality.

The transfer of ownership is already complete, with a forum announcement being the last step. He has asked me to create an admin account for him, but I very much doubt he will make much use of it besides editing templates and whatnot (but who knows).

Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from. This decision, like the dozens of others I have turned away, was not easily reached. I'm not disappearing; I'll probably be around about as much as I have been during the last year. I want to do everything possible to make the transition smooth and quiet.

From what I understand, there will be no staff change (on the site or on the forums) and ads will actually be removed for logged in users (on the forums, at least).

This is not a late April Fools joke. Promise. (Look at the whois info for

If you want to discuss this, please do so in this thread (so we can avoid having 20 threads in General Chat about the subject).