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Thread: 24! No, Lost! No, Heroes! No, Programme x!

  1. #1
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Default 24! No, Lost! No, Heroes! No, Programme x!

    Y'all want to know why I never ever ever ever ever get into the "biggest thing on television"? Because to me it seems everytime something comes along that everyone gets all excited over and start squirting fun-time tears from their eyes, something has already decided to slink onto the screen and demand your time. I can remember way back when when Buffy was the big thing, then it was 24, then Lost etc. etc. It seems to be that attempting to put any time and effort into keeping up with a series will inevitably become pointless as the programmes steadily loses it's viewing figures and gradually slips into mediocraty.

    In short, I really can't be bothered to deal with these serial-type dramas. Can you?

    P.S. Doctor Who doesn't count, since it's awesome and has David "I-would-even-though-I'm-straight" Tennant.
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  2. #2
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    My two favorite shows, and the only ones I ever watch every week, are 24 and Lost. So I guess that answers your question.

  3. #3
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I don't think you can put Buffy or Doctor Who in with the rest of those shows, as they're not really aimed at the same audience. I like 'em both though. Anyway, I'm a Lost man, and no other big drama can sway me.

  4. #4
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I got to watch em! What the hell else am I going to do?

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  5. #5


    I never liked them.
    It looks like the ground had a sex change.

  6. #6


    I keep up with Heroes and Veronica Mars. I'm hopelessly devoted to Battlestar Galactica. I totally lost all interest in Lost, but I still intend to catch up on it eventually since I've been hearing from all over the place that it's picked up again. Despite Lost finally losing me, I still really enjoyed the first season and have no regrets over my brief obsession. As long as I enjoyed it at some point in time, it's worth it.

    So, yes. I can. Also, I loved Buffy from beginning to finish to DVD marathons.

  7. #7
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    I watched and still watch 24.

    Lost and Heroes suck and have always sucked.

  8. #8
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    The only show I go out of my way to watch is Deadliest Catch.

  9. #9
    permanently mitten
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    Buffy was never a ratings success or ever considered to be "big thing" in television. It was very much a cult favorite and alhough it had good critical reviews, it had a pretty small and select audience.

    That being said, I love serialized shows. The investment you put into the show and to the characters usually pays off in a much better way than with sitcoms or stand alone shows such as CSI.

    I'm currently hooked on multiple HBO shows. Rome, Weeds, Big Love, etc. I like Heroes but that loooong hiatus really made me lose interest. As for Lost... poor Lost, I think I've given up on that show. I keep watching, but I watch it with a sort of pity toward what it has become.

  10. #10
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tavrobel View Post
    Heroes suck and have always sucked.
    I take it back.

    That is the most retarded thing I've read on EoFF since I can remember.

    Yeah that hiatus did suck major bum, but the two episodes since it came back have been ridiculously awesome. I guess it's okay for me 'cause I've got them all on my compy, so I can go back to other eps and refresh my memory/interest whenever I want to.

    24 I'm a fan of, but I just get the DVDs. I watch it more for silliness now, it's not exactly a serious show like it used to be. But it is still fun. Lost, I'm not terribly enthusiastic about anymore, but I'm sticking with it to see if it does go anywhere. Also there might be flashbacks with Boone.

    BSG is the best show on TV ever. It actually rivals Babylon 5, which is... unprecendeted.

    BTW if you do want to see why keeping up with a show is a Very Good Idea, go get B5 on DVD. Never slipped, the longest flinch in quality probably lasts about four minutes in fact. One of the finest things not just on television, but in outright Human history.

  11. #11
    Those...eyebrows... Recognized Member XxSephirothxX's Avatar
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    I've watched Heroes since the beginning because I saw the first episode and have been somewhat interested in the story ever since, but I wouldn't defend it. I don't think it's really that good. Several of the characters suck, some of the dialogue is just meh, and a few of the actors strike me as just average or subpar.

    I would say BSG is the best show on TV, but it's not coming back for a year. ;_; As for quality shows, both The Black Donnellys and Studio 60 were fantastic, but both were pulled for poor ratings. Studio 60 couldn't quite decide where it was going, but that was fine because it's Aaron Sorkin and his shows are worth watching regardless of plot. The Office is the only thing on currently I'd say I really care about.

  12. #12
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Gah, I haven't got time for all these televisual shows! My limit is about one drama and two comedies to be watched on a regular basis. Right now it's Doctor Who, Peep Show and Scrubs. Maybe I've just got ADD or something, or maybe I just like to spend more time with games than with telly.
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  13. #13
    Nerd Spanker White Raven's Avatar
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    Out of these dramas that you're referring to, I watch Lost and Jericho. I think if I had the time to watch every past episode I'd watch 24 too, but that's too many episodes to watch and I can't just jump into a series. I always the first few episodes of any other "popular" new TV series so that I can make a somewhat fair judgment of them. Heros and Desperate Housewives haven't done it for me, and I'm still figuring our if I like Drive yet.

    I watch a lot of TV drama's that don't fit your description too, especially the three L&O's, the original CSI and Numb3rs.

    But the majority of my TV watching goes into a few comedies (My Name is Earl, The Office (US version) and Entourage) and cartoons (South Park, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Aqua Teen, King of the Hill).

  14. #14
    Nobody's Hero Cuchulainn's Avatar
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    Lost, Doctor Who, Prison Break.

    In that order.

  15. #15
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by White Raven View Post
    Out of these dramas that you're referring to, I watch Lost and Jericho. I think if I had the time to watch every past episode I'd watch 24 too, but that's too many episodes to watch and I can't just jump into a series. I always the first few episodes of any other "popular" new TV series so that I can make a somewhat fair judgment of them. Heros and Desperate Housewives haven't done it for me, and I'm still figuring our if I like Drive yet.
    I forgot about Jericho. I've not been sure about it, but it's clearly been good enough to keep my interest, as I'm still watching it. Then again I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic stuff.

    I wouldn't worry about Drive, 'cause I hear they canned it. =/

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