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Thread: Spider-Man 3!

  1. #76
    O Captain! My Captain! Spawn of Sephiroth's Avatar
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    Yeah, they should have left Venom alive, not the sandman. Oh well, I saw it opening night and it was FREAKING AWESOME. And I am going to see it again Wednesday.

    Loki: I have an army.
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  2. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by Spammerman View Post
    Imo, they shouldve have left Venom alive, that way he could spawn carnage, then carnage could spawn Toxin, and they could have maybe 2 more movies. ( venom and carnage, then venom carnage and toxin).

    I dont think they should go too far into all the Symbiotes of the Spiderman series. Firstly because that part of the story gets so stupid and silly when they start introducing the Symbiotes offspring. Carnage actually gives birth to Toxin, and hes a guy. It gets way messed up. And you'd feel a sense of déjà vu when more of them are introduced, and most likely get bored after a while.

  3. #78
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nominus Experse View Post
    1) He's not big enough
    2) Where's the tongue?
    3) Where's the back-story that shows the suit's bizarre sense of justice?
    4) Why is he not explained properly?
    5) Since when did it make Paker have an emo fashion sense?
    6) Why is he given next to no screen-time?
    7) Why was this movie embarrassing to watch?
    I'm almost going to have to take this one point by point.

    1) He was never overly large, and incredibly dispoportionate in the original story arc. That came later, and would look utterly rediculous in the movie. How is a suit that's never shown to do anything other than cling to it's wearers skin supposed to add enough mass to Topher Grace to make him look like the modern version of Venom? This works better anyway if you ask me. The whole movie set Brock up as sort of a mirror for Peter. They both have had some very rough times in their lives, but Peter handled it well and Brock chose to blame someone else for everything and seek revenge. Brock is sort of a "what if Peter didn't accept the great responsibility that comes with his power".

    2)He didn't have the tongue in the original story arc and he looked all the more menacing (and much less like Gene Simmons) for it. It's probably not there since they drew a lot of inspiration from the original story arc, and the design is all the better for it as far as I'm concerned. The tongue just looks rediculous.

    3)The suit never had a bizarre sense of justice in the beginning. It wanted to bond to Peter, but his rejection of it led to it hating him and wanting revenge, making it a perfect match for Brock who hated Spider-man for ruining his life (as he saw it). The anti-hero crap came later and was the worst thing they ever did with the character. Venom only works as a foil for Peter/Spider-man as far as I'm concerned.

    4)I'm not even sure what you mean by this one? They gave the character all the screen time and explanation he needed to set up his backstory and why he's doing what he's doing.

    6)He had quite a bit as far as I'm concerned (as Brock anyway). The actual villian of Venom isn't really, but then neither are Sandman or the Goblin given a whole lot of screentime showcasing their powers. The reason is that giving them more screentime in that capacity would mean more fights as opposed to things like character development and story. Venom and Sandman were about equal in screentime if you ask me, with Harry obviously getting more.

    7)I thought it was funny.

  4. #79
    I have one of these now Nominus Experse's Avatar
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    Hmm, I seemed to have never read the original story arc then. The comic world tends to become convoluted as time passes, and as a young lad, all I did was read and enjoy what comics I found - it was never to the point of being analytical or checking for cohesiveness. My favourite aspect of Spiderman was Venom. I read the comics because I was completely and utterly infatuated with this character.

    It would seem that I read the comics that took a more hulking, bizarre view of what Venom was. It could have been a strange, random off branch series that ran for a while - I don't particularly know or care. I simply recall Venom being what he was as I saw him then - ten or more years ago - and he doesn't quite match with the one depicted in the movie.

    I like the Venom shown in the comics I read as a young boy much better. He was stranger, and the way he dripped like thick ink just rang better than crawling goop to me - but that latter point is a matter of personal opinion, nothing more. And the tongue. I loved the tongue.

    But in the end, I can see how the Venom I read might not make sense in the movie, especially if they decided to draw from the original arc of the story instead.

    On a side note, I do not believe they would be able to bring Carnage into the next films, as he was utterly insane. It would have to rated R to truly give the scope of what madness Carnage was.

    Additionally, Venom is now kaput....

  5. #80
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    I wasn't really trying to rip into your opinion or anything, I just thought I'd give a little of the background on the original Venom arc for you and others who may not have read it (it's out now in trade paperback though if anyone is interested in picking it up). Don't get me wrong, when I was a kid growing up I had the same fascination with Venom you did, but as I got older my opinions on the character started to change and I started to see him as pretty uninteresting as a character on his own and as an anti-hero. It was only a few years ago that I read the original arc myself, but once I did, it pretty much sealed my dislike for everything they did with him since. There was a sense in the original arc that he had truly lost it and become someone twisted totally by his hate and need for vengeance. In fact, I found it hard to believe he had been made into a "hero" at all after that arc as there was something truly twisted and disturbing about him then. Since reading it, that story has been one of my favourites, representing essentially everything I think was great about the character when he was originally introduced and I was happy to see the movie version take so much from that story, including ditching the tongue, and rediculous proportions.

    It may not be to everyone's tastes, but I think it suited what they were trying to do with the character.

  6. #81
    I have one of these now Nominus Experse's Avatar
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    Oh, I didn't feel as though my opinion was being torn to pieces. Your post was rather enlightening, really.

    And not everyone can agree with Venom using his tongue as an actual weapon. Even as much as I love Venom, I found that a little weird.

  7. #82
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Some sources are already pinning the next villains in Spider-man 4 as The Lizard and Carnage.

  8. #83


    The movie was great. I enjoyed every minute of it, and it didn't rush things. It kept everything in pace, throughout the whole 139 minutes of entertainment.
    The below sentence is true.
    The above sentence is false.

  9. #84


    Realizing it now

    A) Venom was like a sadistic cartoon star, tentacles and an long, long tongue

    B) IS carnage gonna be brought form teh sample of Venom left with Conners?
    It looks like the ground had a sex change.

  10. #85


    Me and Comet saw it today. The whole movie was well acted, and Toby Maguire performed greatly in the film; the humor transmitted into the story was great, and how they incorporated passion, hardcore action and witty moments into the film. Overall, it is a must-see film and is the best out of the three of them, at the moment.
    EOFF needs a resurgence to it's former glory.

  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Spammerman View Post
    Realizing it now

    A) Venom was like a sadistic cartoon star, tentacles and an long, long tongue

    B) IS carnage gonna be brought form teh sample of Venom left with Conners?
    Yes, apparently, the piece of venom that Dr Connors has, will turn into carnage.
    The below sentence is true.
    The above sentence is false.

  12. #87
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    I find it really weird that people are complaining that the intentionally funny and cheesy parts are funny and cheesy. >_> If you laughed at Evil Peter, then they did what they meant to do.

  13. #88
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    The only reason I was interested in seeing this movie was for Venom, but I keep hearing more and more about how disappointing he is. The only people who have told me Venom was cool are those who barely know anything about him. I think I'm gonna wait 'til it comes out on DVD.

  14. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by Roto13 View Post
    I find it really weird that people are complaining that the intentionally funny and cheesy parts are funny and cheesy. >_> If you laughed at Evil Peter, then they did what they meant to do.
    I laughed at the wrong and right parts.

    For example, when Harry's butler says "I loved your father, as I have loved you." I cracked up for like 10 min.
    It looks like the ground had a sex change.

  15. #90
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Yeah, the butler part was the bad kind of cheesy. :P He's not developed enough to be able to say that. He's no Alfred.

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