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Thread: Spider-Man 3!

  1. #31
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    The theater in my town doesn't usually get movies their opening weekend, but they seem to try with superhero movies and they managed to snag a copy of Spiderman 3 for this weekend. Whoo hoo! I can't wait. I'm actually going to rewatch the first two over the next two days.

  2. #32


    Just saw the midnight showing. This movie blows, especially in comparison to the other two.

  3. #33


    I just got out of the midnight showing of SM3. In a word, effing awesome( kay, I know thats two words, but you get the point). Easily on par with SM2.

    I literally don't have anything bad to say bout the film. Everything just worked so flawlessly. The action, the dialouge, the villains and the comedy. It was pure brilliance.

    Though I swear bruce campbell is playing the chameleon and is stalking Peter Parker for some reason.

  4. #34
    Hide your wallet The Shoeless Hobo's Avatar
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    saw it yesterday. effing awesome. so good i almost cried. stan lees cameo was hilarious, he randomly walks into the shot says one line to peter parker and walks away. Bruce campbell is a god as always. it' so good seeing how far raimi has come since evil dead and crimewave.

  5. #35
    Those...eyebrows... Recognized Member XxSephirothxX's Avatar
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    It doesn't blow, but it wasn't awesome, either. It was just really off-kilter. One of my friends said he thought that the entire thing was intentional, that after the really serious Spiderman 2, which really transcended the "comic book movie" genre and was a smurfing solid movie in its own right, he's taken the third one and gone for the totally ridiculous over-the-top feel. I don't know.

    About 75% of the movie is pretty good, and the rest is just handled poorly. There are some choices that just seem retarded: Spider-man emo hair? Retarded lines and delivery? James Franco's weird eyebrows? It could've been done better, definitely. The effects are amazing, and I personally loved Venom, but he's not in there enough. And Sandman just bothered me, too. I didn't have a problem with Thomas Hayden Church, but the implementation of him as a villain just wasn't done that well.

    If you're going for the fight scenes, you'll love it. And some of the movie is pretty damn funny, though I don't think every laugh is intentional. Even a few of the dramatic moments work, but there are more of them that don't. Just don't expect another Spider-man 2, and you'll leave the theater pleased. A masterpiece, it's not.

  6. #36


    Watching it in approx. 1:20 hours. Not that I'm a great fan of superheroes, but I'll tag along with the friends.

  7. #37


    Just got back from seeing it, I dunno what to think really. I didnt hate the film, but there was some moments during the loooong ass two and a half hours, I thought I did. There are alot of fights in the film, not all were great. I did like Venom though, but he just isnt in it enough. Hes spideys nemesis and he has to go back to back with two other villains, he should have a movie to himself. The other issue I have is the total butchery of the comic book story. This film just went way over board. And I guess the overly patriotic feel the movie had put me off, not hating on America, as I would feel this about any country, but spidey posing in front of the American flag made me cringe more than any other film since Independence Day.

  8. #38
    Yuffie ate my avatar Sefie1999AD's Avatar
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    I also watched the Spider-Man 3 movie today. I think the movie was pretty good, and it did some parts even better than Spider-Man 2 did, but as an overall, I still think SM2 is a better movie. The action sequences look awesome, and the movie takes its time showing (SPOILER)how things are so well for Peter, how he eventually falls and is about to lose everything, and how he becomes a hero once again. I also liked the cameos of (SPOILER)Stan Lee and Bruce Campbell. The latter was especially nice.

    I think they should have shown more of (SPOILER)the black Spider-Man, although the scenes where we see him are already powerful enough. I think (SPOILER)Venom could have been done better, too, I didn't really like his graphics or his voice (not that I like his character, anyway). On a positive note, though, (SPOILER)the ending is really touching and well done, IMHO. SM3 isn't a perfect movie, but it definitely isn't a letdown.
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  9. #39


    I don't think the film was off kilter at all. I mean sure Peter did some real stupid stuff in the film, but I think it felt natural. He's finally gotten acceptance and it's really gotten to his head. For a long time he's been an outsider and now he doesn't know how to deal with being Mr. Popularity.

    I also felt the whole black costume bit was done in an excellent manner. I loved seeing peter act like such an arrogant dick. The hair made him truly look more sinister, so I didn't mind that.

    I also felt all the characters were handled well. Snadman was given a great deal of depth, Venom I felt was handled about as well as he could have been. Considering how much he hates Peter, there is really no way you could have had him in the film for long without a Do or Die fight between the two. Having multiple confrontations would have just felt contrived, and having one mother of all battle between them was the best choice.

    Harry was finally very cool, not annoying, not pathetic, not obsessed, just finally being very likeable. Brock was also an utter dick and I loved how peter just worked him over. And Jameson should have had more screen time, but he was still cool.

    Overall, I'd say it really was perfect.

  10. #40
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    I liked it a lot. Moreso than SM2 - people may say it was brilliant, but to me it's always just felt like they took too much of a villain-of-the-week approach with Doc Ock. All of SM3's characters felt like they had a much closer tie to Pete.

    Granted, (SPOILER)when Pete went all bad dude, it was ridiculous to the point where it was almost embarassing to watch. The dance scene felt somewhat appropriate, but walking down the street etc. was stupid.

    Also, it felt a lot like Venom could've been better fleshed out if the whole symbiote sage had been divided across two films. I thought they did plenty to establish Peter's struggle with the symbiote, but it was just way too late in the film before Brock got a hold of it, and it just felt like you didn't get to see nearly enough of him doing his thing.

    The special effects were amazing, especially Sandman. I also really liked his part in the story.

    I keep wishing they wouldn't continue with a fourth one, because at the end of Spidey 3, they close like the biggest points of continuity between all three films. There's still plenty of characters to explore, but they aren't nearly as important.

  11. #41
    Take me to your boss! Strider's Avatar
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    I thought it was alright. Not as good as Spiderman 2, but y'know.

    It seemed to me that this movie suffered a bit of what really bogged down the last X-Men film, trying to do too much at once, although not to the same extent. There were a few loose threads I wish would've been explored a little further, such as Sandman's motivations, but over the big picture I won't complain. I enjoyed myself, that's really all that matters.

  12. #42
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    I'm hoping a new cast will pick up and keep going. I mean, Batman has been a new actor every time, the movies all stand alone, why can't they make a couple more Spider-Man movies that aren't dependent on the first three? There's loads more characters and villains to use.

    Anyway, I'll see SM3 some time this weekend hopefully.

  13. #43
    SeeDRankLou's Avatar
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    Saw it. Loved it.

  14. #44


    Just watched it. Well, apart from being 50% clichés 49% Sleepless in Seattle, it's a good film!

    If you're a fan, you'll like it. If not, you might get a tiny little bit bored during some terribly tedious scenes. It’s not bad by any means though.

  15. #45
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Best Spidey film yet as far as I'm concerned.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hsu View Post
    Granted, (SPOILER)when Pete went all bad dude, it was ridiculous to the point where it was almost embarassing to watch. The dance scene felt somewhat appropriate, but walking down the street etc. was stupid.
    Are you kidding? That was one of ths funniest parts of the movie for me. Not much of a Raimi fan are we?

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