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Thread: Un-Official Eyes on Final Fantasy Survey

  1. #121


    Name: Christian Green. Call me Chris.
    DOB: April 7th, 1982
    Gender: Male
    Location: Utah, USA
    Sexual Orientation: Straight
    Hair: Blonde
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: I'm not sure - 6 feet, I think.
    Weight: 180 lbs. Gotta lose a little weight - not much though.

    Music Genre: Punk Rock
    Band: Garbage
    Song: I don't really have a favorite.
    Album: Dreamland (Robert Miles)
    Singer: Gwen Stefani
    Soundtrack: Probably Labyrinth.
    TV Show: I don't watch enough TV to have one
    Movie: What Dreams May Come
    Game: Chrono Trigger
    Actor: None, really.
    Actress: None, really.
    Food: Pizza
    Drink: Pepsi - I should drink less though.
    Quote: Lots - here's one
    "He wanted to cry out, scream, howl so that the heavens would hear him...

    Hear him and fall."
    - From "White Gold Wielder" by Stephen Donaldson
    Person at EoFF: Tough one.

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    I don't want any, but here we go.
    Boys: Billy
    Girls: Rei

    Other info:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Very fast metabolism.
    2. Good height.
    3. Girls say I'm attractive, don't know if I should believe them...

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Out of shape
    2. My face is too round
    3. People at work say I look exactly like Hitler's 'perfect race'.

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Very hard to make me angry.
    2. Patient.
    3. Intelligent

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. I want to be a better friend
    2. I'm too shy.
    3. I'm lazy.

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Put it in the bank.
    2. Never work again - live off the interest.
    3. See the world.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Lose a part of my body.
    2. End up totally alone.

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Get married.
    2. See the world.
    3. Go on a fantastic, world altering adventure.

    Do you like candles?: Yes.

    Do you like incense?: Sure.

    Do you like the taste of blood?: Mine. And only mine.

    Fetishes?: None out of the ordinary.

    Biggest turn on?: Glasses

    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why?: No one in particular.

    What song is stuck in your head right now?: Schala's Theme

    Do you like stuffed animals?: Yes. I love.

    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?: My evil twin - that's just the whole point of having an evil twin.

    Person you wish you could be with right now?: No one in particular

    What do you want done with your body when you die: Bury it. Just don't make me touch it.

    Do you believe in love?: Yes.

    Do you believe in soulmates?: No.

    Do you believe in Love at first sight?: That's iffy.

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes.

    Do you believe in Hell?: Not the traditional Hell people think of.

    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: One or two of them...

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No.
    Mooned someone? No.
    Tried to kill yourself? No.
    Tried to kill someone else? No.
    Told someone you hated them?: No.
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No.
    Taken a shower?: Yes.
    Hugged someone?: No.
    Kissed someone?: No.
    Had sex?: No.
    Been drunk?: No.
    Been high?: No.
    Been in a fight?:No.
    Sang?: Yes.
    Danced?: No.
    Made someone laugh?: Yes.
    Has someone else made you laugh: Yes.
    Had a philosophical conversation?: No.
    Contemplated suicide?: No.
    Wished on a star?: No.
    Fantasized about someone?: Yes.

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?: Both.
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone?: Break up with someone.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain?: Be caused physical pain.
    Be alone or with someone else?: With someone else.
    Sig under construction.

  2. #122


    Name: Jason Scarbrough
    DOB: 12/26/85
    Gender: Male
    Location: Port Orchard, WA
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Hair: Silver
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 198
    Religion: Athiest
    Nationality: American

    Music Genre: Rock
    Band: Linkin Park
    Song: In the End
    Album: Hybrid Theory
    Singer: None
    Soundtrack: None
    TV Show: DBZ
    Movie: DBZ: 12
    Game: Tanarus
    Actor: Sean Connery
    Actress: None
    Food: Pizza
    Drink: Coke
    Quote: trout happens
    Person at EoFF: Unne

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Vegeta, Raditz, Brolli
    Girls: Season, Pan

    Other info: Cows say moo

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Saiya-jin DNA
    2. Super strength
    3. Not human

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Low metablism
    2. No anti-grav hair
    3. Large waist

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. None
    2. None
    3. None

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. None
    2. None
    3. None

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Buy swords and armor
    2. Have people killed
    3. Buy a bitchin PC

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Die
    2. Be disabled
    3. Get ass-raped

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Get laid
    2. Achive Super Saiya-jin
    3. Take over world

    Do you like candles?: No

    Do you like incense?: No

    Do you like the taste of blood?: Yes

    Fetishes?: None

    Biggest turn on?: Nekkid girls

    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why?: Vegeta

    What song is stuck in your head right now?: In the End

    Do you like stuffed animals?: No

    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?: Mikaga, he pisses me off

    Person you wish you could be with right now?: Secret

    What do you want done with your body when you die: I won't die

    Do you believe in love?: Yes

    Do you believe in soulmates?: No

    Do you believe in Love at first sight?: Yes

    Do you believe in Heaven?: No

    Do you believe in Hell?: Yes

    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: No, No, No, No

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? Yes
    Told someone you hated them?: Yes
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower?: Yes
    Hugged someone?: No
    Kissed someone?: No
    Had sex?: I wish
    Been drunk?: No
    Been high?: No
    Been in a fight?: No
    Sang?: No
    Danced?: No
    Made someone laugh?: No
    Has someone else made you laugh: No
    Had a philosophical conversation?: No
    Contemplated suicide?: Yes
    Wished on a star?: No
    Fantasized about someone?: Yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?: Mountians
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone?: Break up with someone
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain?: aI like to cause pain
    Be alone or with someone else?: Alone

  3. #123


    DOB: February 14
    Location: Pittsburgh
    Sexual Orientation:Straight
    Hair: Blonde
    Eyes: Green
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 110
    Religion: Methodist
    Nationality: American

    Music Genre: Rock
    Band:Linkin Park
    Song: Papercut
    Album: Do I have to pick 1?
    Singer: All members of Linkin Park
    Soundtrack: FF
    TV Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    Movie: The Matrix, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
    Game: Final Fantasy 7, Resident Evil: Code Veronica
    Actor: Keanu Reeves
    Actress: Sara Michelle Gellar
    Food: Pizza
    Quote: "Hey, I'm Just Kidding!" By Steve (Code Veronica)
    Person at EoFF: Mindflare

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Girls: Megan

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. My height
    2. My face
    3. My hair

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. My legs

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Funny
    2. Sarcastic (but not too much)
    3. Caring

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Hot Temper

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Buy a Mansion
    2. Buy an awesome car
    3. Shopping Spree

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Murdered
    2. Tortured

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Fall in Love
    2. Travel to Europe
    3. Achieve goals

    Do you like candles?: Never really thought about it

    Do you like incense?: Depends on the scent

    Do you like the taste of blood?: Not that I know of

    Fetishes?: Maybe

    Biggest turn on?: Built Guys

    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why?: Keanu Reeves, bc he is such a good actor

    What song is stuck in your head right now?: From A.M. to P.M. by Christina Milian

    Do you like stuffed animals?: Not since I was 8

    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?:I don't want to murder anyone.

    Person you wish you could be with right now?: J

    What do you want done with your body when you die: I want to be cremated. The thoughts of bugs crawling on my rotting body is disturbing.

    Do you believe in love?: Yes.

    Do you believe in soulmates?: Yes

    Do you believe in Love at first sight?: yea

    Do you believe in Heaven?: yea

    Do you believe in Hell?: yea

    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Jesus

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? Not that I know of, but i was drunk. l
    Mooned someone?Probably not
    Tried to kill yourself? Can't say that I did
    Tried to kill someone else? Only in my dreams
    Told someone you hated them?: I do that all the time
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower?: If your asking if I smell then no. I take two showers a day
    Hugged someone?: Maybe
    Kissed someone?: No
    Had sex?: No
    Been drunk?:Maybe, can't remember. lol
    Been high?: no
    Been in a fight?: Only with myself
    Sang?: Always, even though I can't sing
    Danced?: Yea
    Made someone laugh?: Probably, if anyone is laughing at any of my replys to these questions
    Has someone else made you laugh: Yea
    Had a philosophical conversation?: No
    Contemplated suicide?: No
    Wished on a star?: No, doesn't work
    Fantasized about someone?: No

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?: Definately the Beach
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone?: Break up with Someone
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain?: Cause physical pain, I mean really. Would I like to be beat up? Hell no!
    Be alone or with someone else?:

  4. #124


    Name: Lauren Michelle Marianna Holling
    DOB: 6th November 1984
    Gender: Female
    Location: Wolverhampton United Kingdom
    Sexual Orientation: Straight, though i have no boyfriend and dont intend to have one anytime soon either
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Blueish Green
    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 113lbs
    Religion: none
    Nationality: British, but my dad is Italian, you figure it out

    Music Genre: Rock i guess
    Band: Linkin Park and New Found Glory
    Song: Dressed to Kill - New Found Glory
    Album: The Mark, Tom and Travis Show - Blink-182
    Singer: Jordan Pundik From New Found Glory
    Soundtrack: Chrono Cross OST
    TV Show: Angel
    Movie: American Pie and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
    Game: Chrono Cross
    Actor: None
    Actress: None
    Food: Pizza with cheese stuffed Crust
    Drink: Cherry Coke
    Quote: "your mom sucks more cock than i do"
    Person at EoFF: well........i only know Majin_Squall, but he sux too

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Brennan Reiss, Jordan Tyler, Bladen Scott ( or Scott Bladen )
    Girls: Shannon, Rhiannon ( either of these ), Morgan, Remi, Regan, Thalisa, and many others, not that i'll have that many kids or anything

    Other info: I Love Linkin Park and I'm ugly

  5. #125


    Man Tiffie, you sure you've not forgotten anything?

    Name: Stewart
    DOB: 13/11/82
    Gender: Male
    Location: Scotland
    Sexual orientation: Heterosexual (Actually Bisexual - straight girls or lesbians, I'm good either way)
    Hair: Out the top of my head - once discribed as boy colour (a sort of mousey brown)
    Eyes: Really blue
    Height: 6', actually, probably 5'11"
    Weight: 11 Stone. I've no idea in pounds. But it's pretty light. There's not much too me.
    Religion: I believe in the ultimate cynisism. Evolution probably, I hope we can evolve to better beings. Mentally and morally
    Nationality: Scottish

    Music Genre: None really, I'm not into genres, just artists scattered across the industry
    Band: The Kinks
    Song: Visions Of Johanna or Things Have Changed (Bob Dylan)
    Album: The BBC Sessions (Loudon Wainwright)
    Singer: (Loudon Wainwright Or His Bobness)
    Soundtrack: Dances With Wolves
    TV Show: The Sopranos
    Movie: Blade Runner
    Game: Tie Fighter or FFVII or Chrono Trigger
    Actor: Patric Stewart or Kevin Spacey
    Actress: Grace Kelley
    Food: Gran's Lentil Soup or Mum's Broth
    Drink: Guinness, Irn Bru, My houses Tap water (it's really good!)
    Quote: I've tons... Probably "My life is one long attempt to escape the commonplaces of existence" Sherlock Holmes
    Person at EoFF:

    Boys: Alistair
    Girls: Sarah, Lyra

    Body love:
    1) My external auxipital Protruberance
    2) Eyebrow scar
    3) Thumbs

    Body hate:
    1) Feet, a pain for buying shoes and ski boots
    2) Really hairy legs
    3)damn eyes. They don't work properly!

    Personality like:
    1) Very thoughtful
    2) I can make folk laugh
    3) I'm like my dad

    Personality dislike (would change):
    1) I take human failings a bit too personally
    2) I care too much for people suffering elsewhere
    3) I'm like my dad

    Things I'd do with a million dollars cash
    1) Change it into real money (£)
    2) Buy a new pair of ski boots every week until I found a pair that was comfy.
    3) Pay for the train fare to go and see Lindi

    Things I don't want to happen to me:
    1) Loose my way
    2) Loose my fitness
    3) Loose to my dad at anything

    Things I want to have or do before I snuff it
    1) improve someone elses life
    2) Share good moments with someone else
    3)Marry my best pal (as long as she's a lassie) and enjoy my time with her

    Do you like candles: Aye, they're great when there's a power cut. create a good atmousphere.

    Do I like insense: Nah, not especially.

    Do I like the taste of blood: Actually, I do. But usually my blood.

    Fetishes: Girls on push bikes. So I'm starved of that in this country

    Biggest turn on: Fitness and capability, coupled with mental agility and spontaneity. I'm not picky.

    Meet a famous person: Not anyone really. Probably Clint Eastwood, just to tell him how much I enjoyed some of his movies, and Bob, so I could shake his hand.

    Song that's stuck in my head: Homeless by Loudon Wainwright.

    Stuffed Animals: Nah, I'm a man! Grr.

    Kill someone: I don't think anyone. There's a couple of folk I'm tempted to say, but I couldn't kill them. Thay've done nothing to me personally, save perhaps some emotional distress.

    Person To be with: Lindi

    What to do with my body: Well, you're all welcome to my organs if you need them, but the unwanted bits can go to the sick med students for anatomy. Some of them have a nasty sense of humour. You'd change your mind about donating your body.

    Do I believe love: Aye

    Soulmates: Aye

    Love at first sight: No. Lust yes, extreme feelings, yeah, but love takes a long time. For me, anyway.

    Heaven: Not a spiritual one, no

    Hell: Yes. It exists on Earth in some places

    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: None of them. Jesus might have existed, mind you as a person, but Jesus Christ our lord? No.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No, 'fraid not
    Mooned someone? Not been on a school bus for years, so no
    Tried to kill yourself? Not sucessfully. Nah, I've not
    Tried to kill someone else? Not really
    Told someone you hated them?: No
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No, I don't think so
    Taken a shower?: Yes
    Hugged someone?: No
    Kissed someone?: No
    Had sex?: No
    Been drunk?: Yes
    Been high?: Not really, no
    Been in a fight?: No
    Sang?: Yes, a lot.
    Danced?: No
    Made someone laugh?: Yes
    Has someone else made you laugh: Yes
    Had a philosophical conversation?: Yes
    Contemplated suicide?: No
    Wished on a star?: No
    Fantasized about someone?: Ehhh.... No. Damn, I will now though...

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?: Mountains, no question
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone?: Break up with me, even if it's really the other way around. It avoids damaging someone elses self esteem, and I can take it
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain?: Take the pain myself
    Be alone or with someone else?: With someone else, but my closest friends have a marvellous gift of silence, when silent company is enough

  6. #126
    Seraph Libra


    Name: Tommy
    DOB: October 13th, 1984
    Gender: Male
    Location: Washington DC
    Sexual Orientation: Gay
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 102 lbs
    Religion: Bhuddist with agnostic tendencies
    Nationality: Vietnamese and Lao

    Music Genre: Classical
    Band: ???
    Song: O Fortuna - Carl Orff
    Album: ???
    Singer: Maria Callas
    Soundtrack: Trick
    TV Show: Absolutely Fabulous
    Movie: Little Nemo
    Game: Final Fantasy Tactics
    Actor: ???
    Actress: ???
    Food: Strawberries
    Drink: Virgin Strawberry Daquiris
    Quote: "L'enfer, c'est les autres!"
    Person at EoFF: It's a mystery...

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Vincent, Romalic, Mark
    Girls: Ophelia, Rae, Anna

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Stomach
    2. Eyes
    3. Smile

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Chin
    2. Teeth
    3. Toes

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Cheerfulness
    2. Confidence
    3. Generosity

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Lack of spine
    2. Lack of organizational ability
    3. Procrastinating attitude

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Give away half to various charities
    2. Buy nice things for all my friends
    3. Buy a small greek island... or maybe just a small greek, hehe

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Be totally alone
    2. Trapped in a small space
    3. Raped

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Write a published book
    2. Visit every state in the US and every country in the world
    3. Repay my mother for all her sacrifices

    Do you like candles?: Yes
    Do you like incense?: Yes
    Do you like the taste of blood?: No
    Fetishes?: None that I know of...
    Biggest turn on?: Smile

    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why?: Sean Biggerstaff because he's freakin' hot ^_^
    What song is stuck in your head right now?: Les Hommes C'est Pas Des Mecs Bien by Grand Popo Football Club
    Do you like stuffed animals?: Yes
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?: Rick Matthews, this annoying bastard who shows no respect for anyone, yet always avoids trouble because the administrators at school like him for some unknown reason.
    Person you wish you could be with right now?: Jonathon, my BF
    What do you want done with your body when you die: Cremation, then have my ashes released to the wind
    Do you believe in love?: Yes
    Do you believe in soulmates?: Yes
    Do you believe in Love at first sight?: Yes
    Do you believe in Heaven?: As a state of mind
    Do you believe in Hell?: As a state of mind
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: No to all but the last one, since he's a historical figure, although I'm rather doubtful as to his divinity.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them?: No
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower?: Yes
    Hugged someone?: Yes
    Kissed someone?: Yes
    Had sex?: No
    Been drunk?: No
    Been high?: No
    Been in a fight?: No
    Sang?: Yes
    Danced?: Yes
    Made someone laugh?: Yes
    Has someone else made you laugh: Yes
    Had a philosophical conversation?: Yes
    Contemplated suicide?: No
    Wished on a star?: No, can't see the stars very well in the city...
    Fantasized about someone?: Yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?: Beach
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone?: Have someone break up with me
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain?: Cause physical pain
    Be alone or with someone else?: Someone else

  7. #127


    Name: Jon
    DOB: April 30, 1982
    Gender: Male
    Location: Sparta, NJ or Blacksburg, VA
    Sexual Orientation: Straight as an Arrow
    Hair: Dark Brown roots with orange bleached hair
    Eyes: change with what i am wearing (brown - blue)
    Height: 5'8" and a little
    Weight: 160 - 165 lbs
    Religion: None
    Nationality: Whitey (please don't kill me)

    Music Genre: Metal
    Band: Disturbed
    Song: Fear
    Album: Down with the Sickness
    Singer: none
    Soundtrack: Spawn
    TV Show: The Daily Show
    Movie: Matrix
    Game: Dragon Warrior 4
    Actor: -
    Actress: -
    Food: Peanut Butter and Jelly
    Drink: Mike's Hard Lemonade
    Quote: "My a$$ or a Hole in the ground"
    Person at EoFF: me

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Spence
    Girls: Star heh...

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Eyes
    2. my shoulders
    3. My mom says im handsome.. heheh

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Gut
    2. Hairy Feet
    3. Bad Knees

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Smart A$$
    2. Funny
    3. Caring

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Less Shy
    2. Less of an smart a$$
    3. Less boring

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Buy a motorcycle
    2. Buy a ring for someone :rolleyes2
    3. Save it

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Be alone
    2. Be unhappy
    3. Constantly smell like rotten cheese

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Sky dive
    2. Get off the damn east coast of USA... AHH!!! I WANNA SEE PLACES!!!
    3. Stuff

    Do you like candles?: Yes
    Do you like incense?: Yes
    Do you like the taste of blood?: my own, yes
    Fetishes?: my girlfriend
    Biggest turn on?: my girlfriend

    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why?: Bill Gates so i can kidnap him and make him give me a Xbox for free
    What song is stuck in your head right now?: i don't know what the name of it is, but it is by Snake River Conspiracy
    Do you like stuffed animals?: Yes
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?: The back left corner of the my statics class becuase they are annoying and never stop talking and i want to kill them
    Person you wish you could be with right now?: my girlfriend
    What do you want done with your body when you die: Buried someplace, not in a cemetary, someplace meaningful... like underneath a special tree... sorta like the one in Forest Gump
    Do you believe in love?: Yes
    Do you believe in soulmates?: Yes
    Do you believe in Love at first sight?: Yes
    Do you believe in Heaven?: not sure
    Do you believe in Hell?: not sure
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: They are all the best known fictional characters ever
    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? sorta, but i was already naked
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them?: Yes
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower?: Yes
    Hugged someone?: Yes
    Kissed someone?: Yes
    Had sex?: No
    Been drunk?: No
    Been high?: No
    Been in a fight?: Sorta
    Sang?: Yes
    Danced?: Yes
    Made someone laugh?: Yes
    Has someone else made you laugh: Yes
    Had a philosophical conversation?: No
    Contemplated suicide?: No
    Wished on a star?: Yeah
    Fantasized about someone?: Yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?: Beach
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone?: Break up with someone
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain?: Cause physical pain
    Be alone or with someone else?: Someone else

  8. #128
    Benevolent Dictator Skoggey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    bow down before the one you serve


    Name: sarah
    DOB: 10.22.85
    Gender: f
    Location: usa
    Sexual Orientation: guys only
    Hair: blonde
    Eyes: green
    Height: 5'1 and 1/4!!
    Weight: 107lbs
    Religion: catholic
    Nationality: american

    Music Genre: rock
    Band: tool
    Song: lateralus
    Album: lateralus
    singer: none
    Soundtrack: none
    TV Show: the facts of life
    Movie: gone in 60 sec
    Game: all the FFs
    Actor: mel gibson
    Actress: julia roberts
    Food: fried green tomatoes!!
    Drink: dr pepper
    Quote: gotta grow where your planted.
    Person at EoFF: one talks to me.....

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Shinji
    Girls: Adonis

    Other info:
    i ahh....umm.....i like pickles and pickled okra and fried okra...i don't like chicken all that much.... i like 2% milk. did you know that 2 gallons of 2% milk makes 4 gallons of 4% milk? oh and uh...i really SUCK at math. ^_^

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them?: No
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? yes
    Taken a shower?: Yes
    Hugged someone?: No
    Kissed someone?: No
    Had sex?: No
    Been drunk?: No
    Been high?: No
    Been in a fight?: No
    Sang?: yes
    Danced?: yes
    Made someone laugh?: Yes
    Has someone else made you laugh: Yes
    Had a philosophical conversation?: Yes
    Contemplated suicide?: yes
    Wished on a star?: yes
    Fantasized about someone?: uh huh!!

  9. #129
    The Man Of Steel NeX's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2000

    FINE! But just because it's important :p

    Name: Fernando IV
    DOB: March, 1981
    Gender: Male
    Location: Miami
    Sexual Orientation: I like girls...a lot
    Hair: Light Brown
    Eyes: Also light brown
    Height: 5'10''
    Weight: 158 lbs.
    Religion: Catholic (Or so my parents say)
    Nationality: Cuban

    Music Genre: Rock (Alternative)
    Band: Green Day, MetallicA, Creed, Linkin Park, 3 Doors Down, Matchbox Twenty and many more
    Song: Kryptonite, With Arms Wide Open, Unforgiven and others.
    Album: Hybrid Theory, Better Life, Dookie and MetallicA
    Singer: Scott Staps
    Soundtrack: Armageddon
    TV Show: Smallville, Seinfeld, Friends and Frasier
    Movie: Top Gun, Saving. Pvt. Ryan, Braveheart and all Superman.
    Game: Final Fantasy 6, 9
    Actor: Tom Cruise
    Actress: Leelee Sobieki
    Food: Italian
    Drink: Pepsi
    Quote: "S*** Happens, Life goes on" "hmmm..Unexplained Bacon"
    Person at EoFF: Del Snizz, Britt, Drex, Cid, A. Proto, Usa many, I dunno if they are still here either...

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Fernando V
    Girls: Laura

    Other info: I drive a Celica and love my car

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Hair
    2. Byceps
    3. Eyes

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Teeth

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Way more than 3 so I'm not posting

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Nothing...well I talk too much sometimes, but only sometimes.

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Buy a house
    2. Invest it
    3. Pay for my education all the way to my PhD.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Car Crash.
    2. Plane Crash.
    3. Losing any part of my body.

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Skydive
    2. Bungee Jump
    3. Have a family

    Do you like candles?: Yeah candles are nice

    Do you like incense?: Yeah

    Do you like the taste of blood?: Mine in small doses

    Fetishes?: Riiiight

    Biggest turn on?: Pretty face, business attires

    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why?: Bill Gates because he is a business genious.

    What song is stuck in your head right now?: None

    Do you like stuffed animals?: I like giving them

    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?: Fidel Castro, because he's screwing up my country and my people, been doing it for years.

    Person you wish you could be with right now?: My mom and my dad, they went to buy food and I'm starving...

    What do you want done with your body when you die: I don't care, get rid of me the cheapest way, if there's money for it I want one of those big huge tombs.

    Do you believe in love?: Sometimes

    Do you believe in soulmates?: I guess

    Do you believe in Love at first sight?: Sure, why not?

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yeah

    Do you believe in Hell?: Hard to believe in one without believing in the other.

    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: The last one.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? Dude you got issues...
    Tried to kill someone else? I would seek some professional help if I were you...
    Told someone you hated them?: No
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? Never said that even if I meant it...
    Taken a shower?: ugh YEAH!
    Hugged someone?: Sure, all the time
    Kissed someone?: Yeah, all the time too
    Had sex?: Last 24 hrs? Nope
    Been drunk?: Nah
    Been high?: Hell nah!
    Been in a fight?: Not really
    Sang?: Oh yeah, a lot
    Danced?: A little bit.
    Made someone laugh?: Made a LOT of people laugh actually.
    Has someone else made you laugh: Oh yeah
    Had a philosophical conversation?: I avoid those, it ends up in arguments.
    Contemplated suicide?:
    Wished on a star?: Not really
    Fantasized about someone?: I think I did yesterday, I don't remember

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?: Beach
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone?: Dump, not get dumped.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain?: How about none?
    Be alone or with someone else?: Depends, a little bit of both.

    Well that was amusing...
    Last edited by NeX; 11-24-2001 at 05:03 PM.

  10. #130


    Name: Kenny
    DOB: 12th September, 1987
    Gender: Male
    Location: Bishan, Singapore
    Sexual Orientation: Straight = Gurlz
    Hair: Black n Short
    Eyes: Black, no not all black, just the middle thingy
    Height: Dunno, 160+cm i think......
    Weight: I think it'z 50+kg
    Religion: Christian, i dunno, i've sinned too much
    Nationality: Singaporean


    Music Genre: Er.... wat do u classify FF music as??
    Band: Any band who playz all those FF pieces......
    Song: Suteki Da Ne (FFX theme song)
    Album: FFX Original Sound Track
    Soundtrack: FFX OST
    TV Show:
    Movie: Lord of the Rings (oopz i forgot it isn't out, ) Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
    Game: FFVII, Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction
    Food: Junk food
    Quote: "I'm growin' old n forgetin' stuff...."

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Any FF guyz name
    Girls: Any FF gurlz name

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Hands
    2. Head
    3. Hair

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Face
    2. Teeth
    3. Legs

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Easy-Goin'
    2. Carin'
    3. Intelligent

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Hot-temper @ timez
    2. Impatient
    3. Addicted to stuff easily (PS: drugz is a NO-WAY thingy)

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Put it in my pocket.....
    2. Catch the next plane to NY to meet my G/F
    3. Donate to the needy

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Lose someone dear to me
    2. See someone dear get hurt in any way
    3. Be alone

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Meet my g/f
    2. Marry her
    3. Haf sex wif... er..... :rolleyes2

    Do you like candles?: Yep

    Do you like incense?: Nope

    Do you like the taste of blood?: Not really......

    Fetishes?: My g/f

    Biggest turn on?: My g/f

    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why?: N/A

    What song is stuck in your head right now?: When u say nothin' @ all (by Ronan Keatin') (cuz my frien'z watchin' it rite now)

    Do you like stuffed animals?: If they're the cutiez type, yep

    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?: My dad, u dun wanna know why

    Person you wish you could be with right now?: My g/f

    What do you want done with your body when you die: Organs to b donated

    Do you believe in love?: Of cuz

    Do you believe in soulmates?: Yep

    Do you believe in Love at first sight?: Not really, that'z more of physical attraction

    Do you believe in Heaven?: I try my best to, sometimez i do n the other timez nope......

    Do you believe in Hell?: Nah, bad stuff is no good, i dun bother thinkin' 'bout them

    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Jesus, at timez

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone?: Nope
    Mooned someone?: Nope (PS: wat is mooned???)
    Tried to kill yourself?: Nope
    Tried to kill someone else?: Nope
    Told someone you hated them?: Nope
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?: Nope
    Taken a shower?: Yep
    Hugged someone?: Nope
    Kissed someone?: Nope
    Had sex?: Nope
    Been drunk?: Nope
    Been high?: Yep
    Been in a fight?: Nope
    Sang?: Yep
    Danced?: Nope
    Made someone laugh?: Yep
    Had someone else made you laugh: Yep
    Had a philosophical conversation?: Yes
    Contemplated suicide?: Nope
    Wished on a star?: Yep
    Fantasized about someone?: Yep

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?: Beach
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone?: Haf someone break up on me
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain?: B cuz-ed physical pain
    Be alone or with someone else?: Wif someone else

  11. #131
    I've Seen Things Rydia of Mist's Avatar
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    • Former Cid's Knight


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