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Thread: Whyyyyy!?

  1. #1
    pinchpinchpinchpinchpinch ScottNUMBERS's Avatar
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    Default Whyyyyy!?

    I just climbed that tower (Owen or Omen, I don't know) only to be pushed all the way back down by that ugly snake-haired hag with her excessive magic casting and a string of critical hits. I like a challenge, but climbing a tower that took a good chunk of my time for bugger-all is not my idea of fun and really doesn't help my DS's 'dust problem' that I was hoping FFIII was going to sort out.

    So, is there something I'm missing here? Are there any save points or anyway to save the game before a boss fight so I don't get my time wasted? Is there yet hope for my dusty DS?

  2. #2


    You can only save on the world map, I don't mind though seeing as I'm usually so darn cautious about battles.

  3. #3
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    One piece of great advice would be to get yourself lots of EchoHerbs from that old man in Ur, because in the Tower of Owen you get Muted a lot, which sucks.

  4. #4
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottNUMBERS View Post
    I just climbed that tower (Owen or Omen, I don't know) only to be pushed all the way back down by that ugly snake-haired hag with her excessive magic casting and a string of critical hits. I like a challenge, but climbing a tower that took a good chunk of my time for bugger-all is not my idea of fun and really doesn't help my DS's 'dust problem' that I was hoping FFIII was going to sort out.

    So, is there something I'm missing here? Are there any save points or anyway to save the game before a boss fight so I don't get my time wasted? Is there yet hope for my dusty DS?
    Final Fantasy aren't for you bloke.

  5. #5


    Personally I would train, I beat her first this at the beginning of the game??

  6. #6


    You can go to the menu and select quicksave. That will temp save at that particular location for you. I think you have to turn the DS off afterwards (if you have the DS version that is), and then reload it though..........I THINK. I quicksaved once and it made me do that.

    I have my own rant though!

    Why the heck put an airship in the game right at the beginning and then have it get blown to smithereens (fancied a Selphie word in there) after about 20 minutes? Get rid of the damned lake that stops you from getting to the Sealed Cave and you could easily walk there. Yep, call it the Enterprise (it must have been named after the Starship Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation you know it), and it gets blown up. Why not just use a projectile weapon at the sodding rock!?

    Nah, that'd be way too easy because you never get to keep an airship at the beginning of the game. When I first started FFIII on the DS I thought
    Yeeeee! Airship! Lala la la la whooooo....!!!BANG!!! Oh F-! Should've known it was too good to be true.

    Now I'm faffing around as minitures...boring.
    Sure I like magic, but not when I have no MP left and nothing to replenish it! Give me the old hack 'n' slash back!
    SMACK! 1hp....pfeh. I hate mini status!

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  7. #7


    That quicksave tech won't work because when you continue the game from the quicksave the data will get deleted . So your best bet is to train alot before you enter.

  8. #8


    Just keep playing and you'll get your airship fix.

    This game is incredible...take the time to enjoy it and have fun. Dying is part of the final fantasy experience.

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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by espio View Post
    That quicksave tech won't work because when you continue the game from the quicksave the data will get deleted . So your best bet is to train alot before you enter.
    So when you load up the quicksave, you use quicksave again.
    It's no more a pain in the arse method than levelling up a lot before you go in.
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  10. #10
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gamefaqs
    While this battle isn't very hard, it turns out being tricky. Your best
    bet is probably striking physically with at least 2 characters, have a
    White Mage to ALWAYS heal the injured party members, and you can add a
    Black/Red Mage if you want, or trade him for another physical attack. In
    case you actually use a Mage to case offensive magic, try to go (first)
    for the more powerful spells and then for the weaker ones, but stay away
    from fire-based spells, as they seem not very good to use in this battle.
    As you may notice during the battle, the most important features about
    this boss is that it can turn your characters to stone, or simply make
    them unable to cast spells. If any of those 2 effects are induced in your
    characters, be sure to use the proper item (or even a magical spell) to
    remove such effect, as soon possible.
    By avoiding these 2 effects, healing with the White Mage and attacking
    with everyone else, your enemy will probably go down in no time. When I
    fought this battle, my weakest character was at level 14, and I strongly
    suggest you to do that very same thing, in order to have an (even) easier
    time fighting this mythological foe.
    There is no signature here. Move along.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by DM_Melkhar View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by espio View Post
    That quicksave tech won't work because when you continue the game from the quicksave the data will get deleted . So your best bet is to train alot before you enter.
    So when you load up the quicksave, you use quicksave again.
    It's no more a pain in the arse method than levelling up a lot before you go in.
    Its not that sort of Quicksave, its more of a suspend game. You hit quicksave, your game is suspended, and it automatically ends your game. Then you can continue later from that suspended game, but that quicksave data is now removed.

    So you see, your method would not work.

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  12. #12


    Well that's what I said basiclly .

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