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Thread: Level/JP Gaining Strategy?!?

  1. #1

    Level/JP Gaining Strategy?!?

    First thing I do is get Accumulate, Gain JP Up, and Yell with Hannibal (Ramza), then someone should have Battle Skills (Kinght moves). Learn Speed Break and Power Break but make sure everyone has Basic Skills (Squire moves) in their second slot. Now all you need to do is get into a battle, kill all but one enemy, surrround the last one, and then break his speed first then power down to one. Then you just keep Accumulating with everyone and Yell with (Ramza) on anyone who you want to level a little faster. This can be done very early in the game and can make battles very productive because as long as you Accumuilate you gain exp/jp. Discuss? Does anyone see any ways to perhaps improve this? Does anyone else do this or have a variation to this? This is maybe my 3rd time playing through tactics but ive never really been able to talk about the game so I have alot of catching up to do...

  2. #2
    What You Say? Recognized Member BG-57's Avatar
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    I have used the Speed/Power Break strategy many a time.

    Some notes/suggestions:

    1) Ramza is the easiest character in the game to level up because he gets a lot of skills that affect himself (like Yell and Accumulate) that gets him JP almost every time he does it.

    2) Generics are the second-easiest to level up because you can always give them Basic Skills as a secondary ability and have them Accumulate until they are blue in the face.

    3) Non-generic humans (like Agrias or Mustadio) are more trouble because they don't have Basic Skills. Equip them with Steal as the secondary ability and have them use Steal Gil. Almost impossible to miss and makes you richer every time.

    4) Generic monsters are the absolute hardest to level since most of the attacks have to connect with an enemy to get EXP (they don't need JP). You can sidestep this by breeding the ones you want to keep near the end of the game when your party has high levels. Your monsters will tend to have levels around the average of your party, but you can breed high-level monsters out of low-level ones.
    Last edited by BG-57; 05-13-2007 at 02:27 PM.

  3. #3
    Eternal Challenge Seeker BBman108's Avatar
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    My stragety is fairly simple, throughly tested, and 100% successful.

    Step 1: Kill things
    Step 2: Repeat

    Yeah other things I do is that in plot battles I always kill off the guests. You never really NEED their help and they just steal your kills, but ofcourse dont concentrate too much on it and screw yourself over
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  4. #4
    Ziekfried's Avatar
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    use it however you like but one of my favorite strategies is to use steal experience on my crew. Have two people with steal steal back and forth from each other there is always a positive gain for both characters just find something to break zero exp. after each level up to keep on going. This gains exp quite fast too while not damaging your crew and having to heal them.

  5. #5
    The Son of a Submariner: Edgar's Avatar
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    Always kill Delita.

  6. #6


    I just have my characters always do something. If I am leveling up say Cloud at level one, I will sometimes let him hit his own party since they are way up there in level (Since Cloud starts at 1) and it gives him lots of JP and EXP.

    But yeah, just always do an action of some kind.

  7. #7


    You are so right Jin. My characters never waste their turns and 'WAIT'. I'll always make sure they have something to do. For instance a samurai might use 'Kiyomori' numerous times although the previous 'Shell' and 'Protect' effects havent last yet.

    But im having difficulty with Cloud. He cannot hit his other members as i equipped them with samurai's 'Blade Grasp' so that the percentage of every physical attacks received from the enemies will be narrowed down to almost 10 percent! Every one of them.

    So since that the others are a whole lot stronger (level99) during chapter 4, i always bring my lvl99 Beowulf (with his temple knight skill mastered) to random battles and made him use his awesome 'Chicken' on an unlucky enemy. Then everybody including Cloud will surround this 'chicken.' (Note: I killed other monsters first). Chicken cannot/seldom attack you so have Cloud attacking it and the others just continuously heal the poor chicken whenever it HP reach near zero. Repeat this patiently and eventually Cloud will be leveled up. I DID this and in only a battle i managed to raise him up to 30 levels!

    P/s: Dont try this if u are impatient. Luckily i do...

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  8. #8


    Alright guys here is my own master tactic for gaining JP for non- generic charactes. Equip them with Gain JP up, and whataver class thier being trained in, give them the weakest weapon, base all thier other equipment in adding speed, go to the Mandaia plains and set up a team of five, prep one character to be able to take out all the enemies on the field, This would usually be my Ramza, but you want someone very strong, self reliant and has good mobility. Basicly the first step is kill off all the enemies besides one, and this enemy should be a goblin~.

    Now, the red circled area is where you want to put that one character and the goblin, have him chase you around the circle of rock area and always move one block more then the distence it would take for the goblin to get to you, Why I chose Ramza because he has abilities like scream and such so he can continue to build JP even as he's playing cat and mouse with the goblin. The Blue area is where you want the rest of the guys, There should be one strong character there, Like orlandu, make that character have Punch art and Chakra, along with the characters you are training. Have that character face forwerd and put a character to each of his sides and one at his back, MAKE SURE YOU REMOVE ALL COUNTER ABILITIES, besides maybe Revive HP. Now have those other characters attack that one stronger character and they will gain JP for it. When the stronger character's turn comes around have him cast Chakra, or the other weaker characters can when another has attacked him.

  9. #9
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    I've used a combination of some of the tactics already set. Always I remove all counter abilities that would deal damage to an enemy. Then I kill all but one enemy. Afterwards, I try to find a cross-like piece of land that's completely flat, and place all my characters on the sides of one with punch art in the middle. This character continually uses Chakra, usually the melee jobs are accumulating, and the mages cast buffs. haste is always good because you get in that many more turns than the enemy.

    I usually do this until I have enough JP for all the abilities I want in that particular job for each character. After this, I repeat, and have the character master the next job in that battle, until I have them around where I want them ability-wise. Then I just power through for Gil to buy the best equipment I can, then progress the story.

  10. #10
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    I always got my set up with at least one black mage and one monk. After killing all but one enemy, I just cast frog on the straggler. Then I'd arrange my characters in a cross with the monk in the middle. The other four would have accumulate and spam that while the monk spammed chakra.

    I did this very early in the game. There's some sort of sick satisfaction with having samurai unlocked at the beginning of the second chapter.

  11. #11
    Ziekfried's Avatar
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    I think the real key may be the characters abilities instead of job. You may be wanting to level up characters in specific jobs, and all at once, which I try to do to be more time efficient. In such a case it is better to have them as the job you want them to level up as and then equip the secondary action skill as whatever you use to facilitate your strategy.

  12. #12
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ziekfried View Post
    I think the real key may be the characters abilities instead of job. You may be wanting to level up characters in specific jobs, and all at once, which I try to do to be more time efficient. In such a case it is better to have them as the job you want them to level up as and then equip the secondary action skill as whatever you use to facilitate your strategy.
    also, the JP that the other characters get for their jobs does trickle down to the surrounding units you have in battle. It's a good way to get, say, Counter for a melee class character that you don't want to traion as a Monk.

  13. #13


    take ur guys and go to the place where u fight melindeu i dont know the girls name the one in the early part of the game. anyways go there in a random battle that has at least one panther. 1first make sure evryone has gain jp up eqiupped and accumulate with basic skill on secondary with the job u desire to level up 2. kill all the enimies exept the panther 3.send all ur guys in the small pound with the rock in the middle 4.panthers cant enter water which makes your guys untouchable by the panther 5.have them sit there and use accumulate till you bore yourself 6. u can level up your guy and mater there jobs easily by doing this.

  14. #14
    king of the sky Lynx's Avatar
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    the best stratagy is play entire battles with just throwing roicks at eachother and enemies.
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  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by BG-57 View Post

    4) Generic monsters are the absolute hardest to level since most of the attacks have to connect with an enemy to get EXP (they don't need JP). You can sidestep this by breeding the ones you want to keep near the end of the game when your party has high levels. Your monsters will tend to have levels around the average of your party, but you can breed high-level monsters out of low-level ones.
    If you absolutely insist on leveling up a specific monster (like my friend did with Boco), I've found that Power Break is the way to go. You simply power break your monster until he's only doing 1 damage per turn, then haste him, raise his speed with a move like "Yell", and just have him attack somone of a higher level over and over again. He'll gain exp at a tremendous rate. Just incapacitate an enemy so that your monster can take as much time as you want gaining exp.

    However, I personally just walk back and forth between locations to make my monsters breed until I get one of a suitable level.

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