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Thread: 2007 EoFF Elections: The Home Streeeeeetch

  1. #1

    Default 2007 EoFF Elections: The Home Streeeeeetch

    So yeah, it didn't run as smoothly as we planned. Let's just try and concentrate on a big finish now as we move into the Home Stretch! Time for you all to cast your votes and decide the fate of EoFF for the next year and choose your leaders.

    Voting is going to be a pretty simple process. You read the answers for each section, choose the party with the pitch you liked the best and PM your votes to us. Easy!

    We'll post each section in a new post, just to save from having a mega-long post to read and generally make things easier to bear. We'll update this first post with the direct links to the post with each section as they're updated.

    Anyway, We've said all we can be arsed to say, begins. General section on its way!

    General (Edit: BAMF question 3 entry changed to the second submission they gave us. Forgot to do it first time.)
    Staff and Reference

    Nerds in Paradise
    The Quickening and The Smell of Fear
    The World is Square...and Enix

    And there we have it, folks. Get sending those votes in. You have 5 days.
    Last edited by Rad Zak; 05-17-2007 at 01:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Vote TUTU, everybody!

  3. #3
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Hells yeah!

  4. #4


    dang it.... spam times almost over

  5. #5
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loben View Post
    dang it.... spam times almost over
    Not while the threads are still up!

  6. #6



    1. Do you believe overrated/underrated threads are overrated/underrated and how would you combat public opinion on the matter!

    BAMF: I believe there is no over and underrated threads, just degrees of badassery, and should henceforth be judged as such. Thusly, a thread will be judged by a motorcycle rally, or a mass be determined by the thread-makers peference.

    Pirate Red Chin Patrol: Overrated threads are overrated, obviously. These may include threads that are only responded to out of a user's popularity, or a like/dislike of a user as opposed to actually having an interest in the subject.

    On the opposite end, underrated threads are those that are genuinely thought-provoking, but are ignored due to dislike of subject matter.

    To draw attention, boycott overrated threads and go to underrated ones. Boycotts have worked wonders (if you look at the civil rights movement of the sixties, you'll see what I mean). It'll eventually get to the point where people have to notice.

    The Party:I, myself, find Overrated Threads to be highly and uncompromisingly underrated. To elevate such Overrated threads to a level of normalcy, follow what I like to call the "Evastio Formula". The formula is defined as follows:

    Now the underrated thread is a different story completely. Personally, I find underrated threads to be somewhat overrated, but this is purely opinion. As with the overrated thread, if you wish to create an underrated thread, the easiest method would be to follow the pre-established formula. This formula, most scholars would agree, was discovered independently by Isaac Newton sometime in his mid-career; although some scholars argue he had assistance in its derivation from a friend. Lady friend. With whom he probably had sex. Just sayin'.

    The formula for the underrated thread is as follows:

    2. How will your party ensure that Shy/Modest guys like ladies man Peter_20 are treated with equal respect here at EoFF, among the suave and incorrigible badasses (such as Agent Proto) who comprise the general forum populace?

    BAMF: I shall take such members aside and give them personal badass lessons. They will either rise to the occasion, or perish trying.

    Pirate Red Chin Patrol: All most users need is a pep talk to convince them to post here and feel more at home. It may be that just the user's time is limited. However, some people are just shy. All we need to do is just encourage everybody to speak their mind to make EoFF even better.

    The Party: Equality will be quickly achieved in three simple steps:

    #1 Both Shy/Modest guys like Peter_20 and suave and incorrigible badasses like Agent Proto will be rounded up, and placed in a holding pen.

    #2 A horde of angry barbarians, armed with rusty chainsaws and riding killer whales will then be unleashed into the pen.

    #3 The rest of the forums will be given popcorn and other assorted viewing snacks, in order to satisfy their hunger as they watch the glorious sight of EoFF justice. Proto and Peter are now both equally slaughtered, a victory for all that is good and right on this forum.

    3. Create the two most unoriginal, cliche characters you can think of...and then duel them to the death! Your assignment is your very own mini-RP Tournament.

    BAMF: Somewhere on a little island in the middle of the ocean is a town. It's an average town full of farmers and uselessness. A field grows vegetables in the shadow of a scarecrow meant to scare away birds. A church filled with empty benches and the statue of a goddess sits on the corner nestled against cliffs. A weapons store sits next to an armor store even though noone in town can use them and noone has ever come to visit the town from any other land. There's even an old man who sits as chief on a rug outside the biggest building in town.

    One day, as birds flew overby and waves splashed against the shores, someone did come to town. He came on a ship that flew in the sky! Noone in town knew what to make of it. They were so stunned they could only mutter a single sentence as he asked his questions. This stranger had the most ridiculous hair they had ever seen. It was long and shaped in angles that even the strongest glue ever known couldn't hold in place for anyone else. His shirt was sleeveless and his pants baggy. The sword he carried was wider than the fattest watermelon the villagers had ever grown and longer than the biggest fish anyone had ever caught. He said his name was Monsoon.

    Moonsoon visited all the stores, talked to everyone in town, and even stole all the hidden treasures found in pots, drawers, and crates. This made the villagers very angry. They refused to say more to him then the single line they had mutttered upon his first arrival. Much to their grief he didn't leave. Monsoon bought a room at the inn that night for a rest. During the night he murmered and screamed at the dreams his inner demons drew forth, no doubt from the guilt of all he had done in his past. All the villagers got little sleep that night.

    As morning came to the unhappy little town a new stranger rode in. It was the three town gaurds, which made up it's army, that saw him first. They were all on watch. He came at dawn, just as the sun began to rise. He needed no ship. His ghostly horse simply walked across the waves, then disappeared as he dismounted. This stranger gave no name, but one got the impression that he didn't need one. Everyone who saw him would recognize his description no matter where they saw him. Upon his brow was a wide cowboy hat and a cigarette hung from a thin lower lip. His skin was a tint of black and shades covered his eyes. The man didn't wear a shirt, but his pants were made of black leather and his combat boots made a solid thud as they hit the ground.

    "I'm lookin' for a hawaiian burger. This town have any hawaiian burgers?", he said. We had to tell him no. "Damn. Then I guess the only thing this town has for me is Monsoon. Where is he?"

    At this the man from before stepped out of the inn.

    "There you are, little Stormy. The Empire wants you, you know. They want you dead for your rebellious ways. That's why they hired me. I'm the most badass motherfsmurfing mercenary anyones ever seen. They hired me to come get you. That, and it's personal. I'm going to scalp all that pretty hair for stealing my harley."

    "Well then let's not waste any time", replied Monsoon. He drew his sword and took a stance to strike. In the flash of an eye the mercenary drew a revolver from his pants. Six quick burst later and all it's bullets were heading straight for their target with an accuracy that never missed. This time they wouldn't either had things been different. Bringing the sword around Monsoon grazed each, scattering them at peril towards anywhere but himself. Two hit the scarecrow, one hit the armor shop, and the other three fell harmlessly to the ground.

    Monsoon rushed in swinging his sword in a downwards thrust at the mercenaries head. He swiftly stepped to the side and landed a fist in the others ribs. Monsoon fell face first to the ground with a wheeze, then spun around sending his sword in an arc. It grazed mercenaries sunglasses, knocking them aside. As he staggered back Monsoon raised his hand and lightning flashed. A hole seemed to to rip into the very air itself as something began to materialize inside. Then, a chocobo popped out. It jumped in the air, clicking it's legs together. The chocobo began running towards mercenary. Crouching towards the ground he awaited the attack. As the chocobo rushed close enough, mercenary pulled a knife out of his boot and lunged, looping his arm around the bird's neck and swinging up on it's back. The knife went straight through the skull and that was the end of that.

    Mercenary dropped to his feet.

    "Looks like I'm eating chicken tonight," he said.

    "Unless I kill you first".

    With that Monsoon rushed in. Mercenary met this with a fist to his face. Then another, another, and another, effectively turning Monsoon's face into hamburger. Grabbing his hair, mercenary drug him to the airship. Then dropping him to the ground mercenary walked in. Moments later a loud rumbling was heard. It grew louder and louder echoing through the air. Seconds later a harley came out, stopping beside Monsoon. Mercenary strapped his fallen victim to the harley, then rode off into the distance.

    Pirate Red Chin Patrol: Um, how do I do this, again?

    The Party: Name: Merlot
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Slim build. Blonde, carefully styled hair and bright blue eyes. Wears a tight vest which exposes a lot of his torso. He stands atop a pair of platform shoes, containing a pair of goldfish swimming around inside.
    Skills: Skilled in using an outrageously unrealistic sword.
    Bio: He dreams of an exciting life of adventure. Just as he leaves his home and his mother (his father died), the evil Empire attack his village and destroy it. He tries to fight the troops but loses, and fortunately an old, scarred friend of his father's saves the day and takes him somewhere safe - the base of the resistance. There he meets a Princess, who is the only survivor of an ancient race. She carries a crystal pendant, which contains great power. The two fall in love but can't make a move on each other until the Empire and any other evil is destroyed. And so his adventure begins...

    Name: Sauvignon
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Slim build. Long, silver-blue hair and eyes of purest black. Sports a rather fetching handlebar mustache. Wears a black trenchcoat and black boots.
    Skills: Uses a really, really long sword. He also is able to use extremely powerful magic such as Fire3 and Reduce Everyone To One HP.
    Bio: Was a great hero of the people until he learned of his origins - he was a genetic experiment from another planet. Has joined the Empire and has quickly risen through their ranks as their greatest general. However, upon discovering an ancient artifact of terrific power - or rather, waiting for the party to go through the dungeon filled with traps, high level monsters and two bosses, teleporting in and taking it from them - he has overthrown the emperor and now plans to destroy the world. Just 'cause he can.

    "SAUVIGNON! IT'S OVER!" Merlot cried out before noticing the form lying on the floor - Beautiful Princess was dead too. "FIRST SCARRED OLD HERO, NOW BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS! IS THERE NOTHING YOU WON'T TAKE FROM ME?!" He screamed but Sauvignon was too far away to hear him or chose to ignore him. They stood facing each other, cold hatred burning in both their eyes. Beautiful Princess lay dead behind Merlot where Sauvignon had repeatedly penetrated her, her fluids still ran down her body, pooling on the floor beneath her. Merlot's weapon was thirsty and hard, ready to pound away at Sauvignon repeatedly and mercilessly. Feeling the building tension within him, he knew would would erupt and nothing would stop him. "Why?! Why do you do this to us, Savignon? My friends...what did they do to deserve such brutality? You cursed brigand!"

    Merlot flew at Sauvignon, their weapons clashing violently as they vied for superiority. "You cannot take control of me, Merlot, you son of a fancy woman, and like Beautiful Princess and Old Scarred Hero before you, you will lie pierced, bloody and dying in these halls." Sauvignon said fiercely. Merlot was caught off guard as the huge weapon of Sauvignon penetrated him deeply. A cry, sharp and sweet to Sauvignon's ears pierced the silence. Merlot grabbed the meaty sword of Sauvignon and flung it aside, and threw himself on top of Sauvignon and began to beat him relentlessly. There was no jazzy music, no excited onlookers, just the sounds of the two men moaning and grunting as their contest continued.
    Sauvignon forced Merlot off him, trying to ram his heavy weapon into his delicate areas. Both men were trying their best for supremacy now, grabbing, biting and viciously pounding away at each other. Breaking apart, Merlot checked his weapon again - it was still hard, and ready for more. His left platform shoe's goldfish was floating upside down, dead...

    "You kill my friends, and now you kill my shoes! This is unacceptable!" Merlot panted between great gasps for air as Sauvignon continued to try and force his way into him, the evil man obviously taking pleasure in his weapon's powerful thrusts at him. The ground was stained with their fluids, both his and Sauvignon's. Merlot fought not only for his life but the life of every living person on the planet. The pressure built and played in his mind, the feelings swelled making his eruption a truly magnificent one. Weapon in hand he beat Sauvignon repeatedly and relentlessly. Sauvignon's body leaked fluid like a bucket with a hole in it, gushing from him in streams that spread across the floor...but Sauvignon wasn't done yet. Smiling viciously he stabbed with his aching weapon, finding the sweet spot in the defences of Merlot.

    Merlot could feel it, the hard length inside of him he was poleaxed by the sheer sensation of it... the barrier between him and his pain collapsed and he felt the renting of his body. His fluids sprayed out over Sauvignon's face as his satisfied grin broadened, this was Beautiful Princess and Old Scarred Hero before him he was going become another victim of Sauvingon's uncontrollable urges. Sauvignon was licking Merlot's juices off his lips, sensing the victory. "You have finished me it is true, I will not walk from this, but I can take you with me..." Merlot gasped, tensed up his muscles and squeezed Sauvignon's weapon inside of him. The look in Sauvignon's eyes was wild as the weapon of Merlot rose one last time to finish him off, the penetration was deep and brutal, ripping into his exposed flesh as it sent Sauvignon over the edge. Merlot smiled and collapsed, spent, his precious fluids flowing out of his body to mingle with those of Beautiful Princess, Old Scarred Hero and Sauvignon as they lay in silence...
    Last edited by Rad Zak; 05-17-2007 at 01:30 AM.

  7. #7
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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  8. #8
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Well, that was a pwnage.

  9. #9
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I love our pictures that back our statements. TAKE THAT other parties!

  10. #10
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Well, that was a pwnage.
    One of epic proportions.

    Wonderful stuff!

  11. #11


    Staff and Reference

    1. Find the best Penny Arcade, Ctrl-alt-del, or Not Funny to relate to this thread:

    Alternately, you may take one of said comics and replace the text bubbles with your own witty dialogue.


    Pirate Red Chin Patrol:

    The Party:

    2. The Feedback forum was once the go-to place for quality entertainment and good times. What course of action will your party take to convince the EoFF Staff to make Feedback public once again?

    BAMF: 2. We propose the following rules be enforced upon reestablishment of the public Feedback Forum:

    * Ban Raistlin from all possible posting in the Feedback Forum (we realize he is a member of this party, but being a bad ass does not change the fact that you are an ass).
    * Restrict threads Agent Proto makes just so he can close it himself later to one per year.
    * All threads made regarding the swear filter will have that user's name be added to the swear filter, and replaced with *~flUffY PoSiEs~*.
    * Ban Raistlin from posting in any other forum while we're at it.
    * Have a madatory two Livejournal entries be made by members for each thread.
    * Change the name from Feedback Forum to Spamalot.
    * Sephex must make a post pointing out how funny something kishi did was at least once per six months (unless kishi hasn't posted in the last six months).
    * Everytime someone gets really upset about something in the forum, give them temporary mod powers for the day and let them unban then reban Raistlin. It should help them feel better (works for Shlup).
    * If your idea gets accepted, Psychotic will have sex with you.

    Pirate Red Chin Patrol: We’re going to spell it out for you, plain and simple. No dragging it out. There is a common misconception out there that the one thing a member can do to make the staff bend to his or her will is provide sexual favors. Sexual favors are but a small part of the incentive spectrum. To explain more clearly, here is a pie chart detailing the wants and needs of the Staff. Don’t expect to see the Feedback Forum back until all of the portions have been dealt with. As a warning, don’t let the sizes of the pie portions throw you off. It works.

    No compromises!

    The Party: Dear Staff of Eyes on Final Fantasy:

    It’s been ages since my last encounter with our love child. Needless to say, (The comma implies I’m going to say it anyway) I’m speaking of the Feedback Forum, of course. And when I said “ages” I meant 398 days. (Not that I’m counting or anything.) As funny as it was when you brutally tore us apart from, it would be just swell if you could give it back by now. I think we’ve all learned a valuable lesson since then. The feedback forum is not for spamming, EoEO is. Now please give it back or I will be forced to make birthday threads for all 21,589 members of EoFF.

    Still not convinced? Thought so. Well, take a look at these 100% authentic quotes spoken by real EoFF members in 2006:

    If you read between the lines in DP’s poetry it was easy to see that he missed feedback, and that this eventually lead to his downfall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignified Pauper
    Oh man why did feedback close down
    it really gives me a frown
    hey, look a clown!
    Because of lack of feedback I want to drown

    Actually, screw that drown part, I’ll just make up some random second account and get myself banned.
    Quote Originally Posted by TyphoonThaReapa
    You know, since that forum was removed I’ve been eating nothing but porridge day in and day out.
    Quote Originally Posted by Giga Guess
    Didn’t you join after it disappeared?
    Quote Originally Posted by TyphoonThaReapa
    Oh, right. Why am I eating porridge again?
    Quote Originally Posted by Quina
    If Feedback is anything like the sound of that word, Quina wants feedback back
    Quote Originally Posted by The Man
    I remember this other forum I went to that removed their feedback forum, and you know what happened? THEY DIED. Well, on the inside anyway
    What?.... STILL not convinced? Jksdbjk
    I was afraid this would happen. Apparantly the only language the EoFF staff speak is the language of violence. Well, Madministrators and Squid’s Tights (haha I made these up ) you will get what you’re asking for! It’s time to take off my metaphorical gloves, ‘cause it’s no more Mr. Nice member anymore, and it ain’t gonna be a pretty sight. I present to you this:

    I’m smurfing crazy so don’t try to play hero, it will cost you. Just bring feedback back ffs.

    3. Explain what game just MUST be covered on the EoFF frontsite, and why this is so.

    BAMF: Prior to releasing Final Fantasy, Squaresoft released many games which were seen as precursors to the first Final Fantasy games today (despite not being RPGs.) One game in particular had the most common ties and can almost be used as the nexus point which connects all of the games. In it, a young warrior is competing against other rivals to journey through a vast desert. Along the way, he encounters many obstacles and... well, I don't want to spoil it, but it's quite a ride. So definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, Rad Racer needs to be covered on the frontsite.

    Or, if it ever gets published, This game.

    Pirate Red Chin Patrol: Xenosaga, so that people will stop asking why Xenosaga isn't already covered on the frontsite along with Xenogears.

    The Party:

    And here it is, the game you've all been waiting for...Kama Sutra 2 Final Fantasy Monopoly! At last, you can bring the FF world into the real world! Use your well earned gil to buy iconic places such as Zozo or Midgar, or even a famous airship to travel in! However, it's not all fun and games. Watch out for the dastardly Empire's taxes, and keep your head or you might just wind up in the Nalbina Dungeons. The classic pieces of the hat, the dog and the car have been slaughtered replaced by the helmet, the chocobo and the airship. So head on down to your local retailer and plunder buy this immensely nerdy epic game for only 50 (tax deductable) dollars! Go on, buy it. Yes, you. No, not Margaret. She's too old and the excitement might give her a stroke. Remember, buying this game is essential to your happiness and living a long life!

  12. #12
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    If common sense comes out on top, 2-0 to us.

    PS: Del I always feel uneasy making a sex joke, because you always make the next post in the thread and I know how you don't like them. Stop it. It's beginning to creep me out.

  13. #13


    Nerds in Paradise

    1. With the recent loss of the FFClassic section, how does your party plan to ensure the older games forums do not suffer the same fate and fall by the wayside?

    BAMF: We're going to go with the big guns and make sure everybody knows just how cool these games are. Clint Eastwood is going to ride into town on his horse handing out copies of FFI to all the pilgrams along with cowboy hats while smoking cigars. James Dean is going to ride into town on his Harley followed by biker babes wearing leather skirts and red lipstick handing out copies of FFII. FFIII? Let me tell you about my friend who likes FFIII. His name is The Terminator. Try and tell him the game isn't awesome. Just think how mothersmurfing cool it's going to be when Bruce Willis comes to haunt your house until you think FFIV is the coolest thing you've ever seen. You think that's bad? Wait until Mr. T vows to pee all over your enemies houses if only you'll claim FFV to be awesome. Who do you think is going to smurf with Mr. T? Samuel L. Jackson is going to storm into houses with a gun and eat all your hawaiian burgers until you vow FFVI is your favorite game. It shouldn't take long. With tactics like these, soon everyone will be loving these games all over again.

    Pirate Red Chin Patrol:

    The Party: 1. Change the all of the post marks in the FF I forum to nude white mage sprite edits.
    2. Change the FF II forum to the 8-Bit Theater forum.
    3. Prohibit new users from posting in any forum besides the FF III forum for their first month. Charge them a fee if they don't post at all.
    4. Create a permanently stickied Rosa x Rydia erotic fan fiction thread in the FF IV forum, finally revealing to the whole world who Rydia's Secret Lover really is.
    5. Change the FF V forum to a "cheese and crackers" forum where we only discuss cheese and/or crackers.
    6. Prohibit "Who is the main character" threads in FF VI.
    7. Change the title "Nerds in Paradise" to "Cats on Motorcycles."
    8. Ban everyone who doesn't post in one of the above-mentioned forums at least once a week.
    9. Ban Levian.
    10. Allow 100x100 avatars and 1100x400 signatures in all non-Cats on Motorcycles forums.

    2. Give us 5 reasons why Mog is such a mothersmurfing pimp.

    BAMF: Pimps? Let me tell you what Bad Ass Mother smurfers think about pimps. We don't need them. Babes love badasses. Let me tell you what we don't like about pimps and you'll see what we don't like about the little plushie-bear either.

    Dancing. BAMF's don't dance. Take a good look at me and try to guess if I want to Water Rondo or not? Pimps have to be smooth, and to be smooth you have to dance.

    Glamour. With a pimp it's all about looking good. Looking good is all about accessories. Rings, jeweled chains, cains, all that shiny crap. Walk up to your nearest BAMF and ask him just how "fly" he thinks your alligator shoes are. They'll probably stick a leather boot in your face and laugh. Those little fairy wings? Not gonna happen, Scooter.

    Pimps need bodygaurds. Why? 'Cause badass mother smurfers like us sometimes like to rough them up a bit. They like to hire big muscled goons to try and stop us. HA! Like that ever stopped one of us. We don't need no bodygaurds 'cause we take care of our own. Then we go drink a cheap bear. Just look at plushie-bear's little ogre Umaro.

    If there's one thing you can count on with a pimp, it's that he carries protection from all the monstrosities that might want to take them out. Police protection here, a handgun there, maybe even a little moogle charm to let others know he's not the one you wanna mess with. BAMF's aren't afraid of a little jailtime.

    Take a good look at what music a pimp likes to listen to. It's full of words that don't make any sense. Fo'sheezy? How about I fo'sheezy all over your spleen , chief. Kupo Kupo? I'm gonna kupo you into next week, plushie-bear.

    Pirate Red Chin Patrol:






    The Party:
    1) Pimp slaps Terra like a pro.
    2) Umaro is completely under Mog's control...bitch, anyone?
    3) Slam Dancin'!
    4) Often seen cruising the streets of Narshe in a lowrider Magitek.

    3. What the Hell WAS Leon doing? Provide us with your best Conspiracy Theory.

    BAMF: We all know Lionheart, the Dark Knight, is a rebel at heart. Let's face it, he's one of us, a BAMF. Let's look at exactly why he turned out this way. As a kid him and Maria were growing up brother and sister. Then one day his parents adopt this other boy. Why? Was he not a good enough son? Did his parents not like him? The seeds of anger begin to grow. Then in time Maria and Frionel start to grow feelings for each other. What's with that? This little orphan boy is stealing his sister from him. Anger grows stronger and jealousy seeps into his soul. Feeling abandoned by everyone and estranged to the place he grows up he secretly joins the Emperial Army and rises to the rank of Knight in the Emperors service. The Emperor allows him to spend time at home to help plan the destruction of Phin. Then the time comes for the Empire to take the land in it's dreaded sweep of power. Now the Dark Knight, he pretends to lead Frionel and Maria to safety along with their friend Guy. Really he leads them to a trap. Assuming their death, he leaves them to begin work on his Emperor's ship, the Dreadnaught. As it turns out, they aren't dead at all. They were revived by the Princess of Altea along with her Wizard friend Mihn. The Dark Knight doesn't realize they're still alive and have joined with the rebel forces until they come to stop the construction of the very ship he's in charge of supervising. Instead of stopping them there, he leaves to see how capable they are. Maybe if they can take the ship they can be strong enough to kill the emperor himself, leaving the throne free for him to assume power? This plan meets with great success! These new rebels kill the emperor and the Dark Knight takes control. All is well until they come for him. Then unforseen events transpire! The Emperor returns from the dead. With little choice, our Dark Knight plots to appeal to these rebels hearts so they take him in. All in time, he thinks. All in time they may take this undead Emperor down again, and I will help them, because once that's done I will take control again. It's only a matter of time.

    Pirate Red Chin Patrol:

    The Party: Leon was actually part of an underground resistance that was against the Exterminators. The Exterminators only goal in life is to unconfused all gender confused humans or GCH. Ron, the leader of the underground resistance, had to always live in fear of being found by the Exterminators since he was important for GCH. After a harsh battle with the Exterminators, Leon and his group, Vaan and Tidus, came across a shut down Exterminator and took it back to their hideout and after some tinkering around, got important data from it. They discovered that the Exterminators were planning on sending a new grade Exterminator to the year 1999 to find and kill Ron so the future would always be GCH free.

    After Leon rewired the Exterminator, they sent it back to 1999 to stop the new grade Exterminator from killing young Ron. While young Ron and young Leon were playing let’s steal money from a cash station, they came across the new Exterminator and ran like hell after it started singing karaoke tunes. Then, the Exterminator old Ron sent back came like a light breeze blowing a feather around. It snuck up on the new grade Exterminator and shot it with a rubber band, destroying it. Unfortunately, while Ron was running from the karaoke machine he was run down by a moped however, Leon survived and then decided to rejoin the party.

  14. #14
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    who the hell did the PRMs have on Nerds? I begrudgingly say good show! Oh, Shads, was it you? I should not have given you the questions!

    Still, Slade's pimp mog is better than theirs.

  15. #15
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Our pimp mog is elite and you know it!

    On related matters, kudos to the Party and BAMF for handing in such excellent submissions. Even though it probably means we'll lose severely, I'm still getting quite the kick out of them. The rusty chainsaw, whale riding Barbarians had me laughing for a good solid minute.
    There is no signature here. Move along.

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