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Thread: The Wii... Sucks

  1. #1
    Is not wearing socks tidus_rox's Avatar
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    Default The Wii... Sucks

    I bought a Wii. Morning it came out. My friend pressured me inot buying it, so I did. I hate it.

    I dont really know why I hate it, but then again, I dont know why people like it. It bores me very quickly and the games suck. Even TP, I hate it.

    So please tell me what you guys see in it, or if you hate it... you rock! lol. No but seriously, I just think the Wii is a passing phase and the PS3 will catch up in a year or two.


  2. #2
    Some kind of Nature~ Fonzie's Avatar
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  3. #3
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Where's Dreddz? Get Dreddz!

  4. #4
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    Isn't this your fifteen-billionth thread stating that the Wii sucks? I thought we already established this from you months ago. Why are you bringing it up again? Why do you still even have the Wii if you hate it so much?

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  5. #5
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Proto View Post
    Isn't this your fifteen-billionth thread stating that the Wii sucks? I thought we already established this from you months ago. Why are you bringing it up again? Why do you still even have the Wii if you hate it so much?

    Stop badgering the witness!

  6. #6
    Smart but Lazy Monol's Avatar
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    I like the Wii... and im sure your not THAT oblivious to why pepole like the system? Well in case you are let me break it down like this...

    *Cues the spanish beat-boxers*

    "Yo Yo Yo listen up ya'll listen to me"
    "I'm the first fella here to defend the Wii"
    (Background singers - "Wii!")
    "Let me ask ya somthing and give it to me straight"
    "How can you hate somthing nintendo helped create?"
    "Its keen on the scene and original"
    "The graphics are more fun than anything digital"
    "Is that wrong or is it hypocritical?"
    "Doesnt even matter cause nintendos wallets getting fatter"
    "With all this chitter chatter about mario hopping on the stars so bright"
    "How can SSBBrawl not excite or delight YOU?!"
    "You know that its true so be alittle patient and listen to me"
    "Go home right now and make a couple Mii's"
    "And keep working your body till you get a disease"
    "And if that doesnt do it for ya buy a 360 or a PS3"
    "And show some respect to nintendo....if you please "
    "Yeaaaaaah" *adopts gangsta pose and beat boxing ends*

    See? Its not so bad now isnt?

  7. #7
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    Simple fact of the matter is, real gamers don't like the Wii right now, because there's basically nothing out for it, but it's still selling like crazy and they don't stay on the shelves. Many people don't understand why this is happening. Simply put, people who never bought games before are buying a Wii, playing Wii sports, and loving it. I'm sorry that the simple easy to play games don't entertain you, but when Nintendo and 3rd party companies start releasing their games, you shouldn't be disappointed.

    Honestly, how long did it take the 360 to get a few truly great games? Why do people expect this or the PS3 to be great off the bat? The problem with the PS3 is, a lot of companies are seeing sales and are impressed with the Wii, dedicating more time to that instead.

    add me, PSN: ljkkjlcm9

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Monol View Post
    I like the Wii... and im sure your not THAT oblivious to why pepole like the system? Well in case you are let me break it down like this...

    *Cues the spanish beat-boxers*

    "Yo Yo Yo listen up ya'll listen to me"
    "I'm the first fella here to defend the Wii"
    (Background singers - "Wii!")
    "Let me ask ya somthing and give it to me straight"
    "How can you hate somthing nintendo helped create?"
    "Its keen on the scene and original"
    "The graphics are more fun than anything digital"
    "Is that wrong or is it hypocritical?"
    "Doesnt even matter cause nintendos wallets getting fatter"
    "With all this chitter chatter about mario hopping on the stars so bright"
    "How can SSBBrawl not excite or delight YOU?!"
    "You know that its true so be alittle patient and listen to me"
    "Go home right now and make a couple Mii's"
    "And keep working your body till you get a disease"
    "And if that doesnt do it for ya buy a 360 or a PS3"
    "And show some respect to nintendo....if you please "
    "Yeaaaaaah" *adopts gangsta pose and beat boxing ends*

    See? Its not so bad now isnt?

  9. #9
    Is not wearing socks tidus_rox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Proto View Post
    Isn't this your fifteen-billionth thread stating that the Wii sucks? I thought we already established this from you months ago. Why are you bringing it up again? Why do you still even have the Wii if you hate it so much?
    Actaully its only my second.
    Lol... I was hoping no one would notice that.
    Oh... and about the "Why do I still have it?" Cuz I cant really find anyone to buy it...

  10. #10
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I think ljkkjlcm9 said it best, but I'll add my :twocents:

    Whenever there is a new system release, it usually takes it a year to finally establish itself. The Wii is pretty new and it's going into "strange and unfamiliar" territory. Becasue of it's success, it will most likely actually get some real third party support like the GBA and DS have:rolleyes2

    The only thing I see the system having trouble with is the fact that the interface is so different, that third party companies are actually going to have to work for once instead of making crappy ports. Boo Hoo for them:rolleyes2

    Honestly, the PS3 has little to offer for me. Except for MGS4, I have yet to see anything on the system that makes it worth a purchase. As for the 360, it's finally reached it's "first year" benchmark and is finally getting some decent games. So of course it looks more impressive right now, but remember a year ago when all it had was Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero? The 360's library is still a little too shallow for my taste but at least it has a few titles to look forward too now.

    With the purchase of any console, I believe we the consumers are mostly buying "potential". And for me, the Wii has the most potential compared to the 360 and the PS3.

  11. #11
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Honestly, I bought the Wii right off the bat because I wanted to play Twilight Princess (which, I believe, was absolutely fantastic). I think THE JACKAL explained the situation very well. Launch titles, for the most part, can't carry a system for long. Zelda was probably the best thing Nintendo could launch with (I'd argue that the Mario game wouldn't have compared), but not a whole lot has come out since. We're still waiting on most of the big titles, but they're coming.

    The PS3 is in the same boat. The big exclusives either aren't exclusives anymore (a big problem for Sony) or are not yet out. I imagine once Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out, PS3 sales will skyrocket, at least for a little while. For various other reasons, however, I can't see Sony reclaiming its domination of the video game market. They've made too many mistakes this time around. That, however, is an entirely different subject.

  12. #12
    oreodaredattoomotteyagaru Recognized Member JKTrix's Avatar
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    Looking at your screen name, your sense of judgement is immediately taken into question.

    Jokes aside, there really is a lack of 'stuff a Final Fantasy Freak would want' on the Wii right now. Outside of Twilight Princess and Super Paper Mario, there aren't any traditional-type games out there to hold your hardcore interests for a long time.

    So, it's time to think outside the box. You bought the Wii, so you're halfway there. You went into it knowing it was a different system, expecting something different. So... try something different.

    One of the first Wii games I really enjoyed immensely was Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi Budokai 2. Same game as the PS2 version, but the controls are really something else. You can even switch back to normal gamepad controls if you chicken out. I actually played this a lot more than Zelda.

    More recently, a game called 'Kororinpa: Marble Madness' came out. If you're not familiar with the Marble Madness brand, you're basically moving a marble (or similarly round object) through a maze to get to the goal. Simple enough purpose, but the level design and again the controls really make it great. It's somewhat similar to Super Monkey Ball, but much better executed in terms of Gameplay. Monkeyball's tilt axis was pretty limited, but with Kororinpa you can turn the table entirely upside-down. In many cases, you *have* to do that in order to either finish the level, or get the special goals that unlock stuff.
    It's a little too short, so if you can rent it or get it cheap, definitely go for it. I feel Kororinpa is something anyone with access to a Wii should check out, it's the best and tightest use of the motion sensor I've seen in any Wii game.

    Back on the 1st party side of things, WarioWare is great fun. Similar to Kororinpa, the 1p game itself is pretty short, but WarioWare lives on in its multiplayer. This is the 'other' game I bring with me when I go to parties (Wii sports being the other obvious choice). There are various minigames you can do with 2 players, or you can have up to 12 people taking turns in a multiplayer competition with One remote. Sounds kinda stupid, but when everyone gets going it it's crazy fun. There are several unlockable 'Toys' in WarioWare, my favourite one being a sort of 'Music Conductor' mode where you wave the Wii remote like a Conductor's baton and the folks on screen will play the selected song at your tempo. Nifty little thing.

    I'll admit that I don't play Wii by myself very often--in fact it's been unplugged continuously for about a week. I haven't had much time to game at home, but regardless of that there isn't anything that's driving me to play it. And I have Super Paper Mario, unfinished.

    The Wii's best use for me is as a party system. With 1 Remote and a Nunchuk, you can play 2-12 player multiplayer on WarioWare and 4 players in Wii Bowling. 2+ Remotechucks will open up other multiplayer options in Wii Sports. I'd save DBZ for someone else who knows how to play it, because that is definitely not a 'pick up and play' game (If you check out DBZ, definitely go through all the Tutorials).

    So, I don't regret having a Wii, because it was comparitively cheap and when I can play with a bunch of people (or my 2 friends who can kick it in DBZ) it's hella fun. Similarly I don't regret buying a PS3 for Virtua Fighter 5 alone, the only game on the system that interests me. In the end it really comes down to your taste, and whether or not you've tried to taste other things.

    I think more of the 'FF Freaks' should play games for game's sake. 'Traditional' JRPGs get you into bad habits of putting Story and Appearance over Gameplay. It's fine to have that, RPGs and other story-focused games will always be around. But look outside the box at some things that may not have a great story, or may look like they fell out of a kid's colouring book. If you like it, great. If you don't, you still have the box to go back to.

    Also, I want to acknowledge Monol's rap, but... I really have nothing to say. You're on a whole different level than I am.

  13. #13


    I recently bought a second Wii remote and a second nunchuk then I played against my nephew in boxing on Wii Sports and it was really fun. I think the reason why you hate the Wii 'tidus_rox' is because you're a solo gamer. The Wii is a party system, which means in order to have fun you need to play a Wii game with a if your friends don't want to play with you that's your problem.
    Last edited by The Fat Bioware Nerd; 05-18-2007 at 01:32 AM.

  14. #14


    This is why you try a console before you buy it silly. I played Wii sports alot and Red Steel, and hated both. Its just the way you use the controller that ticks me off, after 10 or so minutes playing with it, I wanted to go back to a regular controller. I can see the appeal of it, and for social occasions it could be a laugh. But I'd hate the idea using that thing alone with a real meaty game you have to hunker down with for hours. It would drive me insane even. Also, the claim that the controller is innovative is far from the truth. Its a new way to play, sure. I mean, using the remote as a tennis racket, or as a fishing rod, how long do you reckon they spent thinking about that, couple of minutes ? Nothing innovative is going on here.

    My real beef is with Nintendo itself though, and how they treat there systems in general. Even with the massive audience the Wii has, games still come out at a slug pace, especially the decent ones. And Nintendo have no excuse for the lack of Wii's available, but at least they admitted it instead of soaking in glory that there system is so hard to find.

    The console has untapped potential though. If the developers werent doing the most obvious things with the controller then maybe Ill re-think my opinion of the system. At the moment, its still a gimmicky console in my opinion.

  15. #15
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreddz View Post
    At the moment, its still a gimmicky console in my opinion.
    I agree, and I'm not sure even the endless generosity of the gaming community towards Nintendo will last terribly long if they don't get some good, hardcore games out that combine exactly what we want to see with a control system that could be very powerful. Party games are entirely valid. And at the price of the Wii, they can probably get away with just marketing it as a multiplayer console and leave it at that. For people who get ample multiplayer satisfaction from their 360 and PC (That'd be me I'm referring to), the appeal is considerably lessened, because we've got some fantastic single-player options as well.

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