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Thread: lost again, 360 questions

  1. #1

    Default lost again, 360 questions


    I just got tired of wow after playing it for 2 years. So I thought that I finally got rid of those time consuming MMORPGs. But then I started thinking of xbox 360 .. and yeah, FFXI is availible on that consol :P. So I watched a video review on the game and there I was .. in love again. I have the game for PC, but I'd like to play it on my LCD TV.
    So I have a few questions (probably pretty nubish ones, but I couldn't however find a straight answer for them).

    1. Can I use my old account on the 360-version?
    2. I just have "rise of zilart" and "chains of promatia" on PC, if my account works on the 360, will it be upgraded to be able to access the content of "treasures of aht urghan"?
    3. What about the newest expansion, will it be released for 360 aswell?

    I have a few random wonderings aswell;
    4. I want to start new jobs even if I play with my old account, is it still as time consuming to find groups to play with?

    5. Is there any newly started realms in FFXI? I mean, if there was, it would probably be easy to get groups since many players would be levling up again.

    6. Is there any realms for english-speaking-people-only? Or even better, for european players only? (I have nothing against other players, I just don't have the possibility to play at night) :P

    Thankfull for answears!

    edit: typos
    Last edited by Eidolon; 05-20-2007 at 10:39 AM.

  2. #2


    1. Can I use my old account on the 360-version?

    2. I just have "rise of zilart" and "chains of promatia" on PC, if my account works on the 360, will it be upgraded to be able to access the content of "treasures of aht urghan"?
    No. You need to buy ToAU for PC.

    3. What about the newest expansion, will it be released for 360 aswell?

    4. I want to start new jobs even if I play with my old account, is it still as time consuming to find groups to play with?

    5. Is there any newly started realms in FFXI? I mean, if there was, it would probably be easy to get groups since many players would be levling up again.

    6. Is there any realms for english-speaking-people-only? Or even better, for european players only? (I have nothing against other players, I just don't have the possibility to play at night) :P
    Everyone is integrated. You'll find people who play your shifts.
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  3. #3
    Dark_Mage_Palom's Avatar
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    to add to UltimateSpamGrover's comment

    when you buy the game for the 360 (you need to have the disc to play) it will come with new reg. codes so you can just use the ToA code with you're old acc.

    it wouldn't make any sense to buy ToA for the PC if it already comes with a new 360 disc
    what?!, huh?!, DUDE!

    "OK -- so he looks "cool" when he turns into a Ninja.So what? He's still a pussy."-FF1_Geek

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