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Thread: 2007 EoFF Elections: Congratulations to the Bored Pirate Red Patrol!

  1. #16
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tavrobel View Post
    PsyPie prefer dolphins the most. I say go for it!
    Flying Mullet. Come on, it's an easy EoFF reference (sorry Maxx Power) to get!

  2. #17


    Nerds in Paradise Results

    So here we are, in the land of the Nerds. Now, as I previously mentioned, this section split opinion much more profoundly than the others as they were being released. How much of that transferred over into the voting, you ask? Well, you're soon to find out. Keep in mind, boys and girls, that BAMF or BPRP need to win this one to keep the overall election result open. So without further ado...the winners of the Nerds in Paradise section....

    The Party

    The Party: 17 votes
    BAMF: 6 votes
    BPRP: 5 votes

    Dear oh dear oh dear. It's all gone wrong for the BAMF party and the BPRP party. The Party continue with their onslaught, trashing the competition for the third straight round and thus becoming the overall winners of the election. Unfortunately for the other two parties, The Party aren't content with just the result, oh no. They want to put the boot in while the opposition is down. They aren't slowing up as we head towards the Quickening and Smell of Fear section. Are they going to charge head on and snare another section to add to their hareem? Or are the other two parties going to wrench back some pride and take a section? Not long to go now...

  3. #18
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Very surprised that Shads came in last. And it seems we got more votes than we did in Staff/Reference. I can only assume people liked Slade's Mog drawing, which was absolutely brilliant.

    Oh, and good work Pesty, Roty, Sladey, Bely, Riasy and Ricey.

  4. #19
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Two more sections to go.

  5. #20
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    For the record, Pirate Red Chin Patrol did a god job on this section.

  6. #21
    Lives in a zoo Recognized Member Renmiri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tavrobel View Post
    Yeah, real funny there, RZ.
    Quote Originally Posted by yanis View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Thread title made my heart skip a beat, in all honesty.
    Yeah my too...I think I had a heart attack...:rolleyes2
    me three!

    Rad Zak you are a meanie!!!
    Me and my kids have dragon eggs:

  7. #22


    The Quickening and Smell of Fear Results

    I don't know about YOU, but I can't bear to watch this anymore. It's just too a fight pitting an angry, hungry Polar bear against Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee, both of whom are wearing seal-steak suits, it's a massacre. And so we head on to The Quickening section, and I'm afraid to look. But...wait! Wait wait wait! What's this?! Paul and Debbie are fighting back! It looks can't be...ARE THEY GOING TO WIN?!

    The Party

    The Party: 16 votes
    BAMF: 7 votes
    BPRP: 3 votes

    Well, it was a pretty big bear.

    And so, with a rampant Party picking up their fourth section, the end is thankfully in sight for the BAMF and BPRP parties. As we head into the World is Square...and Enix, a whitewash is surely on the cards. it? Stick around, folks. I'm going to be giving you a little lesson about a noble sport in a moment, and yes, it's going to be relevant. And then we'll have the results from the final section. You just might get a pleasant surprise.

  8. #23
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Damnit, I'm going to fail my own section.

  9. #24


    How could this of happened. Were we just too Badass for the eyesonff members to handle. I feel so ashamed.

  10. #25
    4 Recognized Member Faris's Avatar
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    Yay! Three votes.

    The thread title and first post made me xD. =)

    4444444444 4 4 444 44 4

  11. #26
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    wow, are party sucked at voting I guess.

  12. #27
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I just love Joan.

    Why stop a good thing: proud o' ya Thory, Renny, Grievy, Tzieny, Edgey and Naisy.

  13. #28
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    I like how fewer people voted in the elections than ran in them. Actually, fewer people voted in the elections than ran in our one party.

  14. #29
    Lives in a zoo Recognized Member Renmiri's Avatar
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    But they noticed our sigs
    Me and my kids have dragon eggs:

  15. #30


    So then. We're coming down to the final section of these 2007 elections, and it is fair to say, it's been a pretty miserable showing by the BAMF and BPRP parties. There were five sections up for grabs, and the Party have dominated four of them with ease. The hours of hard work put in by both parties have been ripped to tatters in just a few PM's. Surely both parties would be ready to skulk away from these elections, forget it ever happened and move on without much fuss.

    Or would they?

    Now as I said, I am going to share with you a little history about a noble sport, that sport being Cricket.

    For all of you who know nothing about cricket, there are two main types of cricket played internationally. One day cricket, which is fairly obvious, and Test match cricket, which is a game of cricket that lasts for 5 days. International games are played during series between two nations.

    The oldest, the most storied and the fiercest rivalry in all of cricket lies between the countries of England and Australia. It is generally accepted that the biggest series in cricket is that of the Ashes, which is (generally) a 5 match test series played between the two nations, for this trophy:

    Just to show you how big that trophy is on a scale with a person:

    Looks daft, doesn't it? How can something so small and insignificant mean so much to so many people?! This trophy is a symbol of a great rivalry that started in 1882!

    You are probably beginning to wonder where I'm going with this, but bear with me. I'm getting there.

    You see, the thing is, Australia have been the best cricket team in the world for the last 15 or so years. Some would go as far to say that the team has been the best team to ever play the game of cricket. And in the last 15 or so years, bar an epic performance in 2005 which many consider to be one of, if not THE greatest Test series of all time, Australia have utterly crapped on England in the Ashes series.

    It's always the same old story. The Ashes get hyped for monthes and months, words and banter fly back and forth between camps, it builds UP and UP and UP and the hype rises and the promise rises, and then it gets to crunch time and...England fall apart. First test, destroyed. Second, third, no fight, no heart, no nothing. Australia win the series without even being challenged, and the English fans mourn. But you see, one strange phenomenon seems to occur with startling regularity.

    The 5th game of the series. Australia are already comfortable winners of the Ashes. The media are already putting the boot into just about everything with the England cricket set up, and the players must be broken down and just wanting to go home. But they're not.

    See, whenever England get to this "dead rubber" match, the last match of a series which is a lost cause, they suddenly decide that their pride is still intact, and they still have fight left, and they're not going to be rolled over 5-0. And they come out and perform like champions and win the last game in a spectacular fashion. Either that, or they just don't know how to peak at the right time and do it consistently too late in the series. But enough of that.

    By now, if you have bothered to come this far (and I applaud you if you have, I truly do), you'll already know what I'm getting at.

    We've come to The World is Square...and Enix. And just like England, BAMF and BPRP have discovered their pride, they have discovered their fight, and they ain't willing to let the Party whitewash them easily. Is it going to be enough to overthrow them, however? Well that remains to be seen. But it's going to be a lot closer than previous rounds suggest. Stay tuned!

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