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Thread: Eyes on Final Fantasy Cid's Knight Application Form

  1. #121
    Jäästä Syntynyt GooeyToast's Avatar
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    Cid's Knight Application

    Bio Information

    Forum Name: GooeyToast
    Real First Name: Alex
    Age: 16
    Years general gaming experience: 7-8
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 3
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: FF IX

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before?
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently?
    Yes, many actually. I've modded my own forum, Fatal Pudding, though honestly that forum was more for screwing around than serious discussion. Besides that though, I was an admin over at House of Happyness for a good while, both HoH I and II, for around half a year I'd say, and I was also a mod/admin over at Sephiroth's Lair. The SL's were deleted a while ago, and I currently don't have links to HoH, though the site is still up. Truthfully, these were all mostly petty forums with a few active members, but I think I did a good job.
    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?
    I've been a member of this forum for over 2 years, and I have witnessed a great deal of people come and go. I'd really like to leave a mark here, or some kind of lasting contribution as a token to all the memories here, and I think I could do a good job of upholding the status of the forum.

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go?
    How far are you willing to take me? I'm there for the ride.

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation?
    First, I would assure the spam posts are cleaned up or deleted. Then, I would begin to issue severe warnings to the spammers, if the actual spamming is not too severe. If they would continue to do so, I would ban them. After awhile of people registering and spamming, I would begin to instantly ban those who spam continuously in an effort to prevent anymore people from signing up, thus demotivating them. Also, I would issue a notice to the headmaster/admin of the site to keep his/her community in order.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.
    Instead of getting him forum banned, I have a better idea. I shall fly down to his trailer park in Florida and wait outside at night. Once he leaves for bingo night, I shall make a very brave and daring entrance using a key found under the welcome mat. Then, I shall locate his computation device and insert my flash drive containing provocative pictures of Rye and upload them. Finally, I will telephone the local police alerting them of the presence of a 100 year old man living in a trailer park who has child pornography on his computer. Wesley arrives home from another disappointing night of bingo to find five middle aged men in uniform waiting for him at the door. His computer is taken away, and his internet privileges demolished. No computer = no internet = no Raistlin.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.
    If I would happen to come across a community who appear to be gamers, or enjoy the Final Fantasy franchise, I would be sure to recommend EoFF for topical discussion, or just general discussion of gaming. I also would be sure to link to the forum in my signature and profile on other forums, as well as start threads on it.

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.
    I'd try to be a lenient, fair mod who doesn't pass judgment on certain members. A more liberal staff create a better atmosphere, as members are not so afraid of messing up, and thus they generally have a better time. Granted, there is a limit on this, and I'll try to keep within that limit.

    Besides that, I would try to bring about more interactive experiences with members, such as more competitions, elections, etc. Although there has been improvement in this area recently, I still feel there is more that can be done to accommodate newer members as well.

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).
    I would certainly be willing to work with the Front Staff. Though I'm not too sure how helpful I could be, I think maintaining the front page is a key element to the site's success, as many come simply for the news and game information. I know this because that was the original reason I came here, and that eventually led me to the forums. I find writing to be one of my specialties, so perhaps I could type up information for the front or organize it into cohesive parts.

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special?
    I'm covered in goo. That, and I'm not your typical 16 year old. Most kids my age aren't concerned with half of the things I am. I write, philosophize, question our ultimate existence, and analyze things people take for granted. Yet I am also a fun, nice, easy-going person who simply wants things to be peaceful. I think the fact that I can balance these two aspects out in my life gives me a certain distinction that is uncommon for my age, and hopefully an advantage in my life.

  2. #122
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    I just want the powers-that-be to know that if I'm elected I will act on my personal vendetta against character pronunciation threads. They're ridiculous. It's possible the member base could band together and rise up against my holy war, but I don't think they're smart enough.

  3. #123
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    <h2>Bio Information</h2>
    Forum Name: I'm my own MILF
    Real First Name: Haks Li Hobs
    Age: 21
    Years general gaming experience: 19
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 10
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: X

    <h2>Short Answer</h2>
    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? Yes
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently? (A Morrowind forum)
    About nine months
    No, it's long dead.

    And I was offered a place at Final Fantasy Republic on a few occasions, but always declined. (I think.)

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?
    It would be epic lulz and I could cause the most ghetto drama.

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go?
    I would kidnap, torture, and murder you all. None of this would involve any kind of sexual under or overtones, contact, intercourse, or anything else of the like. I must purge the world of your sick perversions.

    <h2>Long Answer</h2>
    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation?
    My first reaction would be "Who the hell is LOCP?" Then I would Google, and discover; "Launcher Operation Control Panel". That sounds bad, so I'd hide behind someone who knows more about the inner workings of the intarwebs tube, such as Stabvark, or Spaceman Ryukishi.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.
    Restore Cloud No.9 to active posting status. Start a thread re: econimics. Allow to simmer for 1 to 3 days.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.
    I'd get EoFF tattooed on my pecs, and I'd graffiti my town up.

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.
    Nothing whatsoever. They deserve to suffer, just like you do.

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).
    I would not be willing to work there because nobody uses it, ever.

    <h2>Subjective Section</h2>
    What makes you so special?
    I'm Haks Li Hobs!

  4. #124
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    I just want the powers-that-be to know that if I'm elected I will act on my personal vendetta against character pronunciation threads. They're ridiculous. It's possible the member base could band together and rise up against my holy war, but I don't think they're smart enough.
    Aww, some of them aren't so bad. Like the Cait Sith one. The Ellone pronounciation thread was a little rediculous, though

  5. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    I just want the powers-that-be to know that if I'm elected I will act on my personal vendetta against character pronunciation threads. They're ridiculous. It's possible the member base could band together and rise up against my holy war, but I don't think they're smart enough.
    I hate those threads! Even if I don't venture into the sections where they're residing, an therefore I don't see them, just knowing they exist bothers me.

  6. #126


    Forum Name: Hambone

    RFN: Jonathan

    Age: 13. I'm young, but don't let that discourage you. I'm very serious.

    Years gaming experience: 10. I was three when I started. I wasn't very good, but I knew how to play.

    Years of Final Fantasy Experience: 8. It started with FFVII

    Favorite FF: Hmm...10

    I haven't moderated a forum but I know it takes a person serious enough to take the job and I feel I am one of those people.

    Reasons for wanting to join the staff: I'm a very controlled person and I would feel more noticed on here if I were a CK and I also think that I could do a fine job of bringing order around here.

    Staff Orgy: No.

    LOCP Scenario: I'd warn several of them, and if they continued, they would surely be banned. Everybody deserves at least one chance, eh?

    Getting Raistlin banned: Follow his every action.

    Promoting EoFF: Running around naked holding a banner that says "Join EoFF!!!!!!"

    Adding enjoyment for existing members: What is...enjoyment???

    Why I would like to work on the staff: EoFF has a lot of cool features, people, and info. It would be an honor to help expand our enjoyment by adding to the features.

    Why I'm so special: I'm not like most kids my age. I'm young, but that's not to say I wouldn't enjoy the company of Bach's and Handel's finest works on CD. I'm controlled when needed, and I push myself away from conforming.

  7. #127
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    I'm young, but don't let that discourage you. I'm very serious.
    Running around naked holding a banner that says "Join EoFF!!!!!!"

  8. #128
    IF I WERE A BOY~ Dynast-Kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hambone View Post
    Forum Name: Hambone

    RFN: Jonathan

    Age: 13. I'm young, but don't let that discourage you. I'm very serious.

    Years gaming experience: 10. I was three when I started. I wasn't very good, but I knew how to play.

    Years of Final Fantasy Experience: 8. It started with FFVII

    Favorite FF: Hmm...10

    I haven't moderated a forum but I know it takes a person serious enough to take the job and I feel I am one of those people.

    Reasons for wanting to join the staff: I'm a very controlled person and I would feel more noticed on here if I were a CK and I also think that I could do a fine job of bringing order around here.

    Staff Orgy: No.

    LOCP Scenario: I'd warn several of them, and if they continued, they would surely be banned. Everybody deserves at least one chance, eh?

    Getting Raistlin banned: Follow his every action.

    Promoting EoFF: Running around naked holding a banner that says "Join EoFF!!!!!!"

    Adding enjoyment for existing members: What is...enjoyment???

    Why I would like to work on the staff: EoFF has a lot of cool features, people, and info. It would be an honor to help expand our enjoyment by adding to the features.

    Why I'm so special: I'm not like most kids my age. I'm young, but that's not to say I wouldn't enjoy the company of Bach's and Handel's finest works on CD. I'm controlled when needed, and I push myself away from conforming.
    OMG, you're 13 too!?!?!?

  9. #129
    The flying homo! Recognized Member Giga Guess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dynast-Kid View Post
    OMG, you're 13 too!?!?!?

    OMG! You both just made me feel old. Bah to the both of you.

    Many thanks Christmas!
    Horniest Member, 2007! Gimme a little unf unf!

  10. #130

  11. #131
    The flying homo! Recognized Member Giga Guess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BadKarm View Post
    Giga, You are old >.>
    I shake my cane in contempt at that remark.

    Many thanks Christmas!
    Horniest Member, 2007! Gimme a little unf unf!

  12. #132
    Those...eyebrows... Recognized Member XxSephirothxX's Avatar
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    This is tempting, but I've got a conflict of interest when it comes to working with the site staff to improve the front site. We're not actually supposed to get anything done.

  13. #133
    Markusdot Markus. D's Avatar
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    Cid's Knight Application

    Bio Information

    Forum Name: Tsukasa
    Real First Name: Nikolas
    Age: 17
    Years general gaming experience: ... about 16?
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 14 ^^
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game (O___o): Final Fantasy XI, III, V and X-2

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? I have always wanted to be trained to learn to be one!
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently?

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff? None specific... I just want the training.

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go?
    Fondling people's hair.

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation?
    Ask the site staff people to create long and tedious to type in random unfigerable codes when registering until the spam and members of "LOCP" die down.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.
    Christmas Song!

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.
    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. ?

    4) Detail what you would (do?) to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.
    I'm not quite sure about this one...

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).
    I don't know much about webcodering and stuff. But I am certainly up for making suggestions ^^~

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special?
    ... :3

    stare at it.

    :333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 *clicks fingers*
    Last edited by Markus. D; 06-15-2007 at 02:43 AM. Reason: Needs a little more 3...

  14. #134
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tigmafuzz's Avatar
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    should i...
    nah. i'll leave that to people who like to waste time correcting other people's mistakes.
    modding just ain't for me.

    (SPOILER)*neither are 13 year olds

    ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้

  15. #135
    I miss kinje longaway :[ Eiko Guy's Avatar
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    Bio Information

    Forum Name: Eiko guy
    Real First Name: Jade
    Age: 15
    Years general gaming experience: 12 years
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 5 years
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: Final Fantasy IX

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before?
    No I haven't

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?
    Seems like a fun thing to do. I log on everyday so might as well help while I can.

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go?
    Far enough...

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation?
    Ban people. Close threads. The whole shebang.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.
    The perfect way to catch him is to frame him. That way you can catch him instantly.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.
    Make a banner and post it in my other forums signature. Put the banner on Myspace.

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).
    I would help better the frontsite because I haven't been there in a while which shows how it isn't all that interesting. I would like this site to be huge so I can look back and say "I was there before all the noobs joined"

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special?
    Well I am 15, african american, and bi. I have a flare for creative expression and I have many friends who are good artists who owe me favors. I am cool and make change easier for people to accept.

    Fat kids are harder to Kidnap.

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