Cid's Knight Application

Bio Information

Forum Name: Bunny
Real First Name: Bruno
Age: 20
Years general gaming experience: 17
Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 17
Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: Final Fantasy VI

Short Answer

1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? Yes
1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently? I have been a moderator on three separate occasions at three different forums. However, the forums have since been decommissioned and taken from the internet due to ownership problems relating mostly to money. Although one specific owner was the target of a child pornography sting.

2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff? I am awesome, they are awesome. Two awesome make a double awesome. Also I feel that I could usher in the golden days once more.

3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go? I’d be naked, lubed, and on top of Psychotic before the words left the mouth of whoever was initiating this orgy.

Long Answer

1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation? Ban them all and let God sort them out. Also I might put together a raiding party of my own. Alternatively, I would become an amazing member over at whatever LOCP is and befriend several staff members. Once they trust me, I would climb the leadership ladder to become an Administrator or their equivalent. Then I would ban them all and let God sort them out.

2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned. Raistlin is infallible and never makes mistakes.

3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues. I would shave my hair and all the hair on my body. Then I would get “EYESONFF.COM” tattooed on my forehead, a moogle on my back holding a sign that says “EYESONFF DOT COM”, and finally, I would pass out flyers.

4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members. Regular and rather meaningless competitions. I would also run a fake staff application every three months. Perhaps make a Hall of Lame for our more.. unique members.

5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ). I do not have any coding experience so I think my hands are better left to running forums instead of breaking things on the front site.

Subjective Section

What makes you so special? Because your mommy said so.
