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Thread: Eyes on Final Fantasy Cid's Knight Application Form

  1. #106
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Villania Valski (Adamantoise)
    • Former Cid's Knight
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    We'll be choosing a new Cid's Knight in a few days. Keep 'em coming.
    More often than not it happens the week after the ciddies. Is this some sort of moderationship ritual or something?

  2. #107
    星の声 starseeker's Avatar
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    Bio Information

    Forum Name: starseeker
    Real First Name: Sophie
    Age: 16
    Years general gaming experience: 9, if playing TBS counts
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 3
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: FFVI

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before?

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?
    To be able to keep this forum clean.

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go?
    It would depend on what you asked me to do.

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation?
    I would put a moratorium on creating new accounts for the duration of the invasion. Then I would ban anyone caught spamming.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.
    Start a thread to wind him up so he digs himself a hole.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.
    I would tell all the people that I know are interested in FF

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.
    I would organise events.

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).
    Because I want to improve the frontsite to get more people to come here.

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special?

    I'm enthusiastic and available first thing in the morning at weekends when there's never a mod on.
    "Reality is that which,
    when you stop believing in it,
    doesn't go away".
    Philip K. Dick

  3. #108


    Forum Name: Forbidden_Romance
    Real First Name: Callum
    Age: 18
    Years general gaming experience: DoC, MGS3, FFXII, and whatever I get bored of quickly
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: FFXII
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: FFVII

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? Yes
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently? The site was eventually shut down after holding political debates (Seriously), I was there for about a year

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff? Why not, I want to do something fulfilling on the internet

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go? All the way!

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation? Ban all of them!

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned. Get someone else in the account make them spam then ban Raistlin

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues. Sigs, mentions, and just general badgering

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members. Inside jokes, sarcastic remarks

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ). I would prefer working the forum because I am awful at writing reports, synopsis' and other stuff about games

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special?
    Everything about me is special, I can only have sponge, no sharp things allowed... he he
    I would love to be happy, but unfortunately I'm too busy being awesome and kicking your ass at everything

  4. #109
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    This should be hilarious

    Forum Name: edczxcvbnm
    Real First Name: Stephen Charles McCarthy
    Age: 25
    Years general gaming experience: 22ish...give or take a year.
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 11ish
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: Final Fantasy XII at t-eh moment

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? Kind of. I have abusive moderation abilities through the power of Agent Proto over at Fools-gold. I started cleaning up the spam for a while and having abusive fun...Aaron still has not done anything to fix the admin CP XD
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently? Fools-gold XD This must automatically disqualify me XD

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff? To run around and have retarded blue title. Also maybe one day take back over that Eyeson YOU thing I created.

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go? I forged the first three way here at the forum during the sex change of the first anniversary and was banned a few weeks for it. How far do you think I would go

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation? Disable registration and start banning new members that happen to be using an excessive amount of spam. Send e-mails to those banned members to let them know the current situation and after review of what has happened decide if they would get unbanned. If they just happened to join at the wrong time and though this was how the forum normally worked then I can see giving them a second shot.

    Then go over the LOCP and read threads about the raid to see if I can better pin point who is using what name. Maybe talk to their admins about IP address as well unless those crumb bums were involved with this awesome attack.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.

    First you make some awesome announcement about how Former Staff members will no longer have a custom title but instead something would be mentioned only in their profile. What for him to bitch until he slips up and then ban him

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.

    I probably really wouldn't. I keep everything I do on the net fairly separate to the area and unless something really funny happens...or something really unfair then the other places don't really get mentioned. Isn't this the top FF site anyways? Does it really need more advertising?

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.

    Be like Bleys He was so lax and let people have fun.

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).

    I would have been willing to work under Cid because he lost money on the site and every new page helped with ad revenue to help pay for the site(in theory). This new guy would have to pay me to make content for the front site because he plans to make money....or I could get a cut of said profits

    I am charitable(to some extent) but I am not an idiot. Much offense to those that feel I just offended them

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special?

    I am an asshole of the highest caliber

    Now that this is over with I expect a big ol' "smurf YOU ED! You are banned from the Knight hood of Cid's" from Shlup or someone else on staff

  5. #110
    Enlightened Despot SammieBabe's Avatar
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    Cid's Knight Application

    Bio Information

    Forum Name:SammieBabe
    Real First Name:Samantha
    Age: 25
    Years general gaming experience:15
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 8
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: VIII

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? Yes.
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently? Final Fantasy Project - Powered by vBulletin. I've modded there since Nov/Dec last year. And yup, still there.

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?
    The Porn
    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go?
    I'd probably start it.

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation?
    How does a round of margaritas sound?

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.
    Make a second account and start a thread in EoEO about how Bush is the greatest president in American history.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.
    I'd tattoo the logo across my boobs.
    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.
    Post the naked pics of Psychotic I have.
    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).
    More magaritas?!

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special?
    I'll kick your ass and make you like it. And I'm almost as hot as foa...
    Last edited by SammieBabe; 06-09-2007 at 09:55 PM.

  6. #111
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    by a few days, yams meant 'after the ciddies'

  7. #112
    The flying homo! Recognized Member Giga Guess's Avatar
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    Oh my god...Sammie lives!

    Many thanks Christmas!
    Horniest Member, 2007! Gimme a little unf unf!

  8. #113
    CimminyCricket's Avatar
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    Oh my god...Giga Guess lives!

  9. #114
    Polaris's Avatar
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    <h1>Cid's Knight Application</h1>

    <h2>Bio Information</h2>
    Forum Name: Polaris
    Real First Name: Ana
    Age: 18
    Years general gaming experience: 8
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 8
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: 8 (lol)

    <h2>Short Answer</h2>
    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? Yep
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently? Well it used to be my forum but I moderate it for a year I think!

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?

    Just to feel useful!

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go? Wow Orgy.... no one told me abut that, but if Psy is in I'm in too

    <h2>Long Answer</h2>
    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation? Well first of all lock the threads, and then note the Administrators to ban those accounts!

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned. There's a way??

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.

    Advertise is a really good way! People always click on sigs links

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members. New contests

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ). New wallpapers and images, because I don't have FrontPage yet I can't develop more than that for now

    <h2>Subjective Section</h2>
    What makes you so special?

    I'm nice, cute, sexy, hot (now seriously, if possible...) I'm just a nice girl who likes to help -.-"

  10. #115
    MacWerewolf Owen Macwere's Avatar
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    Cid's Knight Application

    Bio Information

    Forum Name: Owen Macwere
    Real First Name: Ali
    Years general gaming experience:5 years
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 5 years
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: FFVIII

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before?
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently?

    My loser forum which ended dead (I wont blame you for sucking me out now) but that was for the lack of users, not my fault.

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?

    I always liked the staff here and the way EOFF was always secured and controlled, so I'd like to help.

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go?

    Staff Orgy?? lol, well, as far as I can.

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation?

    If I was the only moderator online when this happen I will close all forums for sure (I didn't steal this idea from Polaris) and then ban all the suspecious names then PM the other moderators and administrators to tell them what has happened, then reopen the forums.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.

    Making him mad and teasing him around. I think this will work.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.

    Ha?? I don't think this can be easy, but EOFF is well known anyway, maybe using the media??

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.

    Make spamming threads, people love to destroy, but then I'd just be sacked from being a baaad moderator so maybe, providing games and meeting everyone's demands it'll be good. Like reviving the writters corner and bringing new stories to the RPG playing forums and so on..

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).

    I don't want because I'll just make it fall apart and be gone for good. I lose interest fast so I wont help in updates and stuff. Forget about it!

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special?

    Nothing does, just I always liked that shiney blue title so maybe I can have it? *puppet eyes*
    Nah, seriously I just filled this form for fun you can just skip reading it now that you have finished, thank you, bye.
    Last edited by Owen Macwere; 06-08-2007 at 11:26 AM.
    I <3 you Polaris
    ~Antratica forum~ You know you want to join =p

  11. #116
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    OOC:Is this legit? Usually we can't ask to be Cid's Knights. I'll bite, regardless

    <h1>Cid's Knight Application</h1>

    <h2>Bio Information</h2>
    Forum Name: Pureghetto
    Real First Name: Mike (Michael)
    Age: 27
    Years general gaming experience: um..since I was 10 so 17
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: since I was 20 so 7
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: Final Fantasy 8

    <h2>Short Answer</h2>
    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before?
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently? DaBlackGoku's Dragonball Z Collection!! -- I was a moderator during one of its incarnations.

    I've also admined a forum (link is nsfeoff so I really need not post it (at least I'd prefer not to in public -- there's lots of bad words) ), so I have an idea of the inner workings of forums. Though really, I expect as a newbie Knight I'd just be expected to moderate posts.

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff? I've been a member of this forum for longer than any other forum I've ever joined, whether out of attrition (they died out) or sheer luck (I haven't been permabanned yet). I'm not saying that seniority automatically conveys the title of moderator but I hope that my 'tenure' here illustrates that I can be trusted with power and I won't say, permaban half the population in a drunken outrage.

    Seriously, if needed I believe most people would agree I can behave myself. Slapping the title of Cid's Knight on me will only augment that maturity (see what it did to Psychotic?)

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go? I wouldn't be very comfortable being a catcher, if that's what you mean. But I'm pretty open minded to new and random acts of sexuality.

    <h2>Long Answer</h2>
    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation? First despite having the power to do so (Cid's Knights are the equvalent of administrators as I understand), I would advise one of the actual administrators of what is going on so we can temporarily shut down new user registrations.

    Meanwhile (I can do two things at once y'know) posts will be closed in short order, and any offensive pictures and what-not will be edited out.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.

    Now that I think about it, why can't we just ban him by framing him?

    I will first change Raistlin's password then log in as him. Then all I have to do is post a picture of a snow pen0r. Problem solved.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.

    You mean other than an aggressive spamming campaign? Or name dropping? I would recommend posting a lot (intelligently) in other forums' FF forums while having EoFF pictures and links in my sig.

    Also if you ask me to, I will go to libraries, colleges, etc, and change their homepage to Hey, it will increase hits.

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.

    *reads other entries and sees they aren't too too serious*

    To be honest I figure that since I can't sexor newbies any more and I would have to enforce EoFF policies I think less pgism and pgnese in the forum would be a benefit for everybody.

    I'm not saying that I need to be a cid's knight to behave better, but really, I'm peegee. Give me power and I suddenly behave. Leave me to do whatever I will, and I'll behave (albeit in a pg way).

    Seriously though, I find that EoEo threads tend to fly around all over the place. Since I practically live there, I can essentially moderate that so that topics stay in place.

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).

    I've actually done this before. I've contributed a bunch of things for Final Fantasy 8 (I actually forgot how much; ask Strider or Roo) before, so if you need help on that, I can play the game again and figure things out

    Anything else, I do have html skills and since the layout is already defined unless you mean 'hey pg wanna redesign the frontpage?', I think we're good to go for me making site updates, content upgrades, etc etc.

    *thumbs up*

    <h2>Subjective Section</h2>
    What makes you so special?

    Hahaha....well I am PG

    Seriously though, I think the points that work in my favor is that I'm a long standing member of the forum. I've watched a lot of the kids grow up, and I'm in good standings with most people (and those people who don't get along with me, we don't get into idiotic flame wars that ruin the forum for everybody else).

    I may advocate a permissive, liberal (or at least non judgemental) view on life, but I understand that EoFF is a private network with its own rules. So I will enforce your rules with a brutal fist, yet be permissive that I won't be a nazi with the rules either.

    Also I like pie. I mean, c'mon. <3

  12. #117
    A puzzling conclusion Jigsaw's Avatar
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    Cid's Knight Application

    Bio Information

    Forum Name: Jigsaw
    Real First Name: Jason
    Age: 22
    Years general gaming experience: I have played videogames for 18 years.
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: I have played Final Fantasy for 9 years.
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: My favorite Final Fantasy game is Final Fantasy IX.

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? Yes
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently? It was one of my friend's and I's and it isn't around anymore, else I would definitely link you to it! We kinda grew too old for it and it just got annoying trying to stop spammer bots from posting at it.

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff? I really like the vibes of this place, even if I don't post a lot all the time. I read often! But I've always been told I need to be more of a leader, so I've thought for like forever that leading this place would definitely help with that.

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go?
    Well I don't have a girlfriend right now that would get jealous (no girl at all ) and some of the ladies on staff right now are pretty nice (or are they all taken already? ) Heck, some of the guys are pretty nice too, and I don't swing that way. So whatever you guys want to do.

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation?
    Maybe suggest turning off registration so they are forced to stop, obviously banning everything and deleting all the threads (or are they deleted ) They probably wouldn't respond well to a forum war, besides it's against EoFF's TOS! (or whatever that's called).

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.
    He'll do it in his own time.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.
    I would definitely go to one of those places that will make custom puzzles for you (They are so cool!) with a picture of eoff's banner and url and distribute it around my campus!

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.
    Definitely make more good threads (Believe it or not, but I'm pretty sensitive, so I don't make all the threads I want, because I'm afraid they won't get good reception. But all the staff seem to get plenty of replies for theirs!) People will talk if there's something to talk about! Also, well I'm not good at it myself, but maybe if some people worked together on making a new layout that was really cool.

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).
    Gosh, well, I don't really do the whole technical side of webpages. And I play games to enjoy them, not to dig up all the stat details. I think I would have to leave that to the dudes already on Site Staff, sorry

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special?
    I can stick my feet behind my head! Is that what you mean?

    Uh, I have a really good attitude (my mom always said I had a cheerful disposition) and I think my vibes would flow well with the staff already on the job.

  13. #118
    YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO?! Jowy's Avatar
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    Default Sure, why not.

    <h1>Cid's Knight Application</h1>

    <h2>Bio Information</h2>
    Forum Name: Jowy.
    Real First Name: Eric.
    Age: 20.
    Years general gaming experience:Sixteen. And that kind of scares me.
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: Fourteen.
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: Final Fantasy IV.

    <h2>Short Answer</h2>
    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? Yes.
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently?

    Final Fantasy Legend Forums - Powered by vBulletin - Modded there for around three years. - Mod, supermod, admin, super admin, whatever else Aaron did to me.

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff? - I want to dig around in the trash forum. Seriously tho', I'd feel like I'm accomplishing something here rather than just spamming and yelling at people in the chat room.

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go? - Until we're out of prophylactics and someone's carrying my lovechild. Probably Roogle.

    <h2>Long Answer</h2>
    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation? - Can I disable registration in mod CP since upgrading to vB3? If so, I'd do that first, followed by a forum shutdown with a slightly offensive technical difficulty message up. And then prune, prune, prune! Option B is to find an admin to do said description while I just hit "close all threads" every couple of minutes and ban the accounts as quickly as possible.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned. - Fake-snip a post, photoshop a screenshot, post it in staff, and just get away with the ban.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues. - Add the link to my signature at other non-EoFF satellite boards. Or just spraypaint EYES ON FINAL FANTASY across a highway overpass.

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members. - Aside from making amusing gen chat topics, trying some type of new event. Like back in 2002 when everyone switched sig/avatar themes with a different member for a week!

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ). - I already drafted a news article! It's on the frontsite! I'm pretty useless when it comes to coding webpages, but I could do content if need be.

    <h2>Subjective Section</h2>
    What makes you so special?

    Do you really have to ask? ^^ I'm just that damn awesome. Plus I op the IRC channel (not as much as I used to, however.), I'm willing to help out when/if I need to, and I've got the experience.

  14. #119
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    Novi Glitzko (Sargatanas)


    This should be interesting.

    Str8 Pimpin'

  15. #120


    new Cid's Knights!!! More oppression!!! i am NOT gonna take this anymore!

    (SPOILER)actually i have to...

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