I'm very good at Final Fantasy games and usually kick ass even toward the end. I actually refer to myself (in a half-joking manner) as a Final Fantasy god. However, this is the first time I've played Final Fantasy V and I don't know what to expect in the N-Zone.

I've done everything storywise that needs done. I'm technically ready to go in. My party is at 35 with Reina at 34. Being as good as I am at Final Fantasy, how important is it that I master the jobs that my strategy guide tells me is an absolute must? Also, how important is it that I collect full stock on the items said strategy guide also says is an absolute must. I keep the strategy guide, though I don't put too much faith in it, because on many occasions, I know better than it does and my way is often far superior than its way.

However, I don't really know what to expect in the N-Zone, so if I can have an idea before I head in. In the mean time, I guess I'll just collect money and ABP.

I haven't had much trouble with the game thus far, so if it's not much harder than it has been, I can just go right on in...unless I really need those jobs mastered.