I'm not ignorant. In fact one can argue that I'm focused upon all the wrong things (moral subjectivity, lack of objectivity for anything inductive, etc). But when it comes to my memory for things that happen during the day, let's just say the following is 100% accurate:

Quote Originally Posted by pg
Are you kidding me? I don't even remember what I had for dinner last night!
Seriously, I have no idea what I had for dinner last night. If I thought about it hard enough I might remember. Similarly, I don't remember what I did, bad things that happen that day, and consequently I always feel positive because my OUTLOOK in life, despite all of the aforementioned denial of objective happiness and meaning, is positive.

But all the same, I live in a perpetual state of emotional and spiritual neutrality. If something bad happens, it goes away after I go to bed or (as my friend says) when I get distracted and it passes.

So um....I guess should I be worried or does it not matter that I can't remember how I even started out the day or what I had for dinner last night? I *can* remember things, but they aren't consciously remembered. I sometimes worry when comparing myself to people who are more obsessive compulsive than I am (they appear to have their life together). I just drift from day-to-day with no definite path.

Also and finally, ignorance = bliss? yay or nay.