View Poll Results: Is this game really as bad as they think!

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  • heck no! not on my life!

    47 94.00%
  • you bet! This is a pathetic attempt at a final fantasy!

    3 6.00%
  • uuuuhhmmmmmmm?i don't know!

    0 0%
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Thread: why is this game so bad?!

  1. #16


    The biggest problem is the lack of innovative battle system. As far as fighting goes, there really is nothing new it offers that stands out, and the battle speed is to slow.

    However this doesn't bother me. I thouroghly enjoyed everything about the game.

    And to quote a famous man

    Quote Originally Posted by Kawaii Ryűkishi
    People dislike FF IX because they are horrible Idiots.

  2. #17


    Kishi is right.

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  3. #18
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I've yet to meet someone who can give me a good reason for actually hating this game (and I do have a friend that despises this game and she has yet to give me a logically good reason:rolleyes2 ) Now I've met a few people who don't care for the game and I'm fine with that, I've yet to meet a true "FFIX SUCKS LOZRS LOL" person on this forum, I usually meet them in real life but just ignore them. They wouldn't know a good game if it bit them on the ass.

    Main complaints I can think of...

    Graphics. Now don't get me wrong, IX's graphics blow VIII's out of the water but most people don't care for the actual choice of design style. The psuedo-sprites and dark fairy tale design choices have really rubbed most people the wrong way and I still meet people who refuse to play this game cause they think it's stupid looking.

    Others are too distracted by them as well, IX is pretty light hearted but honestly, it's plot is the darkest in the series IMHO. Most can't see this cause the light hearted design removes a sense of danger that was felt in other FF's.

    The Ceej, also made a point with the odd reaction created by the fan bases created through VII and VIII. Many of more causal fans were unaware of FF's evolutionary process of change so many were weirded out by the high fantasy content after riding motorcycles and using gunblades. In fact VIII recieved a similiar reaction when it was released. I can't tell you how many times I had to explain that Midgard doesn't exist in VI and how Squall isn't Cloud and Tifa's son:rolleyes2 You won't really meet any of these people in the forums though.

    The game does have a few gameplay issues but that's really nothing new to any of the games in the series. So I don't feel it can be cited as a main reason. Though the games summoning system and Trance system have their fair share of controversy.

    Some of the characters are also nailed but once again I cite graphics and design choice as the major factor contributing to this phenomenon.
    Most of the haters are just shallow and resistant to change.

  4. #19
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    Good game. Not "great" but not worth hating.

  5. #20
    The black mage's Avatar
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    as far as i see it there is only one flaw in the game, you cannot store trances.
    Apart from that its a very good game.
    One flaw in my copy. has a scratch in disk one. that stops 2 or 3 FMV from playing.
    (Don't start telling me how to skip them i alrady know)
    I'm back who mised me.
    Tumble weed roles across the ground.

  6. #21
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Everyone I know who actually took the step to play this game liked it, and played it to the end. I remember it came out when I was in middle school. Most of the people I knew in the different categories of FF fans played it: the casual gamers who only played a little bit of VII, the ones who just really got into the series since VII, and of course the super-nintendo-elitists. After all racing to see who would finish it first (I won) and we all had the debate, the consensus was that it was a really good game and one of the best FF's.

    And from this experience, I would say square did a really successful job of making it very accessible to all kinds of gamers. It was easy to pick up and there was alot to enjoy about it.

    The only people who hated it were the ones who never even ventured to play it. Mostly the Nintendo 64 crowd. I would have the strategy guide with me and people would say "why are you playing a little kid's game?" But that's what made it fun, that we all really knew the greatness of it.

    Years later, having beaten all the FF's, I would have to say it's one of the weakest in the series. The battle system was a major step back in that it took ATB and basically reverted back into a turn-based RPG. I also feel that it tried too hard to be FF, when every FF is supposed to be innovation based on what was already done in the past. This one just explores every region of the past and crams it into one game. it's like the Kefka's Tower of FF's. And they did a pretty good job with that. But I would rather have a brand new FF story rather than a generic one that hints at the plot of previous games.

    For me it just confirms that Yoshinori Kitase makes better games than Sakaguchi ever did.

  7. #22


    This is one of the greatest final fantasies ever made, in my opinion.

  8. #23


    ...I voted yes on the poll. *hides*

  9. #24
    Xurts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible View Post
    Are you sure about that? The first 5 Final Fantasies really revolve around collecting crystals and involve destroying the "darkness" about to claim the world. Although, as I recall, FFIV does have a plot. Please don't take the way that I hope you don't.
    That's nice, but I don't recall mentioning anything about the early FFs.

  10. #25
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Final Fantasy IX is my favorite Final Fantasy (and quite possibly my favorite game) by a large margin. As far as I'm concerned, it has the best soundtrack in the series, bar none. Granted, a lot of the songs are just different versions of the same tune, but there are many others that are absolutely excellent.

    I cared more about the characters in FFIX more than I've ever cared about a character in a game. I felt that a majority of the characters had more depth than others in previous games. The only other game I believe to have come close in character development is Final Fantasy VI. All the characters in FFIX played a significant role in the plot. I never really felt as if anyone got left behind (as I believed happened in FFVII and FFVIII). As FFVII was the first Final Fantasy I played (I didn't start getting my hands on the older ones until after I played FFIX), I was incredibly relieved to have a main character who wasn't a stereotypical loner.

    The animation style never bothered me, really. The characters would have certainly looked a lot cooler had they stuck more closely to Amano's concept art (Steiner looks like a total bad ass), but I believe the animation fits the attitudes of the characters more.

    One of the best parts of the game, I believe, is the villain. Kuja is simply awesome. He's the only villain in a Final Fantasy game I've ever pitied. I felt he had real motivation, and it was refreshing to see a villain who wasn't trying to become a god to enslave the world, but instead someone who was acting on real emotions.

    I loved the reintroduction of the class system. I've always preferred distinct definition between characters and their roles in battle. Choosing your party becomes less of a "These guys are my favorite, so I'll just use them," and instead introduces at least some element of strategy.

  11. #26
    There's a Bo In My Fro Garnie's Avatar
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    9 is good but it can be very cheesey in places but i still lovr it like all the ffs

  12. #27
    Deusa's Avatar
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    who's asking?


    who voted no? no one has addmited to it or to not liking it as far as i can see...........?
    :fencing: On guard! *Yaro!**butobashte yaru wa!* Like H^ll!!! :nibbles: :catsmile:

  13. #28
    Kermit Timerk's Avatar
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    It wasn't a horrible game, but in the end it just suffered from weak characters and a story which got a little too complicated for its own good. Also, Zidane and Garnet never really worked for me as a couple. The Trance system was horrible, and the sidequests felt uninspired. FF9 started out ok, but it ended up losing steam around disc three and never really got on track for me.

    That's not to say it is a bad game. The story as a whole is ok, and there are some beautiful set pieces and moments (Bahamut vs Alexander). I don't think that people hate it, I just think it doesn't have much replay value because the sidequests are not much fun, and the plot just has too many threads in it. I still don't understand why some of the characters were even there.

    ps I didn't vote. This game is a clear mild to me, and it always will be.

  14. #29
    My dream will never fade! MoonZapdos's Avatar
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    This game isn't bad. It's awesome. Awesome enough to be my favourite game of the series. Whoever thinks it's bad hasn't played enough PSX games.

  15. #30
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    Like people have said, I think people are too harsh on FFIX. I'm not quite sure what the principle reason for it is, though someone suggested the character design which is one reason I've frequently seen given. I think part of the reason the character design was received negatively by some people was that they've probably started the series at FFVII (as I know some of my friends certainly did), and had grown rather accustomed to the 'realistic' character design, only to have a guy with a tail and a head larger than his torso thrown at them. Musically, I think FFIX is one of my favourite games, actually. Perhaps that's fairly redundant though because I don't think I've ever head somebody say they disliked the game because of its music.

    I have, however, heard many people say they disliked the game for Eiko!
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