Inspired by the moral question brought up in one of my favorite RPGs. Say you were placed into a situation where you were chosen to choose the new form of the world. Unfortunately you can only choose between three different options given to you...

Shijima - "The Value of Order" - The realm of absolute order and balance. In this world, laws and order govern everything and everyone has a place and role to fulfill within a strict heirarchy. Everyone helps each other and maintains the status quo. There is no sadness, hate, or boundaries that seperate us from one another. But also, there is no love or happiness, nor true sense of individuality.

Yosuga - "Survival of the Fittest" - The natural order but pushed to an extreme, compassion for the weak is gone and the weak are systematically removed. The strongest and smartest rule and those who choose not to follow must either prove their strength to survive or be "weeded out". Though cruel and chaotic, the world is constantly shifting and new and people are forced to stay innovative and adaptable. If you have the strength to survive you can maintain your own sense freedom.

Musubi - "Hyper-Individualistic Thought" - A world where everyone believes and lives only for themselves. All life is seperate and we exist in a state of permanent internal thought. Life begins and ends with yourself. People exist without the need of others. You cannot affect the lives of others and others cannot affect you. A permanent state of solitude with self fulfillment of the ego is all there is.

So choose your poison.