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Thread: Readingggg~

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Omega Cloud View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega Cloud View Post
    Gosh I hate reading the last time I read a real book was during school about 2 months ago. The book was called Among the Free.
    You only hate it because you can't, Joseph.
    At least I have a better excuse than "I read my Final Fantasy Strategy Guide"
    How is that an excuse?

  2. #17
    Yah Trick Yah Northcrest's Avatar
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    Your just trying to put up something to cover up that you don't read that often.

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  3. #18


    Oh no, I feel so insecure. You've exposed my weak point!

  4. #19
    not you naan bread Sergeant Hartman's Avatar
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    The last book I ever read was how to learn the alphabet.

  5. #20
    o double d to the l e r oddler's Avatar
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    The last reading material I bought for myself was the set of The Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander. I plan on getting the Harry Potter set soon just to see what the fuss is about.

    I don't read very often, though. I've got to be in the mood for it, I guess.

  6. #21
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    I think I read more than anything else. I make it a point that I read a book every day, unless I'm really busy. I have a very long list of books I want, half of them being the list of important classics, the other half just books that I'm interested in.

    I'm also on a read 100 books in a year challenge. I'm going at it a little slow, even though I read more than anyone else I know. ;[ But I've been trying to make up for it. I'm only up to 40 at the moment, 3 of those being currently readings. But I have a feeling having money due to finally get a job, and going into AP English will change that. xD

    I have recently read World War Z by Max Brooks, which is one of the best books I have ever read, The Nanny Diaries by Emma Mclaughlin and Nicola Kraus, Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakmi, who is one of my favorite authors, and Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. I'm currently reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (to brush up before Deathly Hallows), Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison for AP English, The Pickup by Nadine Gordimer, also for AP English, and The Road by Cormac McCarthy.

    I am completely out of room on my bookshelf already, and we just bought it a few months ago!

  7. #22


    I'm reading 'Zodiac' by Robert Graysmith. The film intrigued me, and I'd really like to know more - I think unsolved mysteries are pretty exciting.

    I used to read loads more than I do now - mainly 20th century literature. Now I read maybe a book every few months, which is terrible. I remember my dad used to read at a really slow pace - he never showed much interest - and it used to really annoy me. I thought, and still do, that people who don't read are missing out on a really interesting part of life! Er, and now I am, which sucks.

  8. #23
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    The last book I actually bought was New Moon. I almost never read during the summer, but during the school year I read as much as a book a day. Unfortunately, I don't think our school's library has one complete series. They'll have Book 1 and Book 3, but they'll be missing Book 2. It's really annoying when I finish a book and I realize there's going to be a continuation of it.

  9. #24
    Paganini is a bastard. Rengori's Avatar
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    The last book I bought... Does a book with a bunch of different guitar chord diagrams count? If it doesn't, than it was 1984, like a year ago.
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    whos' obama?

  10. #25
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I just bought The Lunatic Cafe and The Demon Soul. Both are parts of series, the lunatic cafe is part of the anita blake series of vampires and such and the demon soul is a warcraft book. And I have the next Harry potter reserved. All for my trip to europe so my flights dont get too boring.

  11. #26
    4 Recognized Member Faris's Avatar
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    I recently bought a few yoga books so that I don't have to keep going to the internet to find positions. I usually read when I'm in the mood to.

    4444444444 4 4 444 44 4

  12. #27


    i read enough dialouge story from final fantasy i cant be asked to do more reading once i turn that off:rolleyes2

    If I was like Cloud I don't think I would have taken that test.
    Changed to stop Jessweeee♪ from going insane. Is that better?

  13. #28
    Ogre Araciel's Avatar
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    i always have one or more books on the go. at the moment i'm reading 'the truth' by terry pratchett

  14. #29
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    I last brought a book by George R. R. Martin it was the second book in the series, "A song of fire and ice" the book is called "A Clash of Kings" and is quite thick I used to read a few hours every day as a kid now I buy books normally in batches as I read massive books with 700/1000+ pages in days at times the biggest book I ever read in 24 hours was 900 pages or so long. I love reading and not only does it keep me occupied (to the extent of sleep deprivation/starvation/dehydration/anti-social hermit syndrome) it helps me with ideas for my own writing wether for the game I work on or just stories I write. You can NEVER read too much the improvement to your vocabulary even when you believe you know it all is simply amazing.

    Oh and I noticed a few very good books and authors mentioned here, Ian Irvine = fantastic which series, the view through the looking glass or the well of echoes? Also The Truth was one of my favourite discworld novels I'm sure there were others but these 2 stuck in my head.

  15. #30
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    I'm reading ' Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince', by JK Rowling for the umpteenth time. I said i'd read it before the 7th one drops.

    The last book I bought was the autobiography of Paul McGrath. It was brilliant.

    Str8 Pimpin'

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