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Thread: Rikku's first impressions...

  1. #16
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Wow, this brings back memories of my debates with Timerk and Renmiri (Renmiri even had a Rikku avatar at that time!) I'm happy to hear you are at least playing the game and I mostly ask that you remain patient, and keep playing.

    For one, the gameplay is tedious to the finest degree. To pause the action around you to attack, use items or whatnot is irratating. Unlike in FFX or other installments that keeps the action around you going. To pause, then wait for an action bar to fill up, only to pause the game again is aggravating. In other Final Fantasy games, when you defeat an enemy, you get exp. and gil at the same time, in Twelve; this is forgotten. I ask you why? It was practical and logical.
    Like many before, I suggest you play it on Active mode. This is one of the few FF's where the difference in modes is obvious. Wait, really destroys the point in having the Gambit System. Oddly enough, if you really watch it, the system is basically the ATB system it just put's into account the 3D enviroment.

    I didn't care for the combat system when I first played, but once you get a fully controllable party, it becomes a little more fun. Later when you finally get more Gambits, you can begin to experiment. Not to mention by this point you should have a wide variety of weapons which actually change how you should manage them. The systems fun it just takes a while to kick in.

    Another thing I was greatly dissapointed in was the appearence of the game. For a second there, I thought it was a Lord of the Rings, Star Wars crossover! I really was infuriated when I saw my beloved chocobos decorated in heavy armor. Chocobos in Ten were decorated in armor as well, but not to the extent of the ones in Twelve. Chocobo's are supposed to be realistic, but adorable. In Twelve, they lose their trademark cuteness. So have the moogles. Moogles have a cat-like appearence, but in Twelve, they take the shape of a rabbit! Way to break tradition Square!
    The change is not nearly as drastic as VII's Chocobos to VIII's but that's just my opinion. Well the "Star Wars feel" continues through I'm afraid but it's actually easy to forget about. LOTR disappears quickly though. The SW/LOTR feel is mostly felt in the action CG cutscenes though (the opening and the ending are the worse offenders). The story is actually quite different so don't worry about playing a clone of someone else's work.

    The series is about change and innovation so you have to just either accept or suffer through it I'm afraid.

    Another failure in Twelve is the shoddy storyline. Like I said before, the beginning of the whole thing looks like a Lord of the Rings clone. The story makes it seem out of place with the rest of the Final Fantasies. Although, I haven't gotten that far in the story yet, it seems to me, based by other posts here, that we don't have a specific main character. If that is true, then it's a failure. In a story, you must have a specific main character.
    That's completely untrue. As Bolivar pointed out, only half the series actually had a main character (You forgot IX though ) Telling a story with no central main character is challenging but eventually the story does begin to focus mostly on Lady Ashe (seriously, am I the only person who feels she technically qualifies for role of lead?). It's difficult to tell a story by it's first few moments. The story really begins to pick up once you finish the Leviathan. To be honest, the story mostly focuses on Lady Ashe, Balthier, and Basch. Though the others have their moments.

    I'll admit the storytelling is very different from the rest of the FF series, it's actually closer to the team's earlier works (FFT, FFTA, and Vagrant Story) XII focuses mainly on politics and the conflict about the impending war. XII's greatest charm though is in it's fleshed out world. Though the area of Ivalice is only a small part of the world, there is more detail and history in this place than most of the FFs combined.

    Definetly explore and enjoy the world. The game doesn't guide your hand anymore and you are allowed to go where you wish (until you accidentally wander into the Feywoods at Lv. 20 and get totally owned by a vegetable man that looks like an extra on the Nightmare Before Christmas.)

    It's the little details and the nuances of this game that make it impressive. I also feel it's story is very powerful, even if the cast is a little subdued at times. Either stick with it, (btw the game is LOOOONG, borrow it from a friend or you'll never make it far enough to enjoy the story.) or just stop now if it seems like too much of a hassle. I'm personally a masochist when it comes to gaming but I don't feel others need to be.

    All in all, I'm very dissapointed in this latest installment of Final Fantasy. I was blown away by Final Fantasy Ten, but this game, doesn't make a dent.

    Sorry to fans of Twelve, but this is Final Fantasies low point.
    For me, X is the low point in the series. But we are allowed to each hold our own opinions. No one ever said that every game in the series would appeal to everyone unquestionably. Sometimes the games fail to meet our expectations.

  2. #17


    I gave Final Fantasy Twelve a try, I really did to see if I would like it...But more or less halfway through, I'm not impressed at all. Hiding a badly written story behind old english. Sorry, Square...You failed big time. Way too big of a change in my perspective. They really dropped the ball on this one...I can't believe that it took that long to release such a shoddy game. Seriously...

    Plus, whoever said that Final Fantasy X, is shallow and has no emotion is, no offence, ignorant on all counts of that! Are you kidding?! May I remind you that the opening credits with the song To Zanarkand in the background, seeing the sadness on the characters faces, as the inevitable came their way! Also, with the voice acting, it was the first one with voice acting! I repeat, the first one! First time is always roughest, but if you haven't been paying attention, I heard some great performances by Matt Mckenzie as Auron. He made him sound like a guy who went through hell and back!

    So excuse me, for getting pissed off about that!

    Back to Twelve. Seriously, if you look at Square's previous endeavors, you would see that the story and or characters aren't that original. Plus, they're not all that interesting to me. I like characters who have character to begin with.

    I really tried to like it, I really did. But when it comes to what makes me bond with a group of characters...This falls flat.
    Last edited by Rikku, the Al Bhed; 07-20-2007 at 04:43 PM.
    "There's gotta be some kind of way we can save you, Yuna!"
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  3. #18
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    yet another FFX Fan boy who tries to hate every other Final Fantasy

  4. #19
    Destroyer of Worlds DarkLadyNyara's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balthier Rocks View Post
    yet another FFX Fan boy who tries to hate every other Final Fantasy
    Yep, sounds about right.

  5. #20
    Brandon Stroud's Avatar
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    It's one thing to say that you just don't like FF12. However, completely bashing it without seriously trying to get into the game, THEN proceding to praise another game like it's "God's Gift?" ...You gotta be kidding me. This is just asking for your logic and common sense to be put into question as well as for your statement itself to get ripped apart, stitched back together, then drawn and quartered on 4 heavily-armored chocobos on speed.

    To address your "concerns" over the gameplay: As stated earlier, the Final Fantasy series has been built on revolutionizing and reinventing the combat system. It went from static (FF1-3) to ATB (4-9) to CTB (10). Attempting a combat system that further smooths out the flow of the action is what was done in FF12. However, there is always the option of setting the system to Wait if the player is more accustomed to the more traditional style as well as if the player is more methodical or in a pinch.

    As far as the presentation goes, you're gonna need to get over the fact that Tetsuya Nomura had NO PART in the design for the game. If you can't then you must not've liked or even bothered giving Vagrant Story a chance, did you? In retrospect, Nomura is one of my personal favorite character designers, but seeing a different art style is actually refreshing.

    To continue, let's cover what your beef seems to be with the story. A lot of the developers at Square Enix are admitted fans of Star Wars and LotR. ...And you weren't expecting to see refereces thereto somewhere in the game? Right... And I got some beachfront property in San Bernardino to sell you. The story itself is presented at a slow, methodical and in-depth pace. There's a lot of history behind the world and it's inhabitants. Of course, you'd realize that if you had given the game as much of a shot as you claimed. Just to let you know, the pacing for the game was too slow for me, thereby I couldn't get as far into it as others. Of course, that's after I had completed a good 80+ percent of the game. Shoddy storyline covered up by badly spoken Olde English? I think ye doth protest too much.

    Earlier, I mentioned heavily armored chocobos on speed. You remember that? Or are you too busy fuming over this game's failure? Pay close attention, now, as we cover the beloved mascots of the series. The majority of chocobos in the game are armored. The ones you fight out in the field are not. The chocobos in previous games had a fluffier look to them. The anatomy and physiology on these birds in this particular game is closer to how something feathered would look when existing in an arid, war-torn region. As for the moogles... Take some time to really look over how much they've changed since their introduction. They came from being "Stay-Puft Marshmallow Cherubs" to what they are in 12, and guess what? It's likely they'll get changed up for 13.

    Now, you want logic as far as experience and money drops after combat? It's already been said. What in the world makes you think that when you kill something, piles of money will just ooze from their wounds where blood should be? Money is acquired in a mostly real-world manner... through commerce. Buying, selling and trading. On a quick note about main characters in the FF games, at least half the games in the series did not have a definite main character. Some had multiple, others you didn't meet until later in the game as the story really revealed itself and was fleshed out. Of course, that requires taking the time to really play the game. Not just skim through over a rental period.

    Take it from me, someone who is not at all... I repeat NOT AT ALL a fan of FF12. This game is one that's at least worth doing your homework on before bashing it. Oh, and just to let you know... Outside of Auron, Lulu and Kimahri... I utterly despised FF10.

    Ladies and gentlemen, thank you and good day.
    Last edited by Brandon Stroud; 07-21-2007 at 01:24 AM.
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  6. #21
    Yes, I'm a FF III fan. Elpizo's Avatar
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    I wanted to say, the moogles in FF XII shouldn't be that surprising. They use the same design as FFTA's moogles (Logical, they are drawn by the same artist, aren't they?). So FF XII's moogles should be nothing new or shocking.

    Further, there's no point in me trying to say something positive about XII, you won't listen anyway. You're too spoilt by X.

    Right now I'm playing X for the first time, after I finished XII, and can you please tell me how this game got so many fans? After the magnificent IX (and XII) I didn't expect something that... tries to make me stop playing by throwing all kinds of stuff at me that makes me swallow hard and feel a bit sick...

    Ah well, each to his own. Some of your complaints make absolutely no sense to me but I won't try to understand. I feel that it's not worth it. Try to stop thinking that every FF has to be like X to be a FF, maybe then you'll like XII. I'll go as far as saying that FF X feels the least FF-ish to me.

    Don't think I had no problems with XII, there were some problems, but for me the fantastic Final Boss and "Battle for Freedom" more than made up for all of my little problems with XII.

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Balthier Rocks View Post
    yet another FFX Fan boy who tries to hate every other Final Fantasy
    even worse than a FFVII fanboy

    have you played any other Final Fantasy besides X? To me, X was really average. Not at all worth the hype. The love story wasn't even as great as VIII's and the storyline is nothing compared to 4,5,6,7,8,9&12.

    You said that it's the first time they've given voice acting... that's actually arguable because in FFVIII, the song Eyes on Me was sang by Julia so that's a voice and the humming in FFIX also counts. Besides, the voiceacting in X sucked.

    also, the only reason the characters showed a lot of emotions in X was because of the graphics. PS2 was able to show character expressions unlike the previous FFs. IMO, the previous FFs had a lot more emotions than X but the graphical limits prevented you from seeing their sad little faces (even though VI had hilarious sprites xD)

  8. #23


    i love the XII moogles, Nono especially is adorable!
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  9. #24
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elpizo View Post
    Right now I'm playing X for the first time, after I finished XII, and can you please tell me how this game got so many fans?
    It's one of those "you had to be there" things. I got X (and Playstation2) when it first came out, and it's hard for me not to have fond memories of it.

    Now i'm going to get back to chrono trigger and try to figure out what's so special about it...

  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Elpizo View Post
    Right now I'm playing X for the first time, after I finished XII, and can you please tell me how this game got so many fans? After the magnificent IX (and XII) I didn't expect something that... tries to make me stop playing by throwing all kinds of stuff at me that makes me swallow hard and feel a bit sick...
    i'm not the only one then?

    i think it's because it's the first FF on the PS2 with enhanced Graphics and a very "cute" love story. The main character is also a nice looking guy which got a lot of fangirls. Yuna is decent looking too so you got your fanboys. And Lulu's chest got a lot of attention too :rolleyes2 it was simply a good timing. Same thing with FFVII. First FF in 3D :O first FF on PS1 (?)

  11. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Rikku, the Al Bhed View Post
    Although, I haven't gotten that far in the story yet, it seems to me, based by other posts here, that we don't have a specific main character. If that is true, then it's a failure. In a story, you must have a specific main character.
    Uh... have you ever played or heard of FFVI? Also, idolizing FFX isn't gonna help you win debates or anything.

  12. #27
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by atlanteay View Post
    i think it's because it's the first FF on the PS2 with enhanced Graphics and a very "cute" love story. The main character is also a nice looking guy which got a lot of fangirls. Yuna is decent looking too so you got your fanboys. And Lulu's chest got a lot of attention too :rolleyes2 it was simply a good timing. Same thing with FFVII. First FF in 3D :O first FF on PS1 (?)
    Ugh, even I'm getting tired of people who don't give FFX the credit it deserves. The story was good, and the characters were some of the best in the series if you ask me. Unlike a good chunk of the FF titles, they actually had natural character development. Wakka accepting the Al Bhed didn't come out of nowhere, nor did Lulu getting over Chappu, or Tidus becoming a hero willing to sacrifice himself if it means saving he world. All of it was a natural and believable progression for the characters, and it was handled well. Throw in gameplay that was at the same time some of the fastest, and most strategic in the series, and you have a great game.

    As for Rikku's comments on FFXII; I might have said something here, but Wolf Kanno kind of beat me to it.

  13. #28


    Just to comment on the likenesses of SW and LoTR in connections to FF12, I will first say of course!
    Since when hasn't the best of the out of reality, futuristic or medievil style of storylines not featured a small group of heros on a quest to defeat an evil Villan/Empire or what not with countries quibbles going on in the background? As far as I see its a common appearance.

    Second, something as large as conceiving the idea for a whole world is going to need inspiration from somewhere and where better to get ideas from something that all of the staff can understand than a few viewings of Movies that fit the bill. Ghost in the Shell inspired the Matrix for instance so why not this? Other FF's have been inspired by a mix of Technological and Magical Medievilness so it's arguable that the editing and storyboarding took a page from Star Wars then had Squeenix's airships put in.

    Basically put unless Vaan and Ashe start marching off to Ye olde mount Doom to defeat Darth Vader by dropping some random piece of jewelry into it's depths you can't convince me that the storyline itself was tainted by other referances, it follows the basic Fantasy Storyline tradition and I don't argue, I like that.

    Thanks to White for the sig <3

  14. #29
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    It makes me laugh how so many people are like "my god! FFX fanboy" and you all sound like FFXII fanboys.. running to it's defence when someone merely comments on the game or expresses their opinion.

    I personally enjoyed X more than XII. However, i love both games. The reason I liked X more was because of the character connections and moments in the game. There were parts of X where I was so inthralled, where there was intense action! Sin attacking the army on the beach, escaping from the temple, the opening scenes, the battles in Old Zanarkand.. these memories really stick out because the characters bonded more, which made me feel bonded with them, and also because there was a lot of action.

    That said, there are moments in XII where it could have been really well done.. but they would last for a few moments and finish. You merely travelled through the dungeon, fought a boss and when this part was done.. o look, we're off again to obtain an item to get further in the map. **SPOILERS** The part where the Empire invade Mt.Bur-Omicase (SP), escaping from Nalbina Fortress, meeting the Gods at the Great Crystal **SPOILERS** were great parts of the game but were never elaborated enough to make me want to play this game again.

    I'm not a fanboy of either game, and I see both sides of the argument. I loved the battle system of XII and going back to time based would be strange now, but the characters in X had more depth personally.

  15. #30
    This is gonna be legen- Proxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balthier Rocks View Post
    yet another FFX Fan boy who tries to hate every other Final Fantasy
    I agree. But then again, named after a minor character in the downfall of the final fantasy series, this type of review is to be expected.

    Atleast this game isn't linear.
    "lets just walk in a set direction, never being set back by the thought that something important has/could have happened in a town/city we were just in. Where we've made friends."
    Even in X-2 you go back to other cities & towns to progress the story. I think 10 was the first Final Fantasy to do this. I have a very shoddy memory.
    I bought a PS2 for FFX, and I liked it, but it was a downfall in the series. As pointed out before by a couple other members.
    And I will give it to you that Auron was the most half decently impressive voice acting in that game.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Unknown Guru
    Uh... have you ever played or heard of FFVI? Also, idolizing FFX isn't gonna help you win debates or anything.

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