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Thread: Your thoughts on the ending FMV (finishing the game before reading is helpful)

  1. #16


    I don't think Squall is dead. Cause in the end, they show us both Rinoa and Squall kissing each other. So? Is Rinoa kissing with a ghost?
    Anyway, I couldn't understand one thing: When Squall exit from nothingless and enter his chilhood times, (you know, Matron and little Squall is playing and suddenly weak Ultimecia tries to pass her power to Matron), how'd she still survives in that time??

  2. #17


    she's a sorceress and she needs to pass her powers on before she dies. And she apparently selected the same time period/place as Squall. Look at Captain Maxx Power's diagram. It helps a lot

  3. #18


    Squall didn't die.

  4. #19


    Of course not!!
    @atlanteay: Wow, it makes me dizzy. But thanx a lot. ın the ending FMV , I laughed a lot of Zell's sequence when he eating a big chicken (like himslef, chicken wusss )

  5. #20
    The Ceej's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Great Sephiroth View Post
    I don't think Squall is dead. Cause in the end, they show us both Rinoa and Squall kissing each other. So? Is Rinoa kissing with a ghost?
    Anyway, I couldn't understand one thing: When Squall exit from nothingless and enter his chilhood times, (you know, Matron and little Squall is playing and suddenly weak Ultimecia tries to pass her power to Matron), how'd she still survives in that time??
    You really should read my post before arguing with it. I've made the point that the end part was a dream like fifty thousand times across this forum, including a dozen or so in this thread alone. Squall died. Get over it. It's the only way the end makes any sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Ceej
    like fifty thousand times across this forum, including a dozen or so in this thread alone
    It's called hyperbole. Look it up.

  6. #21


    Didn't Square confirm he lived when they confirmed Laguna was Squall's father because people kept pestering them about it? Of course, I have no links or proof 'coz I'm lazy, so just assume I'm making it up and move along.

    Although, I must say that if Square is comfortable with Rufus surviving a large energy blast to his face that destroyed an entire building, then I'm sure Squall living wouldn't be much of a stretch.

    I loved the ending. It was cute :> Hearing Eyes on Me kick in or watching the cam parts during the credits were some crazy good moments for this lad.

    The only thing I didn't like was the Seifer bit. Maybe it's because I like tragedies and wanted him to die some grotesque death, not be all Brady Bunch with his pals like nothing ever happened. I'd run him over with the entire Garden, but that's me.
    Last edited by LunarWeaver; 07-27-2007 at 03:04 AM.

  7. #22


    Does the fact that there is so much speculation about what was in the FFVIII ending mean that the ending was really good, or really bad?


  8. #23
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    He's alive, I just played through the Ulimacia boss fight (I keep forgetting how good that boss fight really was) and watched the ending again.

    So I took into account what you said. I never saw Rinoa in a black dress though. But besides that, I feel you overlooked one minor detail... Granted I can see where you might think he's dead.

    In the scene where Rinoa finally finds Squall lying their not moving. She picks him up and his body is unresponsive. Rinoa begins to cry and then the clouds part and the barren land becomes a flower garden. Rinoa stares in awe and then looks back at Squall's face and her expression changes to that of surprise. Then the game switches over to Laguna and so forth. It can easily be interpreted that Squall woke up and that was what surprised her.

    Besides, if Squall had died, why continue with all the happy scenes of Laguna reuniting with Ellone, or seeing Seifer and his cronies having a good time? Hell why have a massive party in Balamb Garden with the whole video camera scene? If it was all a dream then what was it's purpose or significance to the plot? If the scenes are real but Squall had died, why would everyone be happy and celebrating in Balamb when the former leader just died? It makes more logical sense that Squall lived and ties better with the Theme of Love (Both Romantic and Self) that the game represented.

    Now here's a question. Is Squall's foggy memory due to Time Compression or because of his prolonged exposure to the GFs? It was something I began to think about as I watched the ending again.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    If it was all a dream then what was it's purpose or significance to the plot? If the scenes are real but Squall had died, why would everyone be happy and celebrating in Balamb when the former leader just died? It makes more logical sense that Squall lived and ties better with the Theme of Love (Both Romantic and Self) that the game represented.
    They're celebrating because Ultimecia was destroyed and the world was saved. If you noticed, Squall was absent from that home video. I know. I was looking for him because, at first, I didn't want him to be dead. When he showed up at the end, that was the dream. The significance of having him come back for Rinoa's dream is to show the strength of Rinoa's love for him. And if you look at it right, you can say she didn't learn the lesson that Square taught us through Squall's death. If he's alive, then my interpretation doesn't work. Squall's death makes a huge point. Much like Aeris' death, it's intregal to the plot. Squall's death makes the point that I've been trying to say it makes this whole time. That Squall was right. People don't want to believe that because they want to believe that people need the comfort and love of another. They find it hard to accept that Square would send such a dark message. I enjoyed this message, but then, at the time, I was a lot like Squall, and in many ways, I still am. (500 Points For Insane Run-On Bonus.) As much as I like him and want him to be alive, I need him to be dead for the message of the game to work.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Ceej View Post
    You really should read my post before arguing with it. I've made the point that the end part was a dream like fifty thousand times across this forum, including a dozen or so in this thread alone. Squall died. Get over it. It's the only way the end makes any sense.
    I'm sorry for this response. I was late for work, my brother was yapping in my ear about stuff I didn't care about, and I was a little annoyed that someone read part of my post and decided to comment without reading the whole thing. All of those three together made me eager to post what was on my mind at the second and no one on this forum deserved my attitude here. The whole time I was at work, I was thinking about this response and it was rude of me. I'm sorry I was an ass.

  10. #25
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    But there's no evidence that Squall is dead and the final scene was a dream. If Squall had been a dream, don't you think they would have made the scene obvious? Like maybe seeing Squall disappear?

    Also, I feel the party is way too happy at the party. If Squall had died, I feel the scene would hae been more somber. I don't think Irvine would have been flirting with every skirt in the room and watching Zell wolf down food. The ending would have required a moment of grief for his passing. The main cast was way too cheerful to allude that someone died. As for Squall not appearing during these scenes, the logical answer based on what we see is that he's on the patio with Rinoa as the ending shows.

    Squall is not a "partying" type and even if he has opend up a bit, I doubt that has really dampered his serious and loner attitude to the point of being in the heart of a party. He's the type who would find someplace quiet, drink a glass of wine and congratulate himself on a nice days work.

    I do like your interpretation (it's quite beautiful actually) but I feel it's wrong nonetheless.

  11. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by The Ceej View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    If it was all a dream then what was it's purpose or significance to the plot? If the scenes are real but Squall had died, why would everyone be happy and celebrating in Balamb when the former leader just died? It makes more logical sense that Squall lived and ties better with the Theme of Love (Both Romantic and Self) that the game represented.
    They're celebrating because Ultimecia was destroyed and the world was saved. If you noticed, Squall was absent from that home video. I know. I was looking for him because, at first, I didn't want him to be dead. When he showed up at the end, that was the dream. The significance of having him come back for Rinoa's dream is to show the strength of Rinoa's love for him. And if you look at it right, you can say she didn't learn the lesson that Square taught us through Squall's death. If he's alive, then my interpretation doesn't work. Squall's death makes a huge point. Much like Aeris' death, it's intregal to the plot. Squall's death makes the point that I've been trying to say it makes this whole time. That Squall was right. People don't want to believe that because they want to believe that people need the comfort and love of another. They find it hard to accept that Square would send such a dark message. I enjoyed this message, but then, at the time, I was a lot like Squall, and in many ways, I still am. (500 Points For Insane Run-On Bonus.) As much as I like him and want him to be alive, I need him to be dead for the message of the game to work.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Ceej View Post
    You really should read my post before arguing with it. I've made the point that the end part was a dream like fifty thousand times across this forum, including a dozen or so in this thread alone. Squall died. Get over it. It's the only way the end makes any sense.
    I'm sorry for this response. I was late for work, my brother was yapping in my ear about stuff I didn't care about, and I was a little annoyed that someone read part of my post and decided to comment without reading the whole thing. All of those three together made me eager to post what was on my mind at the second and no one on this forum deserved my attitude here. The whole time I was at work, I was thinking about this response and it was rude of me. I'm sorry I was an ass.
    Don't think about it, it very kind if you are apologize...In my country, if someone post like you did, never apologize plus, they make it again and again, I'm surprised when I saw your sorry...
    Anyway, I'm still think Squall didn't die. Because the happy end, because all the SeeD very happy. This makes nosense, if Squall was dead, then why Zell is keep eating like a bear with full of joy. Or why are Quistis, Selphie, Irvine; Matron and the others didn't show just a little sorrow? Is this the friendship, that Square always tells in FFs???

  12. #27
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    I was about to agree with everyone on how Squall lives except that one point that The Ceej mentions, that in the home video Squall is absent. That is so true it's creepy. He's practically their leader in defeating Ultimecia, so why should they exclude him? But maybe I'm just being paranoid.

    However, theres a lot of evidence that shows that Squall is still alive, already pointed out in this thread.

    Man, it's times like these I wish I could just kidnap the plot designers of FFVIII and interrogate them.

    Does anyone notice Rinoa's dog Angelo running towards her general direction during the last home video scene? Just a thought since no one mentioned it. If you want to see it, click here.
    (Skip to 2:40)

    So pretty much, there are two ways to take the final movie. Either it's all a happy ending, and Squall was wrong the whole time cause he's a loner loser, and he somehow survives the time compression madness.

    The other way is that he dies horribly in a compressed world. Rinoa eventually goes crazy or some thing and hangs out in the balcony, then 'imagines' Squall is alive and kisses a ghost. That could maybe explain why she was doing that little finger thing in the home video to nothing. Or maybe it was just blocked by that stupid wall, who knows?

    Or a third way is that when she was looking up in the stars, that tiny shooting star she saw, she wished that Squall was alive and, Lookie! He's standing right next to you! (Kidding. That would be a terrible FF ending...)
    Max sig height 250 pixels, max sig filesize is 50kb.

  13. #28


    I can't believe people actually think Squall is dead. Look at the mood of the final FMV, especially the final kiss; it's about as romantic, happy and idyllic as you can possibly get it, music and all. We see Rinoa kissing Squall. Right before we see Selphie pointing towards Rinoa and smiling.

    Are you telling me that Selphie was smiling at Rinoa because Squall died and Rinoa had gone so mad with grief that she was actually seeing visions so tangible she can kiss them? Gee, what a happy scene, eh? Are you saying that Selphie, Zell, Irvine and Quistis would be partying like that if Squall was dead, even if they did beat Ultimecia? That Rinoa would actually snap like a twig once Squall died? And that Square would actually paint the atmosphere so happy when in fact Squall was dead? That's ludicrous!

    Squall wasn't seen in the home video because of elementary storytelling; we're supposed to be left hanging until the very end. That's it. Square have never ever made anything nearly as morbid as what some people suggest here, so why now? No, it's just absurd. Squall lived.

  14. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Trisdyn View Post
    I was about to agree with everyone on how Squall lives except that one point that The Ceej mentions, that in the home video Squall is absent. That is so true it's creepy. He's practically their leader in defeating Ultimecia, so why should they exclude him? But maybe I'm just being paranoid.

    However, theres a lot of evidence that shows that Squall is still alive, already pointed out in this thread.

    Man, it's times like these I wish I could just kidnap the plot designers of FFVIII and interrogate them.

    Does anyone notice Rinoa's dog Angelo running towards her general direction during the last home video scene? Just a thought since no one mentioned it. If you want to see it, click here.
    (Skip to 2:40)

    So pretty much, there are two ways to take the final movie. Either it's all a happy ending, and Squall was wrong the whole time cause he's a loner loser, and he somehow survives the time compression madness.

    The other way is that he dies horribly in a compressed world. Rinoa eventually goes crazy or some thing and hangs out in the balcony, then 'imagines' Squall is alive and kisses a ghost. That could maybe explain why she was doing that little finger thing in the home video to nothing. Or maybe it was just blocked by that stupid wall, who knows?

    Or a third way is that when she was looking up in the stars, that tiny shooting star she saw, she wished that Squall was alive and, Lookie! He's standing right next to you! (Kidding. That would be a terrible FF ending...)

    GOSH! Your second thought is very horrible and such pessimistic...Squall is dead and Rinoa gone insane!!! It's very terrible ending if its a REAL FF!! And any of the FFs didn't have so sad endings...

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Great Sephiroth View Post
    GOSH! Your second thought is very horrible and such pessimistic...Squall is dead and Rinoa gone insane!!! It's very terrible ending if its a REAL FF!! And any of the FFs didn't have so sad endings...
    Have you played Final Fantasy X? (SPOILER)Tidus was completely erased from existance. That's a lot sadder than someone dying. And don't bring up Final Fantasy X-2 because originally, it wasn't planned.

    If they can do something sad like that, I believe they can kill off Squall to make a point. I think the reason most people here don't agree with me is that they don't want to believe it. Therefore they convince themselves not to believe it. I really didn't want to believe it myself before I realized it made perfect sense to kill off Squall. It completed the final message of the story.

    I never said Rinoa goes insane. That was Trisdyn. But she loved him enough to dream about him. You can't say you've never had dreams about people who are dead. I'm sorry, but this is the only way I can read the ending. Any other way just doesn't make sense to me.
    Last edited by The Ceej; 07-29-2007 at 06:43 PM.

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