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Thread: Your thoughts on the ending FMV (finishing the game before reading is helpful)

  1. #1
    Born to be mild Dr. Acula's Avatar
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    Default Your thoughts on the ending FMV (finishing the game before reading is helpful)

    What did you guys think of the ending?

    I thought it was really... strange. The way it kept showing Rinoa again... and again.... and again with her face blurred was kinda weird. My brother's theory was that Square likes mucking around with the graphics.
    Apart from that, I liked the ending.
    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
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  2. #2
    An unknown quantity Disco Potato's Avatar
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    I assumed the muckiness had something to do with Time Compression, but now that I think about it, you could be right too . I really liked everything from the camcorder events and post-credits

  3. #3
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    I personally think it's the best ending in a Final Fantasy. I don't know about the whole Rinoa and blurry thing.

  4. #4
    The Ceej's Avatar
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    I guess don't have to spoiler this because your title suggests to finish the game before reading the thread.

    People on this forum tell me I'm wrong and that Squall didn't die. Whatever. I still say he did. They tell me that he was there in the end. I say that was a dream. It had to be with time and place he showed up and the way it all happened. They say her black armband was there the whole game. I checked. It was. But her dress was blue the rest of the game and not black like it was at the end. Besides, if he didn't die, Square's message doesn't work. Or at least my interpretation of it. Besides, my witness agreed with my theory. That being said, I'll tell my opinion.

    I liked the ending because it wasn't the type of message you would expect Square to send. Squall was very afraid the whole game to get close to anyone. This was because when you get close to people, you lose them. Rinoa tried so hard to break him and get him close to her. When she finally succeeded, he died. He proved to her that he was right the whole time. And the genius is that Squall wasn't the one to suffer. No. It was Rinoa's fault. She broke him. So, she was the one to suffer. She lost him because she got close to him. You can't get close to someone or you'll lose them. It was genius the way they made Squall right the whole time. I loved it. I know these thoughts aren't organized very well, but I'm too lazy to rearrange them. I'd apologize for that, but I really don't care enough.

  5. #5
    SeeDRankLou's Avatar
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    I would say the ending was exactly the opposite. Squall was afraid to become close to anyone, and Rinoa tried to break him of that. She didn't break him of his fear until after Rinoa found him, they were brought back to their time, and he woke up in her arms. That whole trippy CG at the end was a representation of Squall's fear; how he had become close to Rinoa, but his fear kept him at arms length. The only thing he could think to save him from time compression was to go to that place that they had promised, but his fear of being alone kept him from that place and brought him to his solitude, at which point he freaks out. The only time that he had possibly not been alone in his life seemed so out of reach that it tampered with his sanity, and he started freaking out, so much so that he drives himself so far away from reality he teeters on life. And then Rinoa finds him. And the one thing that he needed to know where home was was with him, and they return to their time.

    I thought the ending was rather well done. Wraps everything up, some funny moments, some touching moments, good stuff. The scene where Laguna proposes to Raine gets me teary-eyes every time I see it. And the home video quality footage was a nice touch.

  6. #6


    The part with Laguna was really quite touching, this is the only FF that has ever made me really feel anything at the end because I cared about the characters quite alot.

  7. #7
    Born to be mild Dr. Acula's Avatar
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    Yeah, I liked the part with Laguna and Raine. It was very touching.
    I liked Selphie's home video-ing too. It showed some relationships between some of characters (like Selphie yelling at Irvine when he turns the camera and waves at some girls in the corner).

    And um... The Ceej, I'm pretty sure Rinoa's dress wasn't black in the end. Are you sure you didn't mix her up with Edea?
    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
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  8. #8
    'Gabby Hayes' big Bart's Friend Milhouse's Avatar
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    Maybe Ellone was having problems sending (or as she called it 'connecting') him back to the present. I believe she was responsible for sending the party to fight Ultimecia and were possibly responsible for bringing them back. Thing is Ellone never lived in the time of Ultimecia so you would expect major problems trying to find the return ticket home after the Time Compression. But what some people have said so far makes sense "To go to the place where they promised to meet". Don't exactly know how he's supposed to do that but it's not called Final Fantasy for no reason is it?

  9. #9
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Don't make me post my diagram again!
    There is no signature here. Move along.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Maxx Power View Post
    Don't make me post my diagram again!
    Do it, please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bart's Friend Milhouse View Post
    Maybe Ellone was having problems sending (or as she called it 'connecting') him back to the present. I believe she was responsible for sending the party to fight Ultimecia and were possibly responsible for bringing them back. Thing is Ellone never lived in the time of Ultimecia so you would expect major problems trying to find the return ticket home after the Time Compression. But what some people have said so far makes sense "To go to the place where they promised to meet". Don't exactly know how he's supposed to do that but it's not called Final Fantasy for no reason is it?
    Perhaps it has to do with the way that Ultimecia was able to send herself back in time? It's been a very long time since I have played this game, but wasn't the way they went forward in time by using Dr. Odine's machine? Didn't Ultimecia use that same machine to go back in time? Bah, I'm confused, I can't be bothered thinking about it.

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    I personally think it's the best ending in a Final Fantasy. I don't know about the whole Rinoa and blurry thing.

  12. #12
    The Ceej's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Acula View Post
    And um... The Ceej, I'm pretty sure Rinoa's dress wasn't black in the end. Are you sure you didn't mix her up with Edea?
    I don't know. Did Edea hug Squall in Rinoa's dream? Of course he died. That's the only way to read it that makes any sense at all.

  13. #13
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    ceej that's a really crazy interpretation, but i don't think the ending really agrees with it.i don't know, maybe there's more evidence to this i doubt it though.

  14. #14
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omecle View Post
    Do it, please!

    There is no signature here. Move along.

  15. #15
    Born to be mild Dr. Acula's Avatar
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    Best. Explanation. Ever.
    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    Quin is wrong and LALA is right.

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