This is the first time I'm trying an FFX version of my Ragtimer came to town thread!

For newcomers this is a simple game where your knowledge of FFX by answering questions. Let's go over the rules...
One of these threads was once closed because of off topic chatter, so no of topic chatter UNLESS its paired with an answer or a question about the thread...


OOC: lol yeah right.

Hey GB, I thought _____ was right as well
The point system works like this
1 point for... Answering a question correctly, or Noticing an error in my question
2 points for... Noticing an error in my question, and answering the question correctly.
3 points for... Finding my answer to be incorrect and providing a correct answer and a source to back up your correction.
I will wait a little while and declare all who answered it correctly with points... please though hide your answers in spoiler tags, unmarked answers=No points.

Well, let's see how I can do with FFX we'll start with an easy question...

Q1. Where do you first meet Maechen?