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Thread: Bioshock reviews are extremely high!!!

  1. #31
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonsoul View Post
    You're getting .hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Redemption?! That's great! I want to know more information about these games, which is why I'm gonna be renting it when it comes out.

    Aug 14 - Persona 3
    Aug 21 - Bioshock
    Aug 28 - Blue Dragon
    Sep 3 - Wild Arms 5
    Sep 10 - .hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Redemption
    Sep 17 - Eternal Sonata

    What should I rent after those games I wonder? I can only rent for PS 2 and Xbox 360 though.
    I love the .hack games. The fact that I would eventually buy this game was decided when the game was first announced.

    Why are you renting blue dragon and eternal sonata? Why not just download the demo? I am sure XBox live has one.

  2. #32
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    A friend of mine came over last night with his laptop (since mine can't seem to handle the demo and his is a monster of a machine), and I have to say the hype is well deserved. The level of interactivity, and options open to the player makes this the best FPS to rear it's head since Half-Life 2. Throw in the story and the ambience and you get an extrmely fun and immersive experience. The reason you might not have thought it anything special, ljkkjlcm9, is that it's only as innovative as your imagination. If someone's gotten so used to your typical FPS that they just blast their way through then it wouldn't seem very interesting at all. But the whole point is to be creative with the plasmids. In fact, I think the games best strength is probably that no two people have to play through it the same way.

    Also, that Something Awful review is crap. Every review I've seen there in fact seems to be out to rip into something more than it deserves. The fact that they're also talking about waiting for a PS3 version that's not coming takes more away from their credibility.

  3. #33
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hsu View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixAsh View Post
    I've seen a review for this and some videos, would I be right in thinking this is Deus Ex for 2007?
    Sorta but... not really. System Shock 2 is a closer example for the kind of stuff going on here.

    Also, I'm not so sure about my interest anymore:
    7.5 review - honestly I think they may be on to something. The hype machine built it up and it couldn't live up to what it claimed it would be. I could understand maybe a 9.5, or at worst 9.0, but a 7.5 has obliterated any chance of me ever playing this game... ever. Not until the PS3 version at least!
    Uh, that review's not just bad, it's factually incorrect. Unless that's SA's style and I don't know it.

  4. #34
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    What is incorrect about it?

  5. #35
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edczxcvbnm View Post
    What is incorrect about it?
    Quote Originally Posted by article
    Bioshock tells the story of Andrew Ryan, a man on his way to see his family when his plane inexplicably takes a nosedive
    Either this is saying that you PLAY as Andrew Ryan, which you don't, or it's incredibly badly written.

    a mysterious city where mankind has freed itself from capitalism and created an underwater utopia where every man answers to the state.
    Ryan's ethos is pretty much as capitalist as it gets. It may well have deviated from that since Rapture was founded, but his original idea was pretty damned clearly the free market > *.

    The story, based on the science fiction novel Atlantis Shrugged by Ann Rand
    Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

    There are three possibilities: SA is trying to be funny, and failing. SA is stupid. SA is telling people major spoilers. (LOL U R RLY ANDREW RYANS! or the like).

  6. #36
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Story details in an FPS is your main complaint about the review? I thought you were going to mention something meaningful like how the AI is not as bad as they say it is or something that has more value than minor plot details. What else of actual value did they get wrong?

  7. #37
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edczxcvbnm View Post
    Story details in an FPS is your main complaint about the review? I thought you were going to mention something meaningful like how the AI is not as bad as they say it is or something that has more value than minor plot details. What else of actual value did they get wrong?
    Well, I didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with the game but from what I played, the AI seems very good. Above what most FPS games typically have.

    Also, if you want factual errors, I already mentioned the fact that there isn't any PS3 version planned for release. There was never a point in development where one was even announced either. Also, the errors Milf mentioned are enough to make me think the reviewer barely played the game. In fact, they outright admit that they were so disgusted by the fact that you have to kill the little girls that harvest dead bodies in rapture to add to your abilities that they stopped playing. Not only did the have the sort of moral reaction that the system is supposed to create, they totally missed the point of it and stopped playing the game. Maybe they continued on later, but I doubt they really bothered to get the most out of it.

  8. #38
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edczxcvbnm View Post
    Story details in an FPS is your main complaint about the review? I thought you were going to mention something meaningful like how the AI is not as bad as they say it is or something that has more value than minor plot details. What else of actual value did they get wrong?
    oh ed :<3:

  9. #39
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hsu View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by edczxcvbnm View Post
    Story details in an FPS is your main complaint about the review? I thought you were going to mention something meaningful like how the AI is not as bad as they say it is or something that has more value than minor plot details. What else of actual value did they get wrong?
    oh ed :<3:
    I do what I can

    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by edczxcvbnm View Post
    Story details in an FPS is your main complaint about the review? I thought you were going to mention something meaningful like how the AI is not as bad as they say it is or something that has more value than minor plot details. What else of actual value did they get wrong?
    Well, I didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with the game but from what I played, the AI seems very good. Above what most FPS games typically have.

    Also, if you want factual errors, I already mentioned the fact that there isn't any PS3 version planned for release. There was never a point in development where one was even announced either. Also, the errors Milf mentioned are enough to make me think the reviewer barely played the game. In fact, they outright admit that they were so disgusted by the fact that you have to kill the little girls that harvest dead bodies in rapture to add to your abilities that they stopped playing. Not only did the have the sort of moral reaction that the system is supposed to create, they totally missed the point of it and stopped playing the game. Maybe they continued on later, but I doubt they really bothered to get the most out of it.
    The PS3 rumor came about because they left things in the code to indicate such. They have come out and blatantly said that Microsoft payed them to keep it exclusive. I think the PS3 version was planned at some point down the road but was squashed fairly early on.

    I don't think they missed the point of the system. You can be very creative but if the enemies are dumb as bricks, as they claim, then it doesn't really matter how creative you can be. It gets to be stupidly repetitive and just too easy. Why bother trying to get creative? Lets not bring into the fact that it doesn't seem as though you can die. Thats total bull. That takes out all challenge the game might have had.

    I think their complaints are incredibly valid if true. The no game over already makes me want to put it at an 8 tops. Maybe it is because with no consequences I have no problem running into hords of whatevers like an idiot on crack until I win. If the enemies health reset then I would never win but this way just kind of sucks.

    People play things different ways and it is hard to account for all the different types of people out there.

    I will wait for the patch that doesn't make this game easy as before I pick it up after reading several reviews...or I could just do what I did with Geometry Wars and just get the demo and have fun with that forever.

    I could keep going on but I don't think I will. I will play a game with great challenge...Ninja Gaiden on very hard Now there is a game with intelligent enemies.

  10. #40
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Well I got the game today and played it all day. From what I can tell I'm almost to the end as well, which is a bit of a shame, but I guess that's what you get for playing over ten hours straight

    I can safely say this the FPS I've been waiting for since Deus Ex. My main gripe right now is the pseudo-difficulty present. I've been playing on Hard mode as is common practice, and I've found that the main difference between the lower difficulties and the higher ones are the amount of time you have to spend killing stuff. Really by the time I got to like the eight or ninth level it could take up to a minute to kill a regular enemy, and don't even get me started on the Big Daddy's. With the constant respawn present in the game, I would recommend anyone playing to turn the difficulty down and just enjoy the game as it is. Yes, any lack of real difficulty is a pisser, but think of it like a single-player deathmatch, you versus the world.

    Also, the story rocks. If you just stick with the demo you're really missing out. The bit where (SPOILER)you're forced under conditioning to kill Andrew Ryan, with him screaming at you with his face covered in blood to kill him is nothing short of disturbing yet brilliantly scripted gameplay sequence.
    There is no signature here. Move along.

  11. #41


    I picked up the game today also, only a few hours and I am already loving it, would be playing it more if I didnt have so much stuff to do outside of gaming.

    I have just met a Rosie, the Big daddies that shoot at you rather than charge, so far I havent been impressed with the challenge these Big Daddies push on you. The first one I have faced I just had to strafe to various points in the room blasting it with my shotgun with electric buck ammo loaded. I actually found Steinmann harder would you believe. That crazy mofo with the machinegun.

    At the moment Im just messing around with the plasmids, which are much funner than using the actual weapons.

  12. #42
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edczxcvbnm View Post
    Story details in an FPS is your main complaint about the review? I thought you were going to mention something meaningful like how the AI is not as bad as they say it is or something that has more value than minor plot details. What else of actual value did they get wrong?
    If a game reviewer can't get something as simple and basic as the difference between the antagonist and the protagonist correct, I'm not going to trust them when it comes to important stuff.

  13. #43


    Don't you just love the ability of sarcasm to just completely hide itself through text?
    What I've been listening to:

  14. #44


    Buy it for me?
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  15. #45


    I got my rental of this game last night and played it for an hour. The game seems pretty good but I don't like first person shooters. Not sure how come this game is often though of having rpg elements. People were mentioning the plasmids but I don't see that making this game an rpg. This is probably the first first person shooter I'll play a decent amount of.
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