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Thread: Is VII really the best???

  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by PuPu View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Serapy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PuPu View Post
    It is the most overrated FF ever. Many people I have seen like it because it was their first FF they ever played. And the fact that it is so overrated makes people fail to see that it is actually the worst FF ever made.

    Why is it the worst? Well, it was supposed thought to be a "revolutionary" game by many people, since it was the first ever FF in 3D. Though it just didn't give what was expected. The graphics were poor and they could have done a better job in my opinion, since FF8 came with much more improved graphics later. There's also the usage of four characters went down to three, which is ironic since FF7 was so much easier than other FF's before it. Not to mention Sephiroth was such a mediocre villain. Basically, I'm saying it is bad because it was supposed to be a huge change in FF, but I didn't think it really improved much.
    Just because you think FF7 is the worst FF game doesn't mean it's overrated in reality. Many other people have different opinions, most of thier opinions are much different than yours, thus it's not overrated. Also it's nonsense to call them failures for not realising that FF7 is the worst FF game just for the sake of your disagreement.

    I love FF7, of course not it's not my first FF game I ever have played. I played almost all FF games and I believe that FF7 got my vote because of many reasons, everything in the game truly has touched me.
    Ugh. I knew I'd probably get bashed by lots of FF7 fans because of that post.

    I already gave an explanation 14 posts ago about how my first post in this thread was a bit harsh. Here it is, in case you were too lazy to read.
    I still stand by my reasons as to why I didn't like FF7. But I can agree that the way I said them might have seemed a bit harsh, since saying "FF7 is the worst because..." and "I think FF7 is the worst because..." are quite different. Unfortunately, I sounded more like the former than the latter, which probably made myself sound like a rabid hater to many people.
    Yeah, sorry if I offended anybody for my first post.

    Any other rabid FF7 fans?
    Explain why the general consensus that the game is a good game voted by a big majority of people. That should prove that the game in general/reality is not worst of all. You didn't offend me by the way, the reason why I replied is because you assumed that fans failed to acknowledge that the game is the worst FF =/

  2. #62
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    Explain why the general consensus that the game is a good game voted by a big majority of people. That should prove that the game in general/reality is not worst of all.
    That only proves how many people like it, not how good it is. A person can say he/she likes a game, but it does not mean that the game can be considered good because of just that. Especially if they can hardly explain why they like it. Not to imply anything, but I have seen FF7 fans on other forums explain why they liked it, and they didn't really prove much. (I don't want to give examples of what they said, by the way.)

    You didn't offend me by the way, the reason why I replied is because you assumed that fans failed to acknowledge that the game is the worst FF =/
    Fine. I'll admit I should have used a different word other than "fail." Apparently, it caught attention from many people. And apparently you were too lazy to read. I had said that I should have said something along the lines of "I think FF7 is the worst" rather than trying to state that FF7 being the worst is fact. I was wrong there, and already admitted it.

    But before I continue on, I'd just like to point out that you have yet to actually explain why you think FF7 is a good game. You have only criticized what I have said without explaining as to why FF7 is a great game. (Ironically, this is similar to something in another thread. Here, you try to refute my claims without having proof for your own.)

    EDIT: I must say, it's amazing how when someone doesn't like FF7 or says he or she hates it, people will automatically assume they are "jumping on the hate bandwagon." This just shows how defensive people are over FF7, some even acting like rabid fans.
    Last edited by PuPu; 08-27-2007 at 05:59 PM.

  3. #63
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    I think FFVII is among my favourite games of all time, certainly up there in my list of favourite Final Fantasy games. I found the storyline to be sufficiently engaging enough to keep me interested throughout the entire game. I wouldn't say it's the greatest story, but it has enough twists and turns in it satisfy me. The characters were well done, I thought. It was nice to develop characters like Cloud and Aeris to degrees that hadn't previously been seen in FF games (though I'll concede that Cecil had a fair bit in IV).

    The music is fantastic and along with FFIX is my joint favourite OST of any game I've played. Some of the pieces such as Still More Fighting, Cid's Theme, Reunion and Interrupted by Fireworks are particularly memorable and fit the bill perfectly. I suppose good music isn't a terribly defining characteristic in the FF series because they've all had pretty stellar OSTs, but VII and IX clinch it for me.

    The materia system also added an element of strategy into the game that games such as FFIV and FFVI simply didn't have to the same degree as FFVII. While it was an easy game, I think that deciding which magic was sufficiently useful or beneficial to your stats balanced against having decent HP or STR made one think twice before just going with every single materia you had. It wasn't a great deal of strategy, but it was an improvement over previous games.

    The graphics aren't perfect, of course they're not, but they're bearable. Graphics don't make a game for me, provided that they're not irritatingly ugly or impeding the game play in someway. Of course later games were an improvement and the sprites of the previous game felt more polished than the characters of FFVII, but for it's time it was visually impressive and even now, I don't see a problem with the graphics having played visual masterpieces like Metroid Prime.

    It was an enjoyable game, people differ in their opinion of it, but saying whether something is the 'best' is very much a subjective thing. If a lot of people like the game, what of it? People will always prefer other games and that they're own personal choice. Everyone is entitled to an opinion of what is the 'best' at the end of the day, without people feeling the need to criticise it.
    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  4. #64


    I've got to enjoy a game for it to be the best and I didn't enjoy ff7 past the first disc. It's a so so game to me.

  5. #65


    This "I must hate the game because its popular" bandwagons REALLY getting old. FF7 Is a decent game, and its become a crime to say so now. Im sick of people going on and on and on about the god damn graphics, before ff7, it was 2d sonic people, the first time to see it was amazing, before it FMV's were rare to none existant, it was the first time most people even SAW an FMV.
    The Materia was one of the better systems used, every character had development, something not seen at all since ff9, The soundtrack was excellent though slighty dated now and was, and still is, a enjoyable game.

    "NPC: Sorry this house is sealed off because of Blight"

  6. #66


    Thank you to everyone who posted on this.

  7. #67
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    I think you can't definitively say which one is the best. Firstly because when you look at them, each FF game is different.

    Secondly, a Final Fantasy is only as good as the memories you have with it.

    However, you can analyze the individual components of each game and rate them compared to the others. I think VII is better than the older games because each of the individual aspects of RPG's (story, music, battles, interaction) were improved upon or expanded with this one. However, VIII further refined it and IX perfected them. X took it to another level.

    IMO it's up to 7-10, although VII may possibly be overshadowed because the later games improved the individual aspects that made it great. But it was the game that started them and it's story still sticks out to the present day as unique and epic.

  8. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Wuggly Blight View Post
    now and was, and still is, a enjoyable game.
    Except, it isnt an enjoyable game to me? Seriously, whenever I play this game now, I get no enjoyment what so ever. It might be because it hasnt aged so well or because it reminded me of why I didn't have fun playing it the first time but still, it's really not enjoyable to me. You say it like its fact and not opinion.

  9. #69


    As do you too. Swish.

    "NPC: Sorry this house is sealed off because of Blight"

  10. #70


    Oh your right, I mean, by including the words "to me" which could mean "I think" I'm so stating it as a fact and not an opinion. GOOD WORK SHERLOCKE HOLMES.

  11. #71


    Sherlock doesn't have a e on the end, Sherlock. It hasn't aged well seems to be stating a fact over a opinion?

    "NPC: Sorry this house is sealed off because of Blight"

  12. #72


    Man, why do these kinds of threads always turn into two or three people going at each others necks? Final Fantasy VII DOES bring out the worst in posters.

    Anyway, this game IS awesome in my eyes. About .00001 cm behind IX on my favorite games list. The story is pure gold, and I like the graphics (am I the only one ever?) The only reason IX takes the lead is that IX is more towards the Final Fantasy roots, and leaves me with this awesome nostalgic feeling when I play it.

  13. #73
    I miss it. The steel sky. Aerisfanatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arcanedude34 View Post
    Man, why do these kinds of threads always turn into two or three people going at each others necks? Final Fantasy VII DOES bring out the worst in posters.

    Anyway, this game IS awesome in my eyes. About .00001 cm behind IX on my favorite games list. The story is pure gold, and I like the graphics (am I the only one ever?) The only reason IX takes the lead is that IX is more towards the Final Fantasy roots, and leaves me with this awesome nostalgic feeling when I play it.
    sort of like you and me on the Clouds Girl thread once upon a time


    IMO it was one of the best games ever made... i think theories like the only reason people liked it so much is because it was alot of peoples first FF is stupid, cause i played FF8 and FF9 before 7 and it is now my favorite. And people shouldnt complain about the graphics cause it was the best at the time, and thats what they delivered... people who are used to advent children graphics,and then play FF7 for the first time are obviousley not gonna like the graphics. Anyway i liked it cause i thought it had a very good story, awsome characters, and sure there were some things left un answerd, but it was mostly left for you to decide. I think that square wouldnt just assume that alot of people liked FF7, it must have come from some where. We are all gonna argue on which is the best FF for more years to come, its really in your oppinion which one is the best FF. So for the question... to some its the best and to some it isnt, some people might find that FF4 is the best or FFX, but once again its all for you to decide.
    Forever obsessed with the one and only flower girl <3

  14. #74
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Final Fanstasy VII is my favourite of all. VIII a close second.

    Hmmm... I really should put all the ones I've played in order once and for all one day...

  15. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by aerisfantatic View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by arcanedude34 View Post
    Man, why do these kinds of threads always turn into two or three people going at each others necks? Final Fantasy VII DOES bring out the worst in posters.

    Anyway, this game IS awesome in my eyes. About .00001 cm behind IX on my favorite games list. The story is pure gold, and I like the graphics (am I the only one ever?) The only reason IX takes the lead is that IX is more towards the Final Fantasy roots, and leaves me with this awesome nostalgic feeling when I play it.
    sort of like you and me on the Clouds Girl thread once upon a time
    We both deserved what we gave each other.
    Last edited by arcanedude34; 08-29-2007 at 06:03 PM.

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