This game should be out in the UK at the end of September (well *should*), not sure if it's out in the US yet.

It looks sooo like omg I wanna play. The Sims meets Animal Crossing meets Harvest Moon. (The Sims I played for like one weekend and was addicted for a while but the other two are )

I read a review in Nintendo Magazine but it wasn't made clear - basically they had two separate reviews for the Wii version and DS version, the DS version scoring less, but they never mentioned them in relation to the other.

I don't have a Wii, may have one one day but I really want my games on DS for now! So I don't know if anyone knows yet but I'm looking to find out what the differences between Wii and DS version will be and if DS is really a dumbed down version of the game. Cos if so it's a shame - it looks awesome