I knew of his illness but I'd heard a short time ago that his condition had improved greatly and that the levels of the illness-related fluids in his blood had gone down to safe levels, so I'm quite surprised that he's died. I hope that most of his last Wheel of Time novel is written by him so that it doesn't feel like another writer tried to emulate his style and failed.

It's dissapointing considering he had plans for many more books that he said would take him 30 more years to write. It's a shame that he didn't start at a younger age so that we could read more of them. I was interested in his plans for a new series that would be shorter and more to the point, and completely different from WoT. I was anticipating it's start to see what it would be like. I've always enjoyed WoT, though it's too bad that it became too meandering for it's own good. Still, Jordan had started repairing the series with Book 11 and I'm sure his work on Book 12 will be very good.