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Thread: The Journal Thread (November)

  1. #31
    Custom Title. Funkmonkey Deluxe's Avatar
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    Where ever I am.


    Mood: Anxious
    Music: "Got The Life" - Korn, "Bad Magick" - Godsmack

    I've been feeling very anxious about the Gamecube. I may be able to have a set pre-order at a "KB Kids" or "KB Toys" or something like that because my friends brother works there. But, they don't know for sure if that store is going to be getting Gamecubes. I'm going to find out today.

    Also, I've been having this weird problem with my algebra. I study it, and do well in it, but every morning, I get up and discover that I forgot how to do it. Every morning. I hate my quirky memory. I can remember every punch liine from "Dumb & Dumber", but I can't remember what I studied in Algebra yesterday!:grr:
    No need for anything. At least not here.

  2. #32



    [mood | bored]
    [music | You'd think I'd want a change in music by now, but nope.]

    I think I know what Wolfwood is talking about. During lunch, I was flying through my Japanese homework but as soon as I got into the class room, I couldn't remember a thing. Even the Kanji, the part I find the easiest of the whole language (yeah, I'm weird that way), was gone. Now I get home and I can remember it again.
    It's the same with every subject, though. Math it's the worse, since it happens most often and I remember it as soon as I leave the class room and forget it when I get home.
    Well, there's not too much to say. My writing is going slow since I can't think of any ideas, and everyone wants to use my computer because the family PC's monitor broke. Weeeee.............

  3. #33


    Damnit. Today will be a busy day. :P

  4. #34
    Custom Title. Funkmonkey Deluxe's Avatar
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    Where ever I am.


    Music-Legend of Zelda, System of a Down; Photograph, Wheezer

    I just found out today that I WILL be getting a Gamecube + Rogue Leader from that KB whatchamacallit I mentioned in an earlier post! Yay!
    :laugh: :carlie: :crono: :hawkeye: :biggrin: :chef: :freak: :mog: :ctwalk: :magus: :joey: :chobin: :edm: :greenking :bgl: :upsidedow :yellowkin :moggie: :jap: :strut:
    No need for anything. At least not here.

  5. #35
    *permanently smitten*
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    ten days until exams of ultimate doom
    one official day of school left...

  6. #36
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Ashi's online, and I'm chatting to her! Woo! *dies many times* God, she's so special. Hehe. And she rang me at 5am this morning! Wow! I mean... GOD, that was so cool. *dies a few more times*


    *runs away*
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #37


    *laughs at Danny*

    You know, if you die too much, you might get stuck that way

  8. #38


    Pondering how to go about writting a really important email. *sighs* sometimes I hate myself for not knowing how to say things. Like, sometimes I find all the perfect words, and sometimes I stumble over them and nothing sounds right, no matter how many different ways I type it. :\

    Exactly one week left.. at this time next friday i'll be on the road home to Jersey. I can't wait to be home again, but I dun want Jon to come back here. I wish he went to school closer to me, as opossed to in Virginia. ahh well.
    The only stars in my sky are the ones i haven't let fall down yet.

  9. #39
    Super-Rad Recognized Member Spatvark's Avatar
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    Default *yawn*

    [Mood: Tired ]
    [Music: Leg Of Lamb by Queens Of The Stone Age]

    Oh well... it's about 1:35 AM here in England... so this is gonna be my last post before I go to bed... I've had an interesting week...

    I made some friends here on EoFF at last, been having group hugs with Tiffiekins and BlueMage10... :joey: It seems like all of a sudden I am an influential person here... yeah right, but people like my advice and keep agreeing with me! + I've been told I'm quite capable of being utterly nutty as well!

    Offline, it's been the same as usual... school is as dull as hell... I still ain't done sh!t about my university applications and I'm starting to get worried... what I need is to completely get away from everything that's linking me to here; my parents, my friends, my school, my home... I just need some quality 'ME' time, but I ain't gonna get it... I just gotta soldier on and maybe it'll just fall into place... I hope... all I can do is hope... and maybe get some bloody sleep...

    Night-night, don't let the bed-bugs bite

    See ya all tomorrow *yawn* *flees slo-mo stylee*
    Seriously the best band in the world.
    And here's where I'll stay / For ten years and a day
    We're on a quest to find hidden treasure / And mystery on The Wild Sea

  10. #40
    Higher Than Jesus Silverlocke's Avatar
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    I have a lot to write and I won't write any of it anyway. I'm not happy right now at all.

    Depression is self-obsession. (you think it's funny, don't you? I don't blame you.)
    No matter what your opinion of yourself may be, within every insecure person lies the thought that you are better than s/he.

  11. #41
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Guess who got a girlfriend?

    *can't remember this kind of happiness*
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  12. #42
    Ribs in flesh. Shattered Chest's Avatar
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    10. marraskuuta, 2001. Oh, I'm so full of holes when it comes to being a fine person.

    Yesterday, Mononoke Hime played for the last time in Finland. Tickets to see it were extremely hard to get, but I managed to get one leaving my little brother in the streets of Helsinki, alone, on Friday night while I saw the movie. Oh, I'm just so selfish, but I had to see that movie. No, *dies the Loony way*

  13. #43


    Originally posted by Loony BoB
    Guess who got a girlfriend?

    *can't remember this kind of happiness*
    Aww I'm so happy for you Danny!! Its good to see you happy again, instead of depressed, confused, cryey, etc and so on. *hugs*

  14. #44
    Umi Butterfly


    Woo Daniel! Who is the lucky gal?

    Woo to Bonnie for having the same kind of av as me!
    *snugs R-0* We are two sexay people!

    Um, anyways...

    I work today from 3 - 12. Yep, you heard me, 9 hours of non-stop McDonalds fun. Though I'm sure they'll give me a 15 second break in there some where.

    I actually posted today as opposed to NOT posting for 8 weeks. =) I feel proud.

    I'm working on a project that I'm sure you are all well intuned with, I'll tell you later though when I have the site up. Till then keeping peeing your pants in suspension.

  15. #45
    Being Who Transcended All Black Mage's Avatar
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    Saturday, November 10, 2001.

    I am going to do this in one sentence.

    I have become everything I hate.

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