Ok, I've been playing this game for a while, and, while it's probably not my favorite FF, I've thought it was a still an excellent game. Then I wound up in the Necrohol of Nabudis, and the battle against the Hell Wyrm. Suddenly this has gone from a nice, fun game to a gimmicky wreck.

First, instant death. I am sick and tired of every enemy around here being able to just kill you, and, unlike nearly every other FF, there is absolutely no way to protect yourself from it. I'm sorry, but if the only way they can make enemies difficult enough for their hard dungeons is to allow them one hit kills, then there is something seriously screwed up with their battle system. And then there are bosses that can inflict instant death with their normal attacks, and they penetrate shield blocks and evasion. So, my characters who have survived bosses, Espers, and elite marks the entire game are suddenly dieing left and right because enemies teleport in and casts Death before you even get the option to attack them. Total BS.

Second, forced tactics. Yeah, Bubble is a great spell, and the Reverse/Decoy combination is powerful, and getting them early and using them to wipe out Elite Marks early on is fun as hell. They should not be required tactics for any enemies. As it is, going anywhere in the Necrohol without at least Bubble on is suicide. Sorry, it's a nice spell/accessory, but being forced to use it is also totally ridiculous.

Third, teleporting enemies. In addition to pissing me off by being invincible while teleporting (though they can still attack while teleporting), I am sick of enemies being able to teleport halfway across the room forcing you to either quit fighting (which I equate with running away and am unwilling to do), or to take on an entire room worth of enemies all at once. I haven't had many problems with the battle system, but right now I'm really wishing for random encounters again.

I've been enjoying the game, and the plot, but these problems are quickly leading this game to be one of my least favorites in the entire series.