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Thread: How much better this game would have been if there was no X-2?

  1. #1
    praise the sun Nifleheim7's Avatar
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    Default How much better this game would have been if there was no X-2?

    I have just watched the ending sequence again for the millionth time,and it got me all emotional again (yeah i know it sounds nerdish) .
    Anyway,i was thinking how much cooler this game would have been if it ended right there.Yuna and Rikku would have still been respectable characters and Tidus a legendary and tragic hero.
    Unfortunately the sequel destroyed what was one of my favorite game endings,especially with it's "perfect ending".
    X-2 had some nice touches,and i liked the gameplay but ultimately destroyed what X had built.
    It's just like the matrix films,there should have been only one.
    What are yout thoughts?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nifleheim7 View Post
    I have just watched the ending sequence again for the millionth time,and it got me all emotional again (yeah i know it sounds nerdish) .
    Anyway,i was thinking how much cooler this game would have been if it ended right there.Yuna and Rikku would have still been respectable characters and Tidus a legendary and tragic hero.
    Unfortunately the sequel destroyed what was one of my favorite game endings,especially with it's "perfect ending".
    X-2 had some nice touches,and i liked the gameplay but ultimately destroyed what X had built.
    It's just like the matrix films,there should have been only one.
    What are yout thoughts?
    I'm glad that (SPOILER)Tidus and Yuna met again in FFX-2, but except for that, I never really liked the idea of a sequel.

    And while there's nothing wrong with Yuna becoming more talkative, she acts in a pretty forced way, like "yo, I'm so spunky right now!"

  3. #3
    Steiner is God Vivisteiner's Avatar
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    X-2? X-2!?

    Never heard of it.

    It doesnt exist

    You're all imagining things. All of you!

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    clicky clicky clicky

  4. #4


    I thought the game cleared up alot of loose ends about Spira and about character development

    and at least the combat was turn based combat unlike some final fantasys

  5. #5


    The change in Yuna's personality never really washed with me. It just seemed a bit too quick. It took me over three years to even become more outgoing, and I'm still not all the way there. It took Yuna... three minutes and raiding Rikku's wardrobe? All a little too good to be true.

    X-2 never really spoiled any facets of FFX for me really, partly because I never saw Rikku or Yuna as respectable. Nor Tidus as legendary, for that matter.

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  6. #6
    SeeDRankLou's Avatar
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    FFX-2 did nothing to change anything about FFX. However, there were a lot of things in FFX-2 that were executed much better than in FFX, and in hindsight made several things in FFX seem worse. So actually, FFX would have seemed like a better game in the abscence of FFX-2, but that's not saying anything good.

  7. #7


    Yuna wielding guns was absolutely horrible. Pain quoting a couple of Auron's lines was horrible.

    FFX-2 was horrible.

  8. #8


    X-2 never really bothered my opinion of X that much. It screwed up some old canon, added some more and that's about it. Otherwise I just viewed them as two seperate games, one which was ok, the other quite good.

  9. #9
    praise the sun Nifleheim7's Avatar
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    First of all,i must say that i'm only speaking about story and characters and not about the gameplay.
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter_20 View Post
    I'm glad that (SPOILER)Tidus and Yuna met again in FFX-2, but except for that, I never really liked the idea of a sequel.
    I don't know but for me that didn't felt right.
    (SPOILER)The way Tidus returned wasn't very convincing,and the "happy" westernized ending of leaving happily ever after (propably with a dozen of kids) destroyed all the tension and drama FFX created in it's final moments.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vivisteiner View Post
    X-2? X-2!?

    Never heard of it.

    It doesnt exist

    You're all imagining things. All of you!
    Lol,as hard as we may try it unfortunately exists and we have to live with it

    Quote Originally Posted by Xear View Post
    I thought the game cleared up alot of loose ends about Spira and about character development
    You mean X-2 cleared some loose ends of X?If so,which ones?
    I don't think that FFX left any loose ends at least any that were crucial to the main story.
    Sorry,but i don't quite understand your post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallulah View Post
    X-2 never really spoiled any facets of FFX for me really, partly because I never saw Rikku or Yuna as respectable. Nor Tidus as legendary, for that matter.
    When i said respectable and legendary i meant from the point of view of the people of Spira.I imagine them thinking of Tidus as a great blitzball player (that came out of nowhere) who became a guardian and risked his life to protect the summoner and eventually the whole people of Spira only to completely dissapear right after he saved them.I think this creates an aura of mystery and in the eyes of the people it makes him look legendary.Actually it's almost the same with Auron as well except that he was known before.
    As for Yuna the way i see it,if there was no X-2,i would have assumed that she would have continued her life probably as a politician (or some other humanitarian proffesion) and helped to rebuild Spira.And judging from her character in FFX i don't think she would have ever tried to marry or start another relationship.

  10. #10
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    I always kinda liked the idea of Yuna dying as planned then Tidus being with Rikku

    FFX Rikku that is...not the airheaded FFX-2 Rikku.

    ANYWAYZ, I didn't mind the fact that there was a sequel, or that Tidus came back...but they could've tried a little harder with the story

  11. #11
    ~Death~Stalker~910's Avatar
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    well...i thank they sorta made it a love story...(SPOILER)first they kiss in the forest then they meet again

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  12. #12
    Lives in a zoo Recognized Member Renmiri's Avatar
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    I loved the "Good Ending" scene in X-2 and the promo video about the Eternal Calm. those IMHO added to FFX in a good way

    The rest of X2 was much too different and too girly and superficial. Which sets it miles apart from X which was quite dark and serious with is jab on organized religion.

    I ended up forgiving X2 for spoiling X because the battle system was slick and fun and the dresspheres were very powerful. But yeah, as a sequel to X it failed.
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    Well there'd b no avatar for me!

    In some ways X-2 spoiled my view of some of the characters, particularly Rikku who becomes an airhead (in X she is quite thoughtful) and some minor ones like the ridiculous Isaru. But not Tidus (he hardly appears so how?) or Yuna. I think the way she loosens up or tries to is quite convincing. Its not like she totally changes personality. As Le Blanc says she's still a "goody-goody" at heart.

    Generally though I see X-2 as a fun sequel with a good combat system which has its moments. I'm still pleased they did it even if flawed, and even if it slightly spoils X. (Wakka and Lulu, OMG!)

  14. #14
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    i never played x-2 so i guess i haven't had it ruined. i want to try it eventually but everyone on here talk as if it's the worst thing ever

  15. #15
    ballsballsballs of steel Jimsour's Avatar
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    X-2 built on X.

    It was by no means ruined for me, and you dont have to believe the "good" ending either, it technically doesnt happen if you dont play the game to 100%. Your call if she does or doesnt.
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