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Thread: Mafia - Sign up & Questions thread - RECRUTING NOW

  1. #1
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Default Mafia - Sign up & Questions thread - RECRUTING NOW

    Time for another round of mafia! I hope you're ready 'cause there's lots of new sparkly stuff added since last time, so hopefully this round will be even better than the last one.
    For those of you unfamiliar with the first round, here's a pretty link to the last game:

    Please read at least the Second Account section before signing up.

    The Rules

    This flash explains the basic outline very well, so I recommend you check that out either way. The site is down every now and then so I'll write everything you need to know in this post. If there's something I should forget to cover, then bring it up to in this thread and I'll add it to this post! There's many variables in this game so i'm assuming there'll be many questions and that's basically what this thread is for, as well as signing up.

    The goal of the game - alignments
    There are three alignments in this game, Pro-Citicen, Pro-Mafia and Neutral.

    Pro-Citizen - These are the innocent townspeople, they will win the game when all of the Mafia are dead.
    Pro-Mafia - These are the evil Mafia, they will win the game when the Mafia are the majority of the population.
    Neutral - These people aren't sided with either of the innocent citizen or the mafia. Their most common victory condition is to survive.

    Days & Nights
    This game is split into days and nights.

    During days everyone will have the opportunity to vote to kill one member of the group. This is the main way for the citizen to get rid of the mafia, they'll have to use logic or perhaps luck to figure out who the mafia are, and on the other side the mafia will have to be sly and try to get the townspeople to lynch one of their own. At the end of the day, after discussions and votings, the person with the most amount of votes will be lynched, and their role will be revealed. Days last 24 hours and votes can be changed as many times as you want during those 24 hours.

    During nights, anyone with a night activity will have the option to perform their specific activity. Mafia will try to kill someone, doctors will try to protect someone and cops will investigate the citizen to find out their alignments. These are only the standard roles, there will also be other roles with night activities, more on that in the new stuff section. Nights will end when everyone has performed their night activity, or in 24 hours, whichever comes first.

    New stuff
    -Additional roles
    -Second Accounts
    -Voting thread
    -I Took the Red Pill

    Additional Roles

    These roles are possible roles in this game:

    Beloved Princess - Pro-Town - If she dies, the next day will be her funeral and there won't be a lynch that day.
    Politician - Pro-Town - Can buy someone's vote each day.
    Roleblocker - Pro-Town - Blocks night activities of the targeted person,
    Miller - Pro-Town - Turns out Mafia on cop investigations, but isn't actually Mafia
    Bulletproof - Pro-Town - Can't be killed at night
    Hider - Pro-Town - Can hide behind people at night. If he's targeted by a mafia while hiding, he won't die. But if the person he's hiding behind is targeted, they'll both die.
    Reviver - Pro-Town - Can revive someone once during the game.
    Bodyguard - Pro-Town - Can choose someone to protect, if that person is attacked, the bodyguard will sacrifice himself to save that person.
    Elite Bodyguard - Pro-Town - Same as Bodyguard except the Elite Bodyguard manages to kill the Mafia before dying himself.
    Faith Healer - Pro-Town - 50% chance to protect someone. Can't protect themself.
    Commuter - Pro-Town - Can choose to be immune at night, but this ability can't be used two nights in a row.
    Naive Doctor - Pro-Town - Doctor without powers, the doctor himself won't know that he doesn't have any powers.
    Weak Doctor - Pro-Town - Functions as a regular doctor except he dies if he protects a mafia.
    Paranoid Doctor - Pro-Town - Protects and roleblocks target
    Insane Cop - Pro-Town - Always gets wrong result. Mafia will turn out innocent and innocents will turn out Mafia.
    Back up Cop - Pro-Town - If all cops die, the back up cop will continue the investigation for one night only.
    Back up Doctor - Pro-Town - If all docs die, the back up doc will continue protecting for one night only.
    Watcher - Pro-Town - Selects a target to watch, the watcher can then see if that person targets other people that night. Basically, they'll figure out if a person has a night activity.
    Gunsmith - Pro-Town - Can see if someone has a gun once every night. Both mafia and cops have guns
    Vengeful townie - Pro-Town - Can shoot and kill one person if he's lynched
    Mafia Roleblocker Pro-Mafia - Blocks night activities of the targeted person, will typically want to try figuring out who the doctor or cop is and block them.
    Mafia Hitman - Pro-Mafia - Can't be roleblocked
    Traitor - Pro-Mafia - knows who the mafia is and helps them, but is not a mafia
    Mafia Usurper - Pro-Mafia - Works as a mafia, but can only win the game if the godfather is killed.
    Survivor - Neutral - His goal is simply to survive the game, he doesn't care which side wins.
    Jester - Neutral - His goal is to be killed by his own people, by being lynched.
    Lyncher & Lynchee - Pro-Town & Neutral - The Lyncher is neutral, and his goal is to get the lynchee lynched. The lyncher knows who the lynchee is, but the lynchee himself doesn't know he's a lynchee.
    Lovers - Pro-Town & Pro-Mafia - The lovers will consist of one innocent and one mafia, if one of them die the other will commit suicide.
    But yeah, less than half of these roles will be used.

    These roles will be used for sure:

    Mafia Godfather

    Second Accounts
    Unlike last time, you will not use your current alias in this game. We've made 19 second accounts this time around, all with names from Disney movies. You might wonder what the point about that is and if you have to behave like your assigned disney character, well I'll tell ya!

    First of all, no, you do not have to act like Bambi if that's your character. You can if you want to, of course.

    The main reason why there's second accounts this time is to avoid unactivity. People that aren't that active can choose to share an account with someone else, you'll both know the password and you can log in whenever you want and post. Last time we had a little trouble towards the end because people weren't being very active, and I think this problem will be solved this way by having the not so active or talkative users sharing accounts with someone else. Those of you who are very active and very talkative may still control an account all by yourself if you want. However, I highly recommend sharing an account. It can be fun too since you can plan your strategy together and you can discuss with eachother who you think is the mafia etc. Also, if one of you are going away on vacation, then the other can simply control the account while you are away. Right now there's just 19 second accounts, so I'm hoping people are willing to share so we can stick to that number. I don't really know how many people are interested in this game or if they want to share or not, so we might end up adding a few extra accounts. We'll see about that when sign up closes.

    Another good reason for having second accounts is that you will be free to play whatever strategy you want. We know eachother pretty well around here, so people might be able to tell when you're acting suspicious. Now that you're behind another alias, they won't be able to tell in the same way. All aliases will be kept secret, but if you want to reveal who you really are, then nobody is stopping you. Play the game however you want.

    Also, making replacements will be pretty easy too, since the accounts won't be replaced, just the members. Less confusion! That's bound to be a good thing, no? So it's important that you send me a PM if you want to be replaced, don't post it in the thread with your Mafia account. If you do, everyone will know who will control the account next.

    I Took the Red Pill
    My little helper! He's only 16 years old, so you have to be careful not to break him. Feel free to ask him all sorts of questions about the game, he's an Americano so he's around at hours that I'm sleeping etc. He'll also make the other thread so he can help keep track of things.

    Other Stuff
    -All, or at least almost all, discussion is encouraged to happen in the thread. The point of the game is for the townspeople to together discuss and use logic to figure out who the mafia is. If there's too much discussion behind the scenes and alliances forming then there won't be much left of the Mafia game, it'll be more a Survivor style game. Just a little something to make the game more fun for everyone, so stuff happening outside the thread is encouraged to be brought into the thread so people can see it. Of course, outside talking is not disallowed, it would be impossible for us to prevent you from doing it, but hopefully there won't be too much of it.
    -There's 19 accounts to avoid a tie if everyone votes.
    -Use this thread to ask questions, I'm sure there'll be a lot of them. If you have a question you don't want to ask in public, PM me or Keith. Questions like that could be about your role etc. Stuff you don't want people to know about.
    -Discuss! Discuss! This game is not fun if everyone is being silent.

    The game will start 1. Nov, which is Thursday.

    When signing up, please state if you want to share an account. You can also use this thread to find someone you want to share an account with.

    Sign up:

    1. Fire Breath Bowser (wants to share)
    2. DK
    3. Resha & Lekana
    4. qwertyxsora
    5. Shiny
    6. Fonz (wants to share)
    7. Del Murder
    8. Miriel
    9. demondude55
    10. Hazzard
    11. Faris & The Summoner of Leviathan
    12. Loony BoB
    13. Sergeant Hartman
    14. Raebus & Shauna
    15. Psychotic
    16. NeoTifa (could share)
    17. Death by Moogles
    18. Jessweeee & Mogi-Chan
    19. Jess (wants to share)
    20. ShlupQuack
    21. Baloki
    22. Rengori & Scrumpleberry
    23. McLovin'

    I've probably forgotten a lot of things, so just ask questions.

  2. #2
    every day i see my dream Bowser's Avatar
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    I'll join this one.

    Please tell me we weren't supposed to PM to join.

  3. #3


    Hello everyone!

    I'm a second account that will be used in this game. I am not allowed to have a signature, and I can only post in General Chat! How horrible!

    However, I am able to send private messages to other people on this forum. That could be quite handy to use to send questions to Keith & Levian or if I turn out to get a cop or mafia role I could use it to communicate with my partners! No one will be able to tell either since I can just put myself on invisible mode.

    If I get killed, Levian will ban me and I can never post on this forum again.

    Looking forward to playing with you guys!

  4. #4
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Breath Bowser View Post
    I'll join this one.

    Please tell me we weren't supposed to PM to join.
    Nope, saying so in the thread is enough. But you'll have to tell me if you want to share the account with someone. Sharing an account is very much recommended. :mog:

  5. #5


    If you pay me I'll give you the passwords list to all the Disney characters.

    I accept PayPal.

  6. #6
    every day i see my dream Bowser's Avatar
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    Nah, I'll be by myself.

    I'm gonna live to regret this.

  7. #7
    This is England
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    I'm down.

  8. #8
    toothpaste kisses Resha's Avatar
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    Jesus H. CHRIST this looks really good. I...I'm itching...and yet...
    edit: oh wtf sign me up! and as for sharing accounts, I don't mind! but how does it work?

    EDIT 2: I CAN READ. I GET IT. nvm.
    This subliminal message could be meant for YOU. But it's probably not. Move along ;D

  9. #9
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Okies, Fire Breath Bowser. Beware that you should be pretty active and post a lot if you don't share an account. still not too late to change your mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by Resha View Post
    Jesus H. CHRIST this looks really good. I...I'm itching...and yet...
    edit: oh wtf sign me up! and as for sharing accounts, I don't mind! but how does it work?
    Ok cool!

    Basically you just both have the password for the account and you cooperate in everything, discussion, voting, etc. It can be pretty practical if you have to go away every now and then, as well as it's fun and it allows for more people to take part in the game. :] Should be pretty well explained in my post up there, I hope. Don't hesitate to ask if there's still something unclear.

    Anyone in particular you want to share with or are you up for grabs?

    edit: ok haha, I responded to your post anyway.

  10. #10
    every day i see my dream Bowser's Avatar
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    If anyone wants to share with me, I don't mind. :oscar:

    So basically, I'm up for grabs. O:

    edit by Levian: excellent! :mog:

  11. #11
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    I'll join. issed the last one but looks like fun.

  12. #12
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Okie. Sign me up plz.

    EDIT: No, I do not want to share an account.
    Last edited by Shiny; 10-27-2007 at 06:34 PM.

  13. #13
    Some kind of Nature~ Fonzie's Avatar
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    Okay, I'll play.

    I'll share an account, Lev.
    Last edited by Fonzie; 10-27-2007 at 06:35 PM.

  14. #14
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Ok, cool. You want to share an account with someone qwertyxsora? Would be recommended if you're not so active or talkative, or if you're unsure on how the game works. Should be explained in the rules up there.

    edit: same question applies to Fonz and Shiny. And are you actually going to play this time, Fonz?

  15. #15
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I'm in, and I'll only share if that's what Miriel wants to do.

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