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Thread: Why a lot of fans don't like this game *SPOILERS*

  1. #121
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReloadPsi View Post
    Gambits make the game very dull; sure you can get a configuration that works but then doesn't that just mean you may as well put down the controller? Seriously, what is the point of setting up a bunch of things that make the game play itself? I can select my own Hastes, Cures and Firagas, that's what FF is all about for me.
    Final Fantasy is the button presses? I always thought the fun part of RPGs was coming up with the right strategy for whatever situation you're in. Your gambits are you seeing a common situation and deciding to react to it the same way every time. You've already put in your command before the battle begins. What's so great about having to do the same thing over and over again?

  2. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by Roto13 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ReloadPsi View Post
    Gambits make the game very dull; sure you can get a configuration that works but then doesn't that just mean you may as well put down the controller? Seriously, what is the point of setting up a bunch of things that make the game play itself? I can select my own Hastes, Cures and Firagas, that's what FF is all about for me.
    Final Fantasy is the button presses? I always thought the fun part of RPGs was coming up with the right strategy for whatever situation you're in. Your gambits are you seeing a common situation and deciding to react to it the same way every time. You've already put in your command before the battle begins. What's so great about having to do the same thing over and over again?
    Now I see why everyone hates sidescrolling platformers these days in favour of cut-scene filled bore-a-thons: They die a lot mindlessly running into pits, not realising that once they jump over the first one they still have to manually jump over all the others. In other words, Super Mario Bros. was the same situation over and over; jump over things that are in the way (and occasionally ON them), so that game would've surely been better with a "Jump" Gambit then. Man, no wonder video games aren't taken seriously by any society outside of Japan.

    Final Fantasy is the button presses? Yes. Final Fantasy is a video game, and video games are the button presses. See the joypad? It has buttons. You press them to play. If you want to watch battles and do nothing while it all happens on its own then there are films for those... epic movies about cheesy fantasy wars would be ideal for you; they all play out similarly and you can watch people react the same way to common situations (fight and defeat the villain).

    Gambits are only a small part of why I dislike the game (as I could turn them off and ignore them), I don't know why you're taking it upon yourself to have such a disproportionately big a go at me about it.
    Last edited by ReloadPsi; 12-23-2007 at 01:11 AM.

  3. #123
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    RPGs are completely different from platformers. Pressing the button to input a command takes no skill whatsoever. You don't just press A and magically appear on the other side of a hole. In Final Fantasy, selecting fight does one of two things. Either it hits the enemy with a physical attack, or it doesn't. There is no challenge there. There's no reason to bother with it every time. Might as well let it be done automatically.

    Also, if you're going to get upset every time someone disagrees with you and raises valid points as to why, you should probably get off the internet.

  4. #124


    Quote Originally Posted by Roto13 View Post
    Also, if you're going to get upset every time someone disagrees with you and raises valid points as to why, you should probably get off the internet.
    Actually what upset me was that you made the grossly incorrect oversimplification that I "didn't know how to play FFXII" which was completely not true, so I explained it and that didn't sparkle with you. In truth I had to sell the game on to pay living costs, that's why I never finished it unfortunately. I played the game without Gambits and in terms of combat and level grinding tried to have an absolute blast, but as I originally said, I found the overall experience dull and lifeless, and with Gambits on or off that wasn't gonna change.

    If you're gonna try and read between the lines in people's posts and find hidden meanings that aren't there, you should probably get off the internet. Or go hang with Future Esthar. You might come up with some pretty amusing theories on what is really being said in Jesswee's posts.
    Last edited by ReloadPsi; 12-23-2007 at 01:35 AM.

  5. #125
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    You're the one getting your underwear in a bunch over nothing, not me. Calm down.

    People consider "No Gambits" to be one of the challenge. Newsflash: If you turn them off, the game is actually easier because now they smeggin' well do as they're told!
    How does that not leave the impression that you don't know how to use gambits? You heavily implied that you were using gambits but it made the game harder.

  6. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by Roto13 View Post
    You're the one getting your underwear in a bunch over nothing, not me. Calm down.

    People consider "No Gambits" to be one of the challenge. Newsflash: If you turn them off, the game is actually easier because now they smeggin' well do as they're told!
    How does that not leave the impression that you don't know how to use gambits? You heavily implied that you were using gambits but it made the game harder.
    So I went on to explain that the post was poorly worded and misleading, but as it had been responded to already, editing it was pointless. What I was trying to put across was that Gambits actually impose some pretty weird limitations on your characters that you can round by simply manually inputting the commands.

    "People consider No Gambits to be a challenge" was a go at people who consider it to be a challenge. That's like saying ATB on Active instead of Wait is a challenge; it's just a very simple in-game option that makes a minor difference.

  7. #127
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    Yeah. Then I didn't say you were doing it wrong again. You're also acting like I'm attacking you personally or something, and that also never happened. Chill out.

  8. #128


    Wow, that's some trivial stuff to bicker over.

    I liked where the gambit system was heading, but it was far too simplified towards the end -- if they were to expand on it, it would have been extremely fun, imo.

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  9. #129


    Everything I want to say has been said by somebody somewhere, but here goes anyways:

    The battle system was brilliant. I loved it. It was so smooth and fun, and not tedious at all. Gambits didn't take any of the fun out of it (i agree with roto), which was a worry to me at first, and there were still genuine scares... like when an elemental floated too close and you had to run the @#$%^ away.

    The graphics... yea, I don't even have to say anything <3

    The characters were individually fine, though Penelo and Fraan seemed void of personality to me, and yea, I didn't care as much about them as I did with other FFs, but there was *some* hope...

    The story... it was eh. I don't need a sweeping love story at all, but I just didn't really care... the threat of war seemed far away and things seemed far too cheery for me to worry. I'm all for political intrigue... as long as it brings the drama, which FFXII really didn't, in the end. There were threads that I got excited about, but they just ended, or weren't as interesting as I expected them to be. It had some major potential, but there just seemed to be a disconnect between the politics and people of the story. That was my biggest problem with it-- bland.

  10. #130


    IMO this was a very good game, it just wasn't a good FINAL FANTASY game. It should have been a sequel of sorts to Vagrant Story, not part of the main FF series. I really enjoyed this game, but I was ultimately disappointed because I was expecting something along the lines FFVII-FFX.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silvercry View Post
    Also, I'm not sure how you can compare the static, preset camera angles found in FF VII with the complete control over the camera you have in XII, and say the former is somehow more dramatic with a straight face.
    Um, it's actually pretty easy. the camera in games like VII would move, zoom in/out depending on what kind of action is taking place. In games like XII, it's simply staying in one spot while you watch the same animation take place over and over again. The battles in VII looked like you were controlling a movie... for the battles in XII, you could move the camera, sure, but it always stayed the same distance and you were simply watching the same thing from a different point of view. Have you played VII or XII???

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imperfectionist View Post
    Me and Final Fantasy XII have a bit of a love/hate relationship.
    I've got to agree with Mr Cactuar on the music, it's just not memorable

    The absence of random battles... I really miss them.

    I don't think it's the absence of a love story that brings this game down necessarily, it's the lack of any real emotion from any of the characters. ...

    And Vayne! What a bad villan..

    The basic idea for the plot... Square failed to build on it properly, ...

    However, I don't think this is a necessarily bad game. It's just that, when compared to other Final Fantasies, it doesn't live up to the same standards.
    Agreed 100%

    Quote Originally Posted by bucklebunny View Post
    The battle system was brilliant

    The graphics... yea, I don't even have to say anything <3

    ..Penelo and Fraan seemed void of personality to me, and yea, I didn't care as much about them as I did with other FFs....

    The story... it was eh. I don't need a sweeping love story at all, but I just didn't really care... the threat of war seemed far away and things seemed far too cheery for me to worry. I'm all for political intrigue... as long as it brings the drama, which FFXII really didn't, in the end. There were threads that I got excited about, but they just ended, or weren't as interesting as I expected them to be. It had some major potential, but there just seemed to be a disconnect between the politics and people of the story. That was my biggest problem with it-- bland.
    The wasted potential!!! It pissed me off
    Quote Originally Posted by auberginedreams View Post
    IMO this was a very good game, it just wasn't a good FINAL FANTASY game. It should have been a sequel of sorts to Vagrant Story, not part of the main FF series. I really enjoyed this game, but I was ultimately disappointed because I was expecting something along the lines FFVII-FFX.
    Yup, same here
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  13. #133


    Gambits is unique, I don't see how is that wrong. The way how I see Gambits is like it's making you feel more comfortable in certain situations.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serapy View Post
    Gambits is unique, I don't see how is that wrong. The way how I see Gambits is like it's making you feel more comfortable in certain situations.
    Because they're boring and make things way to easy.
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  15. #135
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Cactuar View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Serapy View Post
    Gambits is unique, I don't see how is that wrong. The way how I see Gambits is like it's making you feel more comfortable in certain situations.
    Because they're boring and make things way to easy.
    Only slightly easier than inputting those obvious commands yourself.

    Also, watching the same action a million times in VII was no more interesting because there were a few different camera angles.

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