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Thread: Opiumcloud's Ultimate Final Fantasy Test

  1. #16
    Steiner is God Vivisteiner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by opiumcloud View Post
    I would contend that someone with a thorough overall knowledge of the FF series SHOULD be able to answer more difficult questions about FF7 than about FF9, because FF7 itself is more ingrained into FF lore.
    I disagree. When looking at FF knowledge objectively you should weight each numbered title equally because FFVII is no more of a Final Fantasy than FFIX or any other.

    But its your test, so whatever.

    "They said this day would never come. They said our sights were set too high. They said this country was too divided, too disillusioned to ever come around a common purpose. But on this January night, at this defining moment in history, you have done what the cynics said we couldn't do." - Barack Obama.
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  2. #17
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    I failed to notice any FFII or FFIII questions, j or otherwise.

    By writing one of these tests, I would assume that unless you could create an unbaised test that could incorporate all aspects of Final Fantasy, it's not really a valid test. If you can't test this test once again, and at least get a consistent score, then the test isn't reliable, either. All of these games are equally as important as the other, despite what anyone can really say about them (back off, fanboys).

  3. #18
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    this one upset me
    How about these characters? Which is capable of doing the most HP damage to a monster in a single turn, under optimal conditions?

    all of them can equip genji glove/offering and hit 8 times in a turn, and at level 99, all of them will do 9999 a hit
    my assumption is that you believe the answer to be Terra, because she can use Illumina and Atma Weapon, but you're wrong

    I stopped after reading that because the person making the test didn't even have ultimate FF knowledge

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  4. #19
    Lv. 35 Riskbreaker opiumcloud's Avatar
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    Wow. You guys are arrogant. I understand that each of the four characters can do 9999 x 8, but one of the characters can do more than that. Just because you don't know the answer to one of the questions, doesn't mean that I didn't know what I was talking about, while writing it.

    > All of these games are equally as important as the other, despite what anyone can really say about them

    So, Tav, you're telling me that FFIIj, which had a fraction of the development time and budget of FFX, and is talked about a fraction as often, is just as important as FFX, because you say so? In that case, you should be busy writing letters to Square demanding FFII part 2, instead of complaining that I didn't include it on a test designed to be accessible to a significant portion of FF fans.

    Seriously, some of you guys take dubious stances incredibly seriously.
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  5. #20
    Steiner is God Vivisteiner's Avatar
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    ^So then you leap to your other argument, which is equally dubious.

    "They said this day would never come. They said our sights were set too high. They said this country was too divided, too disillusioned to ever come around a common purpose. But on this January night, at this defining moment in history, you have done what the cynics said we couldn't do." - Barack Obama.
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  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by opiumcloud View Post
    FFIIj, which had a fraction of the development time and budget of FFX, and is talked about a fraction as often
    Hello, massively well-received remakes. And it's not more important because some guy in a forum says so. It's important because it's a Final Fantasy game and your quiz has Final Fantasy in the smegging title. You had questions about Mystic Quest which is talked about a fraction as often as FFX. According to someone else (forgot who, sorry) there were Seiken Densetsu questions as well: talked about a fraction as much as FFX.

    Plus, I'm aware that Yuna is said to look like a certain someone in the course of the game, but I've been said to look like Private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket, yet I probably actually don't. Rephrase the question, "Who is Yuna said to resemble" maybe?

    Finally, how is it "ultimate" if it's meant to be accessible to everyone? Shouldn't "ultimate" mean it's intended for a niche market of those who are experts in the entire series, not just the better-known aspects of it?

    P.S. Man, am I still the highest scorer?
    Last edited by ReloadPsi; 11-07-2007 at 11:04 PM.

  7. #22
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by opiumcloud View Post
    Wow. You guys are arrogant.

    So, Tav, you're telling me that FFIIj, which had a fraction of the development time and budget of FFX, and is talked about a fraction as often, is just as important as FFX, because you say so?
    Arrogance isn't arrogance if you can back it up, and my good sir, I do not believe that you can back it up. I wouldn't say that I can either, but I'm not claiming that I have made an ultimate FF quiz.

    And the "Final Fantasy" in its name is missing where? I fail to see where the FF is missing from FFIIj.

  8. #23
    Lv. 35 Riskbreaker opiumcloud's Avatar
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    First of all, you have to take the descriptor "ultimate" with a grain of salt. This is much more likely to seem like an "ultimate" test to the random testtaker at okcupid, than here on eoff.

    > Arrogance isn't arrogance if you can back it up, and my good sir, I do not believe that you can back it up.

    This sentence doesn't even make any sense. What can't I back up? Arrogance? And what is "backing up" arrogance, anyway, and what does that have to do with my response to you, where I tried to indicate that not every FF game deserves the same amount of attention on a series' test?

    As far as my test goes, yes, I admit that FF2 and FF3 and under-represented. But that's just a matter of personal preference. However, in the abstract, I completely disagree with your assertion that every FF game deserves an equal number of questions on a test about the series. Some games are simply "more game" than others. More effort was put into making them, they take longer to play through, there's more to do in them, and people just plain care more about them. Your argument is egalitarian, in a completely artificial manner.

    Let's say I am a teacher, and I assign you a book to read from my class. This book has three chapters. Chapter one is 10 pages. Chapter two is 20 pages. Chapter three is 360 pages. According to the same logic you used to assert that I should have put an equal number of questions about each FF game on my test, you would also have to complain if I tested you overall on this book, and had almost all questions about material covered in chapter three.

    If you don't like FF6, FF7, FF8, and FF Tactics as much as I do, fine. But there's no such thing as an "unbiased" test, and even if there were, it wasn't my goal to make one.

    As for me supposedly "not being able to back things up," I've responded to the criticisms that have been offered of my specific questions, on a question-by-question basis, and since no one has continued to argue about any of those, I consider that I have adequately "defended" them.
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  9. #24
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    Level 63 Geek. Not bad, I think.

    Does it really matter if the questions or the quiz was flawed? After all, this was just something to do for fun. There's no need to call people lame or arrogant.

  10. #25
    Lv. 35 Riskbreaker opiumcloud's Avatar
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    Well, if you think that that a question has no correct answer, because of an oversight of the person who wrote it, it is extremely arrogant to just assume that the oversight couldn't possibly be your own.

    My test may have its flaws, but I would never respond to another person's test by calling it dumb, because of a question that I haven't even researched or asked about, where I suspect that perhaps there is not exactly one correct answer, based on my own limited knowledge of the game. Instead, I would politely suggest that either the testmaker or I was overlooking something, and ask the testmaker for a response. When someone does the former, that is arrogant, and I think that I have actually exhibited quite a bit of restraint, considering the slings and arrows hurled at me before I said that.

    Well, I shall correct myself on one matter. You guys aren't all arrogant. Just the ones who are doing the aforementioned. I apologize for anyone who I unduly slandered by saying "you guys are arrogant".
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  11. #26
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PuPu View Post
    Level 63 Geek. Not bad, I think.

    Does it really matter if the questions or the quiz was flawed? After all, this was just something to do for fun. There's no need to call people lame or arrogant.
    Yeah, exactly. At the end of the day it's just an online quiz.
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  12. #27
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heath View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PuPu View Post
    Level 63 Geek. Not bad, I think.

    Does it really matter if the questions or the quiz was flawed? After all, this was just something to do for fun. There's no need to call people lame or arrogant.
    Yeah, exactly. At the end of the day it's just an online quiz.
    To heck with the quiz, I'm getting far more enjoyment out of watching you guys verbally decimating each other than I got taking the quiz (which I didn't bother to finish because of an extremely annoying [and, to my mind, obvious] invalid question).
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    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  13. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by ljkkjlcm9 View Post
    this one upset me
    How about these characters? Which is capable of doing the most HP damage to a monster in a single turn, under optimal conditions?

    all of them can equip genji glove/offering and hit 8 times in a turn, and at level 99, all of them will do 9999 a hit
    my assumption is that you believe the answer to be Terra, because she can use Illumina and Atma Weapon, but you're wrong

    I stopped after reading that because the person making the test didn't even have ultimate FF knowledge

    Actually, he's right on that one. Even at level 99, no other character besides Terra out of the ones listed can cause 8*9999 damage. The Illumina isn't quite strong enough to cause that max damage either; the only way Terra can hit the max damage limit is if you steal another Atma Weapon from Kefka's tower at the end of the game and equip her with it for the final battle.

  14. #29
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karellen View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ljkkjlcm9 View Post
    this one upset me
    How about these characters? Which is capable of doing the most HP damage to a monster in a single turn, under optimal conditions?

    all of them can equip genji glove/offering and hit 8 times in a turn, and at level 99, all of them will do 9999 a hit
    my assumption is that you believe the answer to be Terra, because she can use Illumina and Atma Weapon, but you're wrong

    I stopped after reading that because the person making the test didn't even have ultimate FF knowledge

    Actually, he's right on that one. Even at level 99, no other character besides Terra out of the ones listed can cause 8*9999 damage. The Illumina isn't quite strong enough to cause that max damage either; the only way Terra can hit the max damage limit is if you steal another Atma Weapon from Kefka's tower at the end of the game and equip her with it for the final battle.
    lol not true, anyone can hit 9999x8 if you give the right esper bonuses
    and if you ask him, that's not even what he's talking about. He's referring to the Psycho Cyan glitch

    add me, PSN: ljkkjlcm9

  15. #30


    Psycho Cyan glitch wouldn't cause more damage, I don't think. The max HP any monster had in FFVI (until FFVI Advance, which fixed the Cyan glitch as far as I know) was just over 63, 0000. The monster dies right after Cyan finishes attacking, so it would never reach the maximum damage of the genji glove/offering combo, which is 79992, since the damage in the latter always plays out to full no matter what the HP on the monster being attacked is.

    I'm also fairly certain that the other characters can't reach max damage if they have the offering equipped. I would have to check the damage equations again but I don't think there is any weapon with a battle power high enough to hit the limit besides Atma Weapon and one of Locke's weapons which operate differently. The only way would be to cast berserk on them or something.

    EDIT: After checking the damage formula again I'm apparently wrong and other characters should theoretically be able to reach the limit. It just almost never happens because you hardly ever find monsters that have a low enough defense by the time you are actually at level 99. Never mind then.
    Last edited by Karellen; 11-08-2007 at 05:00 AM.

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