What has made you feel very chuffed (pleased) with yourself recently?

For me, walking to the top of Moel Famau in North Wales today. We walked right to the top! We were walking in the clouds for a while. It was really windy and pouring it down.

I, stupidly, signed up for the Duke of Edinburgh award a year ago, I completed Bronze and am now battling through Silver. For those who don't know what that is, it's basically something to keep teenagers active and productive; aswell as walking loads and doing lots of expeditions we have to volunteer at a service for 6 months, learn a skill for 6 months and complete 6 months worth of physical recreation. It's really hard work, but employers love it. To complete Bronze we completed a walk in Ribble valley (near Clitheroe in Lancashire) pitched up tent in a field and then walk the next day, I somehow managed it. To Complete Silver you have to do even more walking but pitch up tents twice and sleep for 2 nights and walk for 3 days. We have to carry everything we need in our huge ruck sacks, they weigh nearly 2 stone due to the tent/food/equipment. Anyone else foolishly sign up for Duke of Edinburgh?