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Thread: This is where black belts save the world

  1. #1
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Default This is where black belts save the world

    I have a lot of free time to waste this week, so here's what I decided to do:

    At level 1 the BB absolutely sucked. They only did 1-2 damage, and with Imps having 8 HP all three together couldn't take one down compare to the WM who sometimes could. Normally she only did 3-5 damage. I chose not to give them nunchucks which would currently increase their damage because that's what I normally would do in a game. The WM had her Wooden Staff.

    At level 2 the BB greatly improved, doing an average of 6 damage while the WM did an average of 8. I started having two BB attack an Imp, one go solo, and the WM soloed.

    At level 3 the occasional Mad Pony was no longer certain death. All party members started to do an average of 10-13 damage equally against Imps, with the BB starting to get critical hits a lot more frequently. At this point I strayed away from the forest around Coneria to start to fight wolves and GrImps (Grape Imps because they're purple ) more frequently, along with the occasional Spider. Sometimes I would run into couple of Creeps and get creamed. One Creep wasn't so bad. Bones could put up some damage, but they died (again) fast.

    At level 4 I went in the Temple of Fiends.

    Much to my surprise Garland did not knock me down!

    There was nothing much new in the way of monsters except for the zombies. They were pretty easy so I took them out with physical attacks. I wouldn't have wasted any of the WM magic slots to use Harm anyway since it shares the same space as Cure. By now my BB were starting to turn into powerhouses, always doing more damage than the WM. I gave her the Cap I found. Double Creeps were still a scary sight so I carried on to Provokia.

    Now I can begin my journey!

    I didn't stop by Matoya's Cave on the way because at this time it's sort of pointless. I did, however, get attacked by four Mad Ponies. Do you know what happened? I didn't die. Stupid ponies. I would be pretty mad too if I had a horn sticking out of my head. A single Iguana would destroy me without a lot a luck.. They have high defense and hit hard. Then I fought Bikke Boy's Love Crew.

    Each pirate went down with a single attack from each party member. All too easy. I bought Mute for my WM for the one time in the game it's useful, fighting Astos. I also got her an Iron Hammer. It's pretty pointless buying Gloves because they trade 1 evade for 1 absorb. For that matter, the Cap is pretty pointless too Then I leveled until I reached level five.

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    What happened next?
    Figaro Castle

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    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    I smoked a red then went to the internet cafe.

  4. #4
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Interesting stuff. Let us know when you've lost the will to live.
    There is no signature here. Move along.

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    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    At level 5 I tried to sail the sea! It was a dangerous place. The monsters did a lot of damage. I could usually take out a sahag with two BB, a critical hit would kill one, but it took all three and the WM to take out a shark. With her new weapon the WM was keeping up with the amount of damage my BB did but she was missing more often then they. OddEyes were one hit wonders. Kyzokus were the real threat. It took all three BB to kill one and they did decent damage. Luckily they missed a lot.

    At level 6 I traveled to Elfland. On the way there I noticed that my BB damage had doubled upon gaining a level! I bought my WM Cure2 and then eyeballed everything else I wanted to buy. Up until here I had been spending all my money stocking up on Heal Potions that I hadn't even used yet. Normally I never even buy them but this playthrough is a special case. Here in Elfland is where the BB usually starts to shine! While fighting for gold to buy my usual RM and WM spells, as well as Silver Swords for my Fi and RM I gain a few levels and the BB becomes a damage dealer equal to the Fi until he gets his Silver Sword. I still had much money to earn for spells so I went off to do so as I contemplated whether or not I would give the BB Copper Bracelets or not. Single Ogre fights were relatively easy and Asps didn't offer much but the occasional poison. The Ogre with three Creep combo was deadly, but Ogre with one Creep wasn't bad and the two Creep version wasn't too hard. Two Ogres miss often enough that it can be done. Arachnids took a lot to kill but didn't do much damage. I didn't dare go to the Provokia Tip. That would have been suicide. After I earned my first 1,000 I learned that even at level six it's too late to equip a BB with armor. It dropped the stats. Then it happened, the Ogre with GrOgre fight. Not possible to win. There's no way to damage the GrOgre enough to take it down before one of you die. 2 hits means 2 damage on that monster. By the time I reached level 7 my WM also had Harm2 and for some reason Heal, mostly because I figured I would need the levels before heading to the dreaded Marsh Cave.

    At the start of level 7 I was still fighting so I could buy Pure and be at a level where I could use it. It was now possible to kill an Ogre in one turn, but not likely. That means I could do 100 damage per turn. Did you already know Ogres have exactly 100HP? I already knew that. I made the 4000 shortly before reaching level 8 but kept on fighting to fully stock up on heal potions. After hitting level 8 I still needed twenty to go. The whole time I had been near Elfland only one fight with Werewolves went down and critical hits ending him fast.

    At level 8 I could now use my Pure spell exactly once! I feared the Ogre with three Creep combo no more. I hadn't ran into another Ogre with GrOgre to try with level 7 so I was anxiously hoping to run into one while earning enough to buy those last heal potions. It never happened. At this point I took a break to go eat scambled eggs and doughnuts for breakfast. Then I came back. Now, it's off to the Marsh Cave! I really think I'm too low-leveled and I'm going to die. I certainly wouldn't be going this early with my normal party, but then again that's probably because I would still be fighting for gold for another level or two. Now that I think about it the first time I played the game I had a party of Fi, Th, Bm, Wm and I beat this cave somehwere between the levels of 8-10, barely. So, who knows? On the way Ogres starting dying in one turn much more frequently as my BB got more comfortable with making multiple hits per turn. Werewolves and Arachnids were getting squished before they had much of a chance to poison me. Once inside the cave I went up to loot. My first fight was against Shadows and the BB were doing 30-40 damage each. Sweet! Fighting Scum, the green globs, is always retarded. I usually just run. There's no need to because they can't do more than 1 damage, but they just take so long to kill. Then, I ran into some Scorpions, once of my primary worries in here. They were doing 20-60 damage but I could kill one each turn and there were only two. One of them did manage to get a poison set in though There goes that one spell. Crawls were another thing to worry about, but it turns out they didn't do much damage and it only took two BB to kill, so it was pretty easy to do before they could get a stun in. R. Bones were doing 20-30 damage and took a small effort to kill. Gargoyles were a nightmare! They did some damage and often took more than a turn to kill. I had to run from a group of three. With the top floor cleared out, it was obviously time to leave and get to level 9. That's exactly what I did.

    At level 9 I felt much more confident about the Marsh Cave. This time I had two Pure spells A critical hit could kill an Ogre in one hit. I fought Bones all the way to the bottom floor. Yeah, those same Bones from the Temple of Fiends. Once down there I headed straight towards the Crown treasure chest. On the way a pack of three Werewolves attacked me and one of them managed to poison a BB. One Pure spell down. Then it happened again! Oh man. I sorta lucked out with the Wizards gaurding the Crown. Only three of them attacked me. They sometimes did some serious damage. One of my BB took a 74HP hit! It took a full turn to take down each wizard but in the end

    Oh yeah!

    Then I collected the rest of the treasure behind the unlocked doors. A Scum managed to poison me, but I cured it with one of the ten Pure potions I never told you I bought. Mucks were doing huge amounts of damage. Near the 50s. Next thing I knew I was getting jumped by six werewolves and everybody was getting poisoned! I barely survived. Then I left. On the way out I was attacked by three Gargoyles again, but I was out of Cure spells so I ran away. For me this is like doing a low level challenge with me being two levels below average as well as breaking my rule of not running unless it's the one-hit kill guys in the Ice Cave. I went back to the inn at Elfland before heading up to take on Astos. The first thing you want to do when you fight Astos is Mute him or there's a pretty good chance he'll rub you to death. He can also cast Fast and a lot of Elemental2 spells. After being muted, he's not hard at all.

    Then I leveled until I reached level 10.

  6. #6
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    I admire your seemingly blind determination and courage xD
    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  7. #7
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    I think the most suspenseful part was when you took a break to eat eggs and doughnuts. You can write ten times better than I can. Bravo!

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    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Did you make it to Melmond?
    Figaro Castle

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    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    At level 10 I was ready to open up much of the rest of the world for exploration. It was a time of great riches. It was a time of great fear. None of the monsters of the local land or on the sea could touch me. I headed to Matoya's Cave to trade her Crystal Eye for some Herb. Matoya is a lovely lady with skulls thrown here and there for just the right touch of interior decor. I ran into a two Ogre group just outside her... door? Cave hole? Yeah. Two of my BB could easily take them out. The least damage they did was 50, with an average of 75 and a critical hit that turned them into Ogre goo. Sometimes a single attack that wasn't critical would kill them. Then we sailed back to Elfland to get the prince his fix. He gave us the Mystic Key for it which I used to steal his treasures. My WM now had a Silver Hammer. Next I sailed to Castle Coneria to steal their treasures. Among them was some TNT. Lali-Ho! It was time to sail to the Dwarven Village because everybody knows dwarves always need TNT. It turns out a dwarf named Nerrick needed some to blow up a wall and flood everything! Well, not everything, but a canal that he dug single-handedly with a spoon. There was also a blacksmith who said he would make me a legendary sword if we found some Adamant because we were the Light Warriors! I hope it's not an ordinary sword of legend. Then we stole all their treasure. Now it was time to sail back into elf country. I couldn't decide if I wanted to loot Astos' abandoned castle or go back into the Marsh Cave first, but decided on the castle. There were some worrisome fights coming up. The Images guarding the first chest did damage in the 30s, but they died pretty easily. Then came the Mummies. They were doing an average of 40 damage and it took two BB to unravel without critical hits. The Power Staff in the last chest does the same amount of damage as the Silver Hammer but it hits 2% less so it always gets sold for the ton of cash it's worth. With that out of the way I decided I was brave enough to hit up the Cobras and Wizards guarding the Marsh Cave treasures without going to the inn first, so off I went. It was tough but I made it. I ran into a couple of triple Gargoyle fights down there and they weren't too bad now. Cobras could be killed two per turn. Wizards still hit for massive damage and were to be avoided at all costs. At one chest they couldn't be avoided but there were only two of them so it was alright. I gave the Silver Bracelet I found to the WM and then got the heck out of there. I finally had to use some of them Heal potions on the way out. By the time I reached Elfland I only needed 42 EXP to level so, I did.

    At level 11 it was time to dance in the glory of the rotting earth. I stopped at the inn in Coneria rather than Elfland or Melmond because it is cheaper and sold all the extra stuff I was carrying around, as well as restocked my Heal potions. You can't tell me Melmond isn't a cool name, because it is.

    It's Dr Unne

    In town I usually blow a ton of cash buying Steel Armor for my Fi and then level as I gain enough gold to buy everything else. This is done by going outside Crescent Lake and fighting Pedes, along with whatever else comes my way. I usually then also buy whatever gear and spells I may need from Crescent Lake. Not this time. I bought my WM Cure3, Harm3, and Life. She already had a Silver Bracelet so there was no real need to buy one. At this point it would have raised my BB absorb by 4 while only dropping evade by 1, but I still chose not to because that would change at the next level up anyway. Right away I headed to the Earth Cave to test my mettle. There was also a new fear, getting stoned. I didn't buy any Soft potions before I left. Cobras were much more frequent here but they were nothing I couldn't handle. Oftentimes I would kill them with one hit. I faced my first Earth elemental on the entry floor, and while they did a lot of damage, I average about 50 per hit and took them out in two turns. It was best to keep your HP really high around treasure chests where you knew they lurked. It took a heavy reliance on Heal potions to do so. I also got to fight GrOgres again! They took two BB and the WM to kill. Not too bad. Just for the fun of it I decided to try myself out against a Giant. They could be killed in one turn using everybody and did damage in the 30s. Bulls have some low defence and I was doing some awesome damage against them. I can't deny having an intimate relationship with this game helped a lot in here. I would of had to explore a lot of dead ends if I didn't have where to go memorized and it would have made a difference in the amount of Heal potions I used. By the time I cleared out the second floor of treasures and started heading to the third where the Vampire and petrify monsters lay in wait I reached level 12.

    At level 12 I felt much more comfortable about being here. I didn't know how well I would do against the Lich, but wasn't too concerned with the average random monsters. Earth Elementals were less of a threat too. At this level the average HP of my team was 200. In the first treasure room I got into a fight with three Specters and four Geists. Upon seeing this I immediately blurted out swear words in Korean, something I haven't done in years. Strange. I don't even know more than four Korean words. The fight wasn't as hard as I apparently expected it to be. Once again there were Mummies around but they were easy. Just before the last chest I killed a GrOgre with a single critical hit! I healed everybody up completely before fighting the Vampire. I don't know why, he's a wussy.

    I power my fists with orange juice bitch!

    Then I got the Ruby and left the Earth Cave in search of a big Rod. On the way out I ran into four Wizards and got scared less, but they were only doing half the damage from last time we fought so everything turned out okay. Once outside I went to the inn in search of warm food and sexy women but I ended up getting cold potatos and hairy truckdrivers. Did you know Melmond does not have an item shop? I did not remember that! I was down to 23 Heal Potions but instead of restocking I decided I would wait. Then, much to my surprise, I gained a level. These kinds of things usually don't sneak up on me!

    At level 13 I went in Search of Sarda and his big Rod in Sarda's Cave to the West of Melmond. Melmond First I had to get through another cave. There was a big smelly ogre in the way but I gave him the Ruby to get out of the way. It was shiny so he ate it.

    Close your mouth when you chew, jerk!

    There was treasure in his cave so I stole it. Just South to the outside of that cave was Sarda's Cave. He gave me his rod, then I went back to the Earth Cave after restocking on Heal potions. Once inside, GrOgres were dropping like flies with all the critical hits I was making. So were Cobras. I worked my away around to the plate, the plate you sense something evil underneath, and then SMASHED IT WITH MY ROD! It was exciting. Down here Trolls were very dangerous. The Sphynx in the treasure room was hard but doable with everyone at full HP. I took the first WzOgre out with a critical hit and the second one with two BB. Hyenas were a BB with WM combo. The next treasure room was much of the same. I leveled up before reaching the stairs to the last floor.

    At level 14 I was one floor away and a short walk from the Earth Fiend in the Earth Cave. Unless Lich casted Nuke, which he or she sometimes does, I was pretty sure I could win. I have no idea if Lich is a girl or some dude with earrings. I healed everybody up with Heal potions, leaving my WM with 3 Cure3s and a Cure2, then talked to the red ball thingy.

    Guy, girl, or sexy little dead thing?

    Lich went down in turn five without a single nuke cast! I used the heal spell instead of the Cure2, but that was it. Then I revived the power of the Orb and teleported outside. Now, I update this here, with killing Lich just past a level up.

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    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    You're much more dedicated than I am. I never go back to the Marsh Cave to get the treasure behind the Mystic Key doors.
    Figaro Castle

  11. #11
    o double d to the l e r oddler's Avatar
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    You're making me want to revisit this.

  12. #12


    I've not played through the NES version in a while... man, do I ever wish I could get a copy to work on a PAL system.

  13. #13
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReloadPsi View Post
    I've not played through the NES version in a while... man, do I ever wish I could get a copy to work on a PAL system.
    Get an emulator.

  14. #14
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    After leaving the Earth Cave I went to Coneria, sold all the stuff I found, and then stayed at the inn. Next, I set sail for Crescent Lake. Immediately after landing I was attacked by Bulls and Scorpions. Together, when it was two Bulls and six Scorpions, they could do a ton of damage that was devastating. I also was attacked by two Giants but they were no threat. In town I bought my WM the Soft spell then went and got the Canoe

    Canoes, they are made from wood made from trees.

    Once I had the Canoe I, Matt, and Cher took a four day fishing vacation together Then we met back up with the group and got ready to get back to work. This is where I always break off from the storyline and do my own thing. I'm not just talking about going to the Ice Cave and then the Gurgu Volcano either. Well, it starts off with going to the Ice Cave instead of the volcano, but then it's completely different. Just keep reading and you'll see how I do. I restocked Heal potions and headed towards to most dreaded of all dreaded places in this game, the Ice Cave. With Sorcerers and Mages that get one hit kills, and the Eye that can cast instant kill spells, the reset button on my NES often gets a workout here. I always run from Sorcerers and Mages, always. I hate having offset EXP. No need for a Th though. I never have a problem getting away Of course I had to get attacked by a Hydra in the lake on my way out. It got a pretty good hit in then died quickly. Then a Pede, which took all three BB to kill. I was taking a lot of damage on the river which lead me to believe inside the cave would be sure death. I was right. My first fight was against two Frost Dragons and they devestated me. Looks like my low levels were finally catching up. Never in my twelve years of playing this game have I been attacked by Frost Dragons on that floor. I went outside Crescent Lake to level. The EXP was better on the land here than on the Canoe, but I was taking a lot more damage too. I stuck it out as best I could. The trip to the Ice Cave and back netted me a lot of EXP and I leveld faster than expected.

    At level 15 I decided I still wasn't ready for the Ice Cave so I would gain another level. It was weird actually leveling in this game. Normally I just gain EXP as I fight for gold and that's enough, but this is such a cheap party that don't work at all. I could now kill the Caribes in the river with one hit every time. Not with my WM though. Heavens no, that would be ridiculous. Hydras were a two BB kill. Scorpions usually took one BB but sometimes were a BB with a WM to kill and Cobras were still a one hit death. It was still safer on the river. Pedes could poison and hit for 50 damage but I managed to kill a group of three without losing anyone.

    At level 16 it was time to go back to the Ice Cave. I hit the inn then headed out. The double Hydra fight still did some damage but everything else died before it could hurt. Once inside the Wraiths could do some damage when they didn't miss. I was using Heal potions buy the second floor. I had no problems running from Sorcerers or Mages, of course. This place is the one time in the game where I can fully justify the WM casting Harm spells instead of saving them for Cures so if needed that's what I do. The Frost Dragons were still deadly, but I managed to get some critical hits in before anyone died. They second time they force you to fight them there was only one and I had first attack so he never had a chance. The FrGiants and FrWolves didn't hurt unless more than one managed to get a Frost attack off. The GrPede (whether that stands for Great Pede or Green Pede is up to you) didn't get a chance to hit. A group of seven Wizards really did a lot of damage. I had to cast a Cure2 in battle to survive, and usually healing in battle is something I never have to do. Then came the Eye. I knew that speed would be the key to not letting anyone die.

    I poke stickies in your eye!

    Two critical hits and he was gone. Then I picked up the Floater. It wasn't over yet though. I still had to get back out again. A group of R. Bones were hanging around but they were nothing compared to the other horrors in the cave. A few Sorcerers to run from, some Perilisks to worry me about being stoned, and then I was out. I was under 800 EXP to next level, sooooo... on the way back I leveled.

    At 17 I made my way to the desert south of Crescent Lake. Using the Floater I raised the Airship.

    Awise fwom your Gwave!

    I took the Airship and flew back to Coneria to sell the loot, restock on Heal potions, and stay at the inn. After that I did what any cool kid would do and flew to Gaia to buy new stuff.

    Pink Sexy Lingerie?

    My WM got a ProRing and a Gold Bracelet. I also got the BB Gold Bracelets because it raised their absorb 7 and only dropped their evade by 1. It took all but 6000 of my gold but that's okay because the WM couldn't use any of the spells. I was about to fix that. My next stop was back at the ship because I always sail straight into the Castle of Ordeals rather than fly close to it and have to walk. On the way there a Sahag ran away from me! When you get inside a Sage tells you that you have to possess the crown to test your courage. That never made any sense to me. Is he talking about the Crown you got back in the Marsh Cave? If so, it's impossible to get here before you find that. Is it some sort of reference to King Bahamut, since he would have a crown as king and this is the castle he fled because of monsters? I don't know. Anyway, I went into the upper-left room and sat on the throne. I have this maze memorized as far as what pillar to touch so no problems there. The ZomBulls didn't do much damage. They took two BB to send back to the land of the dead. The MudGols guarding the treasure halfway through could really hurt a lot but everyone was fully healed so we lived. They didn't get any attacks off after a successful fast spell. It took two BB to kill each, or one BB with a good critical hit. The Zeus Gauntlet was tucked away, safetly awaiting the time when I would enter the Underwater Temple. Mancats really hurt when they shot off Fire2, but most of the time they used useless status effect spells. On the top floor the Nitemares guarding the doorway got a first attack and did some decent damage but not enough to worry about. Two BB to kill each and they were gone. Then I got the Heal Staff. Oh hell yeah! Went straight into my WM inventory and that's what she started to use every turn. It was while fighting some R.Goyles that I realized I never looted the Temple of Fiends with the Mystic Key. Anyway, their physical attacks didn't hurt but my party took a lot of damage from them. Then it was time for the Zombie Dragons. My Cure3 spells were saved for this fight so I healed up everybody by using Heal potions, a first for this castle. There were two of them. First, my WM uselessly used the Heal Staff. One dragon hit a BB for less damage than I would have expected but it stunned him. The remaining two killed the other one. Then we all ganged up on the remaining dragon before it hurt anyone. The Rat Tail was ours!

    Zombie Dragons are scary

    I stepped on the throne, strutted out of the place, and then sailed to my Airship so I could fly to Bahamut. Along the way I used the Zeus Gauntlet a few times as evil laughter bounced around inside my head. Before going to see the king I looted the Temple of Fiends and then most of his side caves along the way. I always thought it was kinda cool the way the candles in Bahamut's chamber make out the shape of a dragon's head. I went to said chamber and showed Bahamut proof that I am couragious.

    Check out them sexy (Jedi) Masters

    Then I stole the treasure out of the rest of his caves It was time to buy a lot of spells. I sold the extra equipment found and restocked Heal potions. My WW picked up Exit, Cure4, and Harm4 before running out of Gold. Those were the only ones I needed at the time anyway. Now I needed gold so I could go to the Caravan and buy some bottled fairy. While earning it, you'll never guess what happened. I leveled.

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    At level 18 I got tired of fighting for the 50000 gold needed to I went to the Waterfall. River monsters were stronger on the way but not strong enough. On the inside WzMummies and Mummies were nothing to be scared of. Nitemares were much of the same. I'm not even sure what Snorting does. It's always turned out inneffective. I got a first stike on a MudGol so that was easy. Guarding the door to the treasure room was a WzMummy, a Perilisk, and seven Mummies. One of the BB took all the hits and came close to dying, but didn't. The Ribbon went to my WW and then I got the Cube from the robot who fell from the sky. The four WZMummies and five Mummies guarding the door on the way out went much smoother. I had to start using Heal potions on the way out. There was a fight with three MudGols that I got first strike on and my BB were taking each out with one hit. When I got outside I sold all the stuff, bought Heal potions, and saved at the inn at Coneria. Then I flew to the Caravan. It was there that I bought the Bottle of fairy juice. When I opened it a fairy jumped out and flew away. I chased it to Gaia. At the spring there the fairy gave me Oxyale. Oxyale is oxygen you can breath underwater! With this amazing new thing I took off for the Underwater Temple. Sailing the river on the way there I once again leveled up.

    At level 19 it was time to take on the top floor of the Underwater Temple. I hit up the inn then got on the floaty barrel thingy. Once I got there I moved the Zeus Gauntlet into my WW inventory. I would need her doing damage far more than using the Heal Staff. I ignored the first floor treasures and headed up the stairs. A Shark and two GrSharks attacked me. Sharks are old and nothing to sweat about. The GrSharks went down with two BB and a Lit2 from the gauntlet. R.Sahags went down from the gauntlet and WzSahags didn't last much longer afterwords. This place is awesome for useful items. Once finding the Light Axe and Mage Staff they went into my WW inventory. It was now filled up! Water Elementals around treasure chests didn't do much damage but they took three BB to kill. Much to my surprise SeaSnakes didn't hurt at all. The Light Axe made ghosts easier, but fighting them always sucks because of the massive damage they can do. In very short time I made it to the top floor.

    That is because you are not wearing a shirt.
    Mermaid porn

    I like this floor. My WW got the Opal Bracelet, then I found the Slab! A slab of what, beef? Whatever it is Dr Unne can use it to learn long lost languages so off I went to have a talk with him. It was a good time to get the treasures on the first floor because my party was in much better shape than expected. Before reaching the door they also made level 20.

    At level 20 the first thing I did was talk to Dr Unne. From this mystery Slab he learned the ancient language of the Lefeinish and then taught it to us in an instant because we are smart. Smart enough to go to the inn at Coneria after that. Then we sold all that extra stuff we were carrying around and left for Lefein. It was a long walk full of scary R.Anklo monsters. Monsters that I ran from because they aren't worth killing. The FrWolves died instantly from the Mage Staff. Giants were a joke by now and the Tyros didn't put up much of a fight. After I got there they gave me a Chime. Through the little passageway to the hidden magic shop I bought Life2 for the WW. She couldn't use it yet, but I didn't want to come back. They eat funny food. Gaia was my next stop to buy the Wall spell. As far as I can remember I've never used this spell but I always buy it. Meh, oh well. Then I talked to this broom

    Why, yes I do

    Heal3 needed to be bought at Onrac so that's where I went, and then I bought it. Now, the Mirage Tower calls and I am ready for it. Almost ready, I went to the inn first. Once in the Mirage Tower there was a Badman inside.

    I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad man!

    Several of them. They hurt a lot but didn't turn out to be so bad after all when two BB attacking could kill them. My old friends the Vampires were also here. Still wussies! Treasure on the first floor contained nothing useful except a Heal Helm which went to my third BB in line. Floor two had Chimeras who could do a decent amount of damage with Cremate but with two healing items I really didn't care. Guards couldn't do anything using a Heal Staff couldn't fix but took three BB to kill. Before I reached the treasures I made it to level 21. Now we were getting somewhere!

    At level 21 I was almost to the treasures on the second floor of the Mirage Tower. A Cerberus would fall over dead with one BB, while Scorch didn't do over 20. Once I got to the treasures my WW equiped the Thor Hammer, which is exactly what I come here to get before going to the lower levels of the Underwater Temple. With that in hand, I left. A stop by Coneria to stay at the inn and sell my newly aquired stuff and I was ready to go. My WW had her Thor's hammer for Lit2, Heal Staff for Heal, and Light Axe for Harm2, while one BB had the Mage Staff for Fire2, one had the Zeus Gauntlet for Lit2, and one had the Heal Helm for Heal. I don't smurf around in this place. When I got inside I headed down the stairs. Everything we came across we did 300 damage to, with the exception of Ghosts which I was well prepared for. When I picked up the second Light Axe I gave it to the BB who had the Zeus Gauntlet. The Ribbon added 3 defense while only taking away 1 evade, plus other advantages, so the first BB in line took it. Down here I hit level 22.

    At level 22 I was in the bottom of the Underwater Temple and soon at Kraken. I wanted to say I didn't use any Heal potions to get here so I used all my WW spells but her two Cure4s and started the fight with nobody except Jake at full HP. The first turn Kraken got in a good hit on my WW, then it didn't stand a chance. On the second turn she (I always assume Krakens a girl and you can't really prove it's not) fell to my fists of fury.

    So long, sucka!

    Two Orbs had now been revived!

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