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Thread: This is where black belts save the world

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    Actually, she responded to you.

  2. #17
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    It was time to head back to Mirage Tower and enter the Sky Castle. I sold the extra Light Axe and the Power Gauntlet I had picked up. One the inside of the tower nothing could hurt me now. Fighting the Blue Dragon guarding the entrance to the castle was a joke. The kind of joke that took two BB for a punchline. On the inside badmen had become frequently a one BB kill. Eyes were like nothing to slay before they could get a death spell off. The ProRing that I found taught me that as a Master they increased absorb by 8 and only lowered evade by 1 now. I would be equiping the one I find in here and then buying one more once I got back outside. Having the second Heal Helm was awesome! As always, an Air Elemental was hard to kill. It took all three BB. A GrNaga took two. While clearing out the second floor's treasures I made it to the next level.

    At level 23 I figured out a critical secret about the Master. While checking to see how the equiped armor was affecting their stats I learned that if they have a bracelet equiped then when they equip anything else such as a ProRing or Ribbon then their absorb would not drop to 1. If you took the bracelet off and then equiped anything else their absorb would drop to 1. This is a very important discovery that I've never heard of anyone else knowing! I must make a thread about it. Anyways, I continued to gather treasure. Some Opal Armor and a Silver Helmet had to be dropped to pick up the White Shirt and Black Shirt which I really had no intention of using anyway The RockGols in here only took a hit to kill. With the Adamant I found I intended to go back to the Dwarven Village after I killed Tiamat. WzVamps were just as useless are regular Vampires were. More Opal stuff was dropped for another ProRing. R.Hydra monsters used Cremate but it didn't hurt since everyone was protected. They died with one BB just like everything else in here The last piece of the Opal set was dropped for the ProCape. Manticores couldn't touch me! Crossing the bridge I was anxious to see if I would get in a fight with Warmech or not. Two Air Elementals attacked me but they didn't manage to hurt anyone before dying. What they did do was cause me to level up!

    At level 24 I was just outside Tiamat's door. Everyone was at full HP and I hadn't even cast a spell or used a Heal potion. Of course I used the Bane sword to kill him.

    I will punch a hole in your head!

    Right away I went to go buy another ProRing. Then I rearranged everything around so that this is what it looked like:

    Jake equiped with a Gold Bracelet, Ribbon, ProRing, and had a Heal Helm in the fourth slot. Absorb 33 Evade 66.

    Matt equiped with a Gold Bracelet, Ribbon, ProRing, and had a Heal Helm in the fourth slot. Absorb 33 Evade 65.

    Mark equiped with a Gold Bracelet, Ribbon, ProRing, and had the Zeus Gauntlet in the fourth slot. Absorb 33 Evade 65.

    Cher equiped with the Opal Bracelet, ProRing, ProCape, and had the fourth slot left open. Absorb 50 Absorb 63.

    Now, if you remember I completely ignored the Gurgu Volcano. It was time to go back. First things first I needed to go to the Dwarven Village and turn my Adamant into a sword. It turned out the sword he made was just an ordinary sword of legend so I sold it. Finally it was time to go to the volcano. I flew right up to it. You can imagine how easy everything was at this point. Some of the monsters were even running away from me! I ignored all treasure and went straight for the fiend. Along the way I got into a random fight with a Grey Worm who took two BB to kill. That's good information to know for the Temple of Fiends, were I would be heading soon. Just for the fun of it I fought the Red Dragon guarding the Flame Armor. One hit, 300 damage, and he never threw flames at anybody ever again. Naturally, I was at full HP when I talked to the shiny red ball thingy from the healing items. Kary (I know this one is a girl) hit the WW for thirty-someting damage but after that didn't even last to the end of the first round.

    See? Boobs? Totally a girl.

    The last fiend was dead and all four Orbs shined brightly! I stepped outside and went to Coneria's inn one last time. I also sold the Flame Armor. This is definately the lowest level I've gotten to this point at. My WW couldn't even cast a life2 yet, but that's okay because other than Chaos the only thing that I really cared about was whether or not Lich would cast Nuke. I also have where in here to go memorized (as well as everywhere else in the game ) so no need to worry about making wrong turns. Four Gas Dragons attacked me inside but they each died with one hit so they never had the chance to use Poison. Then it happened again and they shot a Poison off. BB only took about 30 damage with the Ribbons, but the WW took over 100. Phantom was in the room with the plate, the other plate you sense something evil underneath, and I knew he had some instant death spells but two BB finished him off. I picked up the useless gold and then played a bitchin' tune on my Lute to break the plate. Just before the steps on the next floor I reached 25.

    At level 25 I could now use Life2 once if I felt like casting exit and resting at an inn, but I didn't. GrMedusas on the Earth floor never succeed when casting Glance so I used a fight against them to max out my HP with healing items before fighting Lich. Nuke is something to be very wary of against him. Then of course after all my blubbering Lich did have to cast Nuke! One of my guys was down to 70 HP but they all survived. Lich died after two attacks. On the Fire floor I used an easy fight to refill my HP. The second ProCape was left behind because it could not be equiped by anybody. Kary pulled off a massive critical hurting one of my guys for 300 damage but he lived, then after four attacks she did not live. Once again I used an easy monster, a fight wih one SeaTroll left, to max out HP before moving on to Kraken. Her lightning attack did 20 to the BB and 100 to the WW. Five hits later she died. Now it was time to go after the Masmune. There really is no easy fight on the Air floor so I used Cures and Cure2s to heal up. Then what do you know, I gained a level.

    At level 26 I was a short walk from getting the Masmune and then taking on Tiamat in the Temple of Fiends. Equipping my WW with the Masmune brought her attack to 66, which was only 14 higher than my BB. Everyone had a hit of 70%. At this point I could cast exit, go to an inn and save, then come back to take on Chaos, but I didn't. Before fighting Tiamat I used my old rusty Heal potions to get everyone close enough to full health. Instead of using the Bane sword I was going to fight him. He went down in the third turn after doing some pretty good damage. Then, it was time. I walked up to the staircase, took it, then walked into Garland's chamber. More Heal potions filled my HP before I let Garland begin his evil villian monolouge. It was time to see just whether or not I could win. Garland transformed into Chaos and attacked. His Ice3 spell did 40 damage to the BB and 100-something to the WW. Attacking, the WW missed while one BB did 100 damage the others did 200 damage. The fight went on with Chaos sometimes using Crack and missing everybody and sometimes casting slow and stuff until the end when the WW hit for 279!

    I never want to here another bad thing about a black belt again.

    The world had been saved! But then again, when did it ever happen? Stupid time-loop.

    Note for anyone who decides to re-attempt this following my footsteps: I am very experienced at this game. If you are not, I don't recommend doing things at the same levels that I did them. Try them at higher levels or you might get pretty frustrated starting way back at the beginning when I was level 5 and hit the seas.

  3. #18
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Well played!

    Looks like you're ready for the solo black belt challenge now...
    Figaro Castle

  4. #19
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    You NEED Save States for a solo Black Belt.

  5. #20
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Or unlimited patience.
    Figaro Castle

  6. #21


    Perhaps a shot at four Black Belts (i.e. no White Mage) would be in order? It's just too smeggin' easy in DoS, you see...

    Anyway, it's about time someone breathed more life into this subforum. It's been a while since Martyr left and THE JACKAL seems a hell of a lot less frequent. FF1 flat out does not get the recognition it deserves.

    Oh, by the way, you could've just used the BANE sword on Chaos. It worked in the speedrun anyway.
    Last edited by ReloadPsi; 11-28-2007 at 11:50 PM.

  7. #22
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    I'm around... but I must say it was pretty anti-climatic that the WW got the final blow on Chaos... just saying... defeated the whole purpose of proving the Black Belts are good... because we all know anyone is good with a Masamune

    and solo thief is far harder than solo Black belt... Only thing Theif is good at is running, which keeps you sucking the whole game. Black Belt gets good overtime.

    add me, PSN: ljkkjlcm9

  8. #23
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Single Black mage is the hardest challenge ever.

  9. #24
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    Since I'm such a wuss, I might try single Fighter then I'll progress onto harder challenges. :P

  10. #25
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sagensyg View Post
    Since I'm such a wuss, I might try single Fighter then I'll progress onto harder challenges. :P
    one party games are interesting, you can move faster, yet you can't. You gain levels 4x as fast, cause you get all the exp yourself, but you need to be stronger for each individual fight. If you fight at the same rate, you'll find yourself gain levels faster than you're use to, maybe even become higher than you need to be. IE, with single fighter, if you fight to get money for a Silver Sword, you will never need to try and level again, just fight everything after that, from my experience

    Last edited by ljkkjlcm9; 11-29-2007 at 01:52 PM.
    add me, PSN: ljkkjlcm9

  11. #26


    I prefer one party games with myself anyway, but then again I like playing with myself
    Let's not masquerade as other members, shall we?


  12. #27
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Should've kept them as BB's. Could've saved the world in baby blue sweat pants.
    There is no signature here. Move along.

  13. #28
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sagensyg View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ReloadPsi View Post
    I've not played through the NES version in a while... man, do I ever wish I could get a copy to work on a PAL system.
    Get an emulator.
    or better yet, a DreamCast.

    Congratulations, you are a hero to BB fanatics everywhere!!!

  14. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Sagensyg View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ReloadPsi View Post
    I've not played through the NES version in a while... man, do I ever wish I could get a copy to work on a PAL system.
    Get an emulator.
    That's what I use, but I hate doing it. For some reason I only usually get into a game when I'm holding the authentic controller. Peculiar eh?

  15. #30
    o double d to the l e r oddler's Avatar
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    Definitely not peculiar. I totally agree with you.

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