In this thread talk about old Nintendo Games (Ice Climbers, Balloon Fighters, Urban Champion, Kid Icarus, etc.) on the NES that didn't have any sequels on other systems. So don't discuss Zelda, Metroid, or anything that had a game that wasn't on the NES.

I personally liked Devil World the best out of all of them. It's like Pac-Man but it has a moving screen, flaming crosses, eyeballs, devils, bibles, evil sources that needed to be stopped with bibles, and a lot of other things that make it a lot more fun than the original Pac-Man. Mach Rider was also really awesome because of the music and how the main character would blow up and come back together in less than 5 seconds. Urban Champion I was never really good at. Balloon Fighters, Ice Climbers, and Clu Clu Land was really fun especially with a partner helping you out. I did find Ice Climbers really difficult though while in Balloon Fighters and Clu Clu Land I could make defeat the game and make it to the first level again quite easily.