I know, that's not the most burning question in the game, but it's one of the few mysteries I haven't solved.

I'm putting together a complete script with all the little nitty-gritties, mostly for obsessive compulsive fanfic writers like myself who prefer to have our backstory and side-characters well-grounded.

The one thing I can't find: if you tell poor Clasko to stay a chocobo knight, is there ever another scene with him, or is that it? If you tell him to become a chocobo breeder he winds up working on the S.S. Winno. Has anyone ever found his "alternate ending," and if so, where should I look?

I've been traipsing all over Spira with a No-Enc weapon, from Besaid to Bikanel, the Auroch's Locker Room to Zanarkand, and I have yet to find the poor clod.