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  1. #1
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    In the Chrysanthemum garden

    FFXIV Character

    Kazane Shiba (Adamantoise)
    • Former Cid's Knight

    Default Character Building Rules

    Here’s the basic sign-up for your character:

    Physical Description:
    Personality Description:

    Pretty standard stuff, I’ll go over the interesting points.

    Race: Race can be any of the races listed in the Country Building section. Generally PCs will want to have a race that’s prominent in their kingdom.

    Job: Job is the class of your character, which defines their abilities. Since EoFF is a Final Fantasy site, the world of Eizon functions under the job system as seen in many Final Fantasies. Each job will be graded on a rank from S to E, S being astoundingly good, E being the worst (other grades being A, B, C, and D). Offense is physical attack power, Defense is how well you shrug off blows, Vitality is the amount of hits you can take before going down, Agility is how quick and sneaky you are, Magic is how well you can utilize skills and spells. Here’s a brief list and summary:

    Paladin: Virtuous warriors of light, Paladins are powerful warriors that specialize in defensive properties. They can shield others from harm, command minor white magic, and unleash powerful holy sword skills that can devastate foes. Paladins are strong defensive combat classes.
    Offense: B
    Defense: S
    Vitality: B
    Agility: D
    Magic: C

    Dark Knight: Mighty warriors of darkness, Dark Knights specialize in offensive superiority. They can steal health and mystic energy from their foes, as well as command minor black magic and unleash devastating dark sword skills that can tear through ranks of soldiers with ease, albeit at the expense of their own vitality. Dark Knights are strong offensive combat classes.
    Offense: A
    Defense: A
    Vitality: B
    Agility: D
    Magic: C

    Magic Knight: Magic Knights are a special kind of warrior that can strike with magically imbued weapons. Magic Knights are more balanced combat classes than either Paladins or Dark Knights, but can achieve comparable performance to either by using spells to augment their fighting ability.
    Offense: B
    Defense: B
    Vitality: B
    Agility: C
    Magic: B

    Monk: Monks are strong fighters who train to make their body a living weapon. They tend to soak damage well, although due to their light armament their defensive capabilities leave much to be desired. By manipulating their inner ki, Monks can perform a number of feats, such as healing themselves and others around them or empowering their abilities to make themselves stronger, faster, or tougher.
    Offense: B
    Defense: C
    Vitality: S
    Agility: B
    Magic: C

    Samurai are solid offensive fighters with a reasonable defense and good evasive abilities. They are skilled in several techniques, the most notable of which is the ability to draw out the soul of a katana and unleash its power upon their foes. Like the Magic Knight, Samurai have a good level of mystic power, which they use to augment the spirits within the katana and bend them to their will.
    Offense: B
    Defense: B
    Vitality: B
    Agility: B
    Magic: C

    Dragoons, or Dragon Knights, are trained in the art of taking to the air, almost as if a dragon in flight, and coming down on their foes. In addition, they learn to emulate several techniques known to dragons, such as the abilities to unleash deadly flame or cold through their very breath. Dragoons are solid both offensively and defensively, but aren’t exceptional at either.
    Offense: B
    Defense: B
    Vitality: A
    Agility: C
    Magic: D

    Thief: Thieves are quick and agile. Their offensive and defensive capabilities are significantly lower than most physical-based jobs, but they are skilled at avoiding detection and striking hard and fast. Thieves excel at catching their foe unaware, where they can target the vitals for extra damage. Thieves are also skilled at lifting items from their foes or finding treasure or secret paths hidden from plain view.
    Offense: D
    Defense: D
    Vitality: C
    Agility: S
    Magic: E

    Ninja: Ninja, like thieves, are quick and agile, but they benefit from a greater offensive power and the ability to use a number of thrown weapons and mystic arts. Ninja skills have great versatility, but Ninja themselves are somewhat fragile and specialize in sneakier hit-and-run tactics, much like the thief.
    Offense: C
    Defense: D
    Vitality: C
    Agility: A
    Magic: C

    Hunter: Hunters favor bows and guns. They aren’t particularly durable or strong, but their attacks are devastating at range. They are skilled at focusing their concentration on a target to deliver crippling shots, and can learn to imbue their weapon with mystic force to fire magically-empowered projectiles.
    Offense: C
    Defense: D
    Vitality: C
    Agility: B
    Magic: C

    Berserker: Berserkers possess unnatural strength and the ability to drive themselves into a frenzied rage to further hone their combat prowess. Berserkers have high physical abilities in all areas, but their versatility is somewhat lacking, while they can use their strength and toughness to barrel through most challenges they lack the tactical options to use any other solution than brute force when confronted by a problem.
    Offense: S
    Defense: A
    Vitality: S
    Agility: D
    Magic: E

    Black Mage: Black Mages have the power to summon magic in its purest, most destructive form. Although physically frail, they can bring forth intense flame and cold, summon lightning from the skies and even call down meteors from orbit.
    Offense: D
    Defense: E
    Vitality: D
    Agility: C
    Magic: S

    White Mage: White Mages possess the power to heal wounds and drive away any number of afflictions. While their offensive power is lacking, they are slightly more sturdy than black mages, and high-rank White Mages can summon forth powerful holy magic to devastate their foes with pure divine fury.
    Offense: E
    Defense: D
    Vitality: D
    Agility: C
    Magic: S

    Summoner: Summoners are a small clan of mages who have the power to form pacts with powerful spirits and can call them into battle to do their bidding. Summons offer a great deal of versatility to the Summoner, but the Summoner is often required to defeat or otherwise cajole more powerful spirits into making a pact with them. While summoners can attain a great deal of personal power and are far more versatile than either a Black or White mage, their power is directly linked to the spirits they are friendly with. If a summoner fails to maintain his end of the bargain with his spirits, they won’t fight for him at full capacity, assuming they answer his call in the first place.
    Offense: E
    Defense: D
    Vitality: D
    Agility: C
    Magic: S

    Necromancer: Where Summoners make pacts with benign spirits, Necromancers animate soulless husks and have the power to bind spirits, unwilling or not, to animate dead or nonliving matter.
    Offense: E
    Defense: D
    Vitality: D
    Agility: C
    Magic: S

    Blue Mage: Blue Mages are far more durable than most mages, possessing decent physical attributes down the board. Their true power, however, is learning the abilities of monsters that they witness in combat. While their physical abilities alone will never match that of a Paladin or Dark Knight, they can hold their own in combat and augment themselves or their allies with an impressive array of skills known only to the monsters or unleash powerful offensive or healing techniques that monsters utilize in combat.
    Offense: C
    Defense: C
    Vitality: C
    Agility: D
    Magic: B

    Time Mage: Time Mages have the power to warp and distort time and space, increasing or decreasing a person’s speed or even causing a person’s movement to stop entirely, for a time. In addition, they can utilize spells that draw their power from space, giving them a decent array of strictly offensive spells that can wreak havoc upon their foes.
    Offense: D
    Defense: E
    Vitality: D
    Agility: C
    Magic: S

    Geomancer: A geomancer’s power is intrinsically tied to the world around them. Geomancers are adept warriors, much like the Blue Mage, but their true strength comes from their ability to summon magic from the world around them and bring it to bear upon their enemies.
    Offense: C
    Defense: C
    Vitality: C
    Agility: D
    Magic: B

    Red Mage: Often known as a jack of all trades, Red Mages are good at physical combat and a smattering of white and black magic. While they are good at just about everything, they are great at nothing, meaning they can never match a job in the job’s chosen field, but their versatility grants them advantages that no other job possesses.
    Offense: C
    Defense: C
    Vitality: C
    Agility: C
    Magic: C

    Bard/Dancer: While not as physically adept as Red or Blue Mages, Bards and Dancers can hold their own in physical combat. Their true power, however, is derived from the power of their song or dance. Bards use their song to uplift and inspire those around them, making them ideal leaders for large units of troops. Dancers, on the other hand, entrance their foes with their dances, making it harder for them to fight. Both jobs can be held by either gender. In addition, Bards and Dancers are some of the most socially adept characters, making them ideal for diplomatic missions.
    Offense: C
    Defense: D
    Vitality: C
    Agility: A
    Magic: B

    Mediator: Mediators are all about the word. They are proficient with guns, although they are not the best combat characters. Their greatest ability, however, is to convince monsters and other characters to join their side. They are skilled at twisting words to their favor, and are the best diplomatic job around, although bards and dancers are certainly not lagging too far behind. Mediators also are good at issuing commands and inspiring other troops through their words, making good generals.
    Offense: D
    Defense: D
    Vitality: C
    Agility: B
    Magic: B

    Chemist: Chemists are skilled with the use of items, as well as with mixing items together to provide unique effects. They are proficient with guns, just like Mediators, but also like Mediators they are not particularly adept, physically. Their major skill comes in the ability to craft and use powerful items to create effects magic cannot, and by mixing two items together to further boost their combat potential.
    Offense: D
    Defense: D
    Vitality: C
    Agility: B
    Magic: B

    Rank: Rank is a scale of 1 to 10. All ruler PCs start at rank 3, all other PCs start at rank 2. All Mercenary or Barbarian leaders start at rank 4, and other PCs under Mercenary or Barbarian bands start at rank 3. As your character performs great deeds (these don’t necessarily have to be combat-related), they can petition for higher rank. Higher-ranking characters have access to more numerous and potent abilities and are generally stronger than lower-rank characters. A character's rank multiplied by 1,000 is the amount of soldiers that can be under his or her direct control.

    Allegiance: This is the country to which your character is aligned. Unaligned characters are usually leaders of a smaller military force, and can act either as mercenaries, selling their swords to the highest bidder, or as wandering barbarians, invading other kingdoms and pillaging their land.

    Station: This is your character’s position within their kingdom. The founder of a kingdom is a Monarch (or President or whatever), for example, whereas the leader of an independent force or a kingdom’s military leader is a General.

    The rest is pretty much self-explanatory. Player characters are far more powerful than normal characters, they can generally easily defeat a number of soldiers 100 times their rank Dynasty Warriors-style.

    Skills: These are the spells and abilities your character can learn. Skill charts are still being worked on, but the rules and some of the class skills are up. You may hide the skills of yourself or your NPC generals, simply PM us the skills you know and we'll put it in your log.

    Post all character submissions in this thread for approval by one of the Coordinators. All NPC hires must also be posted here, although they aren't required to have a backstory (basic description and personality are still required).

    If you wish to hire an NPC in secret (generally used for hiring Assassins or spies), you may instead PM a coordinator for approval.
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